Time to put politics back on the kitchen table.

I was at a bar last night and I said something political to the table. Everyone said no talking politics at the bar. I said we need to stop not talking about politics because that allows the democrats to control the message. Because you refuse to talk about the what, whys, and wheres with each other the stories never come to the surface. It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
Never Mind, and You Will Never Matter
Yep almost 90 here.
46 degrees this morning. 62 degrees here, now after never making it out of the 60s. We got your October. Supposed to be frost tomorrow morning with temps mid to lower 30s.
I was at a bar last night and I said something political to the table. Everyone said no talking politics at the bar. I said we need to stop not talking about politics because that allows the democrats to control the message. Because you refuse to talk about the what, whys, and wheres with each other the stories never come to the surface. It is time to stand up and voice your opinion freely. Stop being afraid.
Spot on. Leftyism cancer spreads more easily when political discussions are suppressed.

Same with family dinner table. Family is not strong if you can't talk about certain things.
I don't go to bars. Being unarmed makes me nervous and the Wife would be displeased.
Coming from the UK I cannot imagine what it is like to live like that. That you cannot engage in social life as you wish because of fear for your life would for me be an intolerable way to live. Not because I have to go to bars but because I do not have this fear except possibly after a terrorist attack when I was living in a city. Living in fear just isn't how I need to live. I would suggest this must psychologically affect you in other ways to.

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