Time to hold the media accountable for fake news


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Fake news not only damages America it destroys lives.

Lawyers for the kids in covington kentucky have threated to sue the media if they refuse to detract their propaganda in covington. I think they should sue .....irregardeless of whether or not the media admits and apologizes for this despicable incident of trying to demonize and ruin the lives of Children in order to promote their fake narrative of minority victimhood.

Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

You are fortunate that I am here to enlighten you. BTW fox news is not a true conservative outfit....just a tad bit better than the rest. Their idiot mantra of 'fair and balanced news' reveals their agenda very clearly....as in why does the truth need to be balanced? Just report the facts aka the truth. That should be the goal of a real media organization....but as we all see now when we turn on the news...mainly propaganda.

Poll: 77 percent say major news outlets report 'fake news'

Collusion By Newspapers Proves Trump's Point: The Media Are Biased
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

You are fortunate that I am here to enlighten you. BTW fox news is not a true conservative outfit....just a tad bit better than the rest. Their idiot mantra of 'fair and balanced news' reveals their agenda very clearly....as in why does the truth need to be balanced? Just report the facts aka the truth. That should be the goal of a real media organization....but as we all see now when we turn on the news...mainly propaganda.

Poll: 77 percent say major news outlets report 'fake news'
That's nice kid.

Does not change what I said one teeny tiny bit though.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

You are fortunate that I am here to enlighten you. BTW fox news is not a true conservative outfit....just a tad bit better than the rest. Their idiot mantra of 'fair and balanced news' reveals their agenda very clearly....as in why does the truth need to be balanced? Just report the facts aka the truth. That should be the goal of a real media organization....but as we all see now when we turn on the news...mainly propaganda.

Poll: 77 percent say major news outlets report 'fake news'
That's nice kid.

Does not change what I said one teeny tiny bit though.

Get a clue boyo....open your eyes and read............

Dangerous idiots: how the liberal media elite failed working-class Americans
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

So do it. Remember, you'll have to prove your case in court. An impossibility for you.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

You are fortunate that I am here to enlighten you. BTW fox news is not a true conservative outfit....just a tad bit better than the rest. Their idiot mantra of 'fair and balanced news' reveals their agenda very clearly....as in why does the truth need to be balanced? Just report the facts aka the truth. That should be the goal of a real media organization....but as we all see now when we turn on the news...mainly propaganda.

Poll: 77 percent say major news outlets report 'fake news'

Collusion By Newspapers Proves Trump's Point: The Media Are Biased
I have no problems with holding media accountable for fake news BUT only when republicans grow a set of balls and do the same to the pos in our WH and all his BS
I have no problems with holding media accountable for fake news BUT only when republicans grow a set of balls and do the same to the pos in our WH and all his BS

Please cite where the Republicans, and the President have lied. If it does happen it is very rare, especially compared by daily lies and omission of the Media which is over 95% Democrat controlled. They are far leftists, and omit stories that don't fit their agenda, and make up, or spin stories to do the same.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

You are fortunate that I am here to enlighten you. BTW fox news is not a true conservative outfit....just a tad bit better than the rest. Their idiot mantra of 'fair and balanced news' reveals their agenda very clearly....as in why does the truth need to be balanced? Just report the facts aka the truth. That should be the goal of a real media organization....but as we all see now when we turn on the news...mainly propaganda.

Poll: 77 percent say major news outlets report 'fake news'
That's nice kid.

Does not change what I said one teeny tiny bit though.

Get a clue boyo....open your eyes and read............

Dangerous idiots: how the liberal media elite failed working-class Americans
Lol, no. My eyes are open. You can keep your conservitard propaganda to yourself thank you.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

So do it. Remember, you'll have to prove your case in court. An impossibility for you.
Lol, no. Who just lost a major lawsuit? Alex Jones just lost a major lawsuit. What did he lose it over? Broadcasting idiot conspiracy theories to conservitards.
I have no problems with holding media accountable for fake news BUT only when republicans grow a set of balls and do the same to the pos in our WH and all his BS

Please cite where the Republicans, and the President have lied. If it does happen it is very rare, especially compared by daily lies and omission of the Media which is over 95% Democrat controlled. They are far leftists, and omit stories that don't fit their agenda, and make up, or spin stories to do the same.
yeah all the media are stupid and liars ,,they hate trump because they don't like his hair style???They are among the smartest people in the room So get over this false news bit
Deflect, deflect, deflect.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

You are fortunate that I am here to enlighten you. BTW fox news is not a true conservative outfit....just a tad bit better than the rest. Their idiot mantra of 'fair and balanced news' reveals their agenda very clearly....as in why does the truth need to be balanced? Just report the facts aka the truth. That should be the goal of a real media organization....but as we all see now when we turn on the news...mainly propaganda.

