Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel


you + are = you're

great!!! another spell check nazi,,,

only when you do it in the middle of telling people how stupid they are. otherwise, don't care really. i typo all the time. but when i'm calling someone stupid, i try not to look stupid doing it.

but i suppose looking stupid is kinda your thing, so have at it.

you must be one of those stupid morons that cant have a verbal conversation because you dont know if they are spelling things right or using proper punctuation's,,,
Ice is capable of engaging in very good and high level debate. He can also be a tremendous pain in the ass. You know the later all too well

so far all I've seen is petty whining,,,
I agree, not my proudest moments with how my discussions with folks like prog devolve into a bitch fest. I’m guilty of getting stuck in the mud. Not where I enjoy being
Wow, GOP senator Mike Lee is pissed over lack of transparency in classified intel briefing about the Soleimani situation. WTF is going on here?!

Senator Mike Lee Calls Iran Briefing "the Worst" He | C-SPAN.org
Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calls the briefing on the drone strike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani "the worst briefing" he's seen on a military issue during his nine years in the Senate. He also says it's "insulting" for administration officials to tell senators that they cannot debate War Powers legislation because it would embolden Iran. Senator Lee says he will now support a resolution proposed by Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine. "It is not acceptable for officials within the executive branch of government…to come in and tell us that we can't debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against Iran. It's un-American. It's unconstitutional and it's wrong," Senator Lee says.
great!!! another spell check nazi,,,

only when you do it in the middle of telling people how stupid they are. otherwise, don't care really. i typo all the time. but when i'm calling someone stupid, i try not to look stupid doing it.

but i suppose looking stupid is kinda your thing, so have at it.

you must be one of those stupid morons that cant have a verbal conversation because you dont know if they are spelling things right or using proper punctuation's,,,
Ice is capable of engaging in very good and high level debate. He can also be a tremendous pain in the ass. You know the later all too well

so far all I've seen is petty whining,,,
I agree, not my proudest moments with how my discussions with folks like prog devolve into a bitch fest. I’m guilty of getting stuck in the mud. Not where I enjoy being

the only bitch fest is when you refuse to look at the evidence presented to you,,,its almost like you want to be ignorant,,,
only when you do it in the middle of telling people how stupid they are. otherwise, don't care really. i typo all the time. but when i'm calling someone stupid, i try not to look stupid doing it.

but i suppose looking stupid is kinda your thing, so have at it.

you must be one of those stupid morons that cant have a verbal conversation because you dont know if they are spelling things right or using proper punctuation's,,,
Ice is capable of engaging in very good and high level debate. He can also be a tremendous pain in the ass. You know the later all too well

so far all I've seen is petty whining,,,
I agree, not my proudest moments with how my discussions with folks like prog devolve into a bitch fest. I’m guilty of getting stuck in the mud. Not where I enjoy being

the only bitch fest is when you refuse to look at the evidence presented to you,,,its almost like you want to be ignorant,,,
I always like to look at the substance and respond to questions directly. You like to dodge questions and take things to the personal insult gradeschool level which is just a waste of time.
you must be one of those stupid morons that cant have a verbal conversation because you dont know if they are spelling things right or using proper punctuation's,,,
Ice is capable of engaging in very good and high level debate. He can also be a tremendous pain in the ass. You know the later all too well

so far all I've seen is petty whining,,,
I agree, not my proudest moments with how my discussions with folks like prog devolve into a bitch fest. I’m guilty of getting stuck in the mud. Not where I enjoy being

the only bitch fest is when you refuse to look at the evidence presented to you,,,its almost like you want to be ignorant,,,
I always like to look at the substance and respond to questions directly. You like to dodge questions and take things to the personal insult gradeschool level which is just a waste of time.
the substance is different than the evidence,,,FFS you thought we killed kadafi when it was his own people,,,
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
Ask our fighting men. Oh, wait. Well over 600 of American Soldiers were killed horrifically by Advanced IEDs Soleimani devised to be even more deadly than the IEDs used before 2003. Not only were a tenth of all American Soldiers fighting in the Middle East killed by Soleimani's serial mass-murder inventions, 1600 of our American soldiers were maimed to the point of losing limbs, feet, eyes, and their manhood. The man was a monster just for creating these hidden bombs that tore armed vehicles into schrapnel deliverers, he took pleasure in killing American soldiers to the point he refused to run for President in Iran, because he lusted after blood he could find only on the battlefield.

He indeed was the head of the snake, and nobody was better at hating and killing those the Muslim leadership in Iran have issued fatwas against, including every Hebrew who is breathing today, and any American who enters the Arab world, except for those who are slaves of the Muslim religion who send Large transport planes full of American Cash to support their preoccupation with developing nuclear weapons that will wipe both Israel and America off the face of the map and any country that intervenes.

Unfortunately, you cannot fix religio-political fanatical stupidity through diplomatic means, you must disarm and hogtie the means of serial murder employed by brainwashed fanatics who doubledog hate anyone or anything standing in their way to world domination. That's why we must close our borders, impose sanctions on Hitler-esque regimes that wish to decimate Israel and America with a thousand-million cuts. Iran in the past has promoted anti-Americanism and Anti-Israelism.

And we must also pay attention locally to those who pervert politics into being a religiously-intolerant faction that embraces politics as their God, King, and elixir, and limit their tendancy to embrace enemies of America and denounce America's sons whose political views do not cowtow to the communism their socialistic agenda leans toward, full speed ahead with completely indoctrinated automatons zeroed in on harm and character-assassination against conservative Americans whose numbers are swelling as America's thorough disenchantment growing exponentially over false political narratives spread by a corrupt fake news dissemination of lies as the only truth, desperately trying to improve its position by projecting its errors on its enemies.

The most recent lie has been what a great person Solemani was. This criminal, in addition to developing worse IEDs that the world has ever seen against America's peacekeepers, it has goals that are against everything the United Nations once stood for--peace on earth. Now, everything boils down to get-America, get-Trump, get-Israel, get-Hebrews, while the radicalized Muslims believe they are God's gift to the world. Not hardly.

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