Poll: 77 percent say major news outlets report 'fake news'

Collusion By Newspapers Proves Trump's Point: The Media Are Biased
I have no problems with holding media accountable for fake news BUT only when republicans grow a set of balls and do the same to the pos in our WH and all his BS
Won't happen until he leaves in disgrace. Then they will all claim they never voted for him.
Deflect, deflect, deflect.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.
That's not deflection, it's directly on topic.
That was pretty easy to prove in court. A looney tunes outfit preying on others grief to make money. And has nothing to do with this.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

So do it. Remember, you'll have to prove your case in court. An impossibility for you.
Lol, no. Who just lost a major lawsuit? Alex Jones just lost a major lawsuit. What did he lose it over? Broadcasting idiot conspiracy theories to conservitards.
Only in your minds attempt to deflect.
Deflect, deflect, deflect.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.
That's not deflection, it's directly on topic.
I have no problems with holding media accountable for fake news BUT only when republicans grow a set of balls and do the same to the pos in our WH and all his BS

Please cite where the Republicans, and the President have lied. If it does happen it is very rare, especially compared by daily lies and omission of the Media which is over 95% Democrat controlled. They are far leftists, and omit stories that don't fit their agenda, and make up, or spin stories to do the same.
yeah all the media are stupid and liars ,,they hate trump because they don't like his hair style???They are among the smartest people in the room So get over this false news bit

So you're admitting your posts are just emotion based rants with no substance. I agree.

The vast majority of the media are journalism majors. The dumbest of the dumb in most colleges, and universities. Its next to gender and minority studies.
Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

So do it. Remember, you'll have to prove your case in court. An impossibility for you.

Time to hold the media accountable for fake news

You're damn right it is. Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and pretty much everybody at faux news should be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed.

These people and others of the conservitard tilt have made a mockery of our country by taking advantage of the weaker minded among us and brainwashing them to act against their own and ther country's best interests.

Throw the book at the treasonous bastards I say.

So do it. Remember, you'll have to prove your case in court. An impossibility for you.
Lol, no. Who just lost a major lawsuit? Alex Jones just lost a major lawsuit. What did he lose it over? Broadcasting idiot conspiracy theories to conservitards.

You reveal your desperation by trotting out someone who is mainly irrelevant concerning the humongus problem of fake news.

First of all he has been banned.....though he was never of a real factor...small readership especially when compared with the giants of the media whose credibility is actually no better. Look at the vaunted mothership of liberal media...the N.Y. times and how many times they have been caught lying and spinning stories to fit their fallacious agenda.

I always viewed Jones as kinda like the National Enquireer...have they been banned? Ya know, not someone who is always factual but able to exist because of entertainment value.....and the fact that occasionally they come up with big scoops.

I do not think any media should be banned.....they should be held accountable I think for any fake news....via lawsuits.

If we banned every news outlet for fake news we would have no media to speak of....so the idea of banning news media is the thinking of simpletons.
Fake news not only damages America it destroys lives.

Lawyers for the kids in covington kentucky have threated to sue the media if they refuse to detract their propaganda in covington. I think they should sue .....irregardeless of whether or not the media admits and apologizes for this despicable incident of trying to demonize and ruin the lives of Children in order to promote their fake narrative of minority victimhood.


The poor little catholic boys. and the clueless or looking the other way catholic chaperones.
Fake news not only damages America it destroys lives.

Lawyers for the kids in covington kentucky have threated to sue the media if they refuse to detract their propaganda in covington. I think they should sue .....irregardeless of whether or not the media admits and apologizes for this despicable incident of trying to demonize and ruin the lives of Children in order to promote their fake narrative of minority victimhood.



as long as it applies to conservative media, too....

I never did find that pizza shop where hillary was giving away free babies with every takeout pizza delivery.

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