Blue states band together to fight ObamaCare ruling to Supreme Court

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
In a move that could put the Obama-era health law squarely in the middle of the 2020 election, Democratic-led states Friday asked the Supreme Court for a fast-track review of a recent court ruling that declared part of the statute unconstitutional and cast a cloud over the rest.

A coalition of 20 states led by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed a petition seeking expedited review, joined by House Democrats and Washington, D.C. They hope to get a Supreme Court hearing and decision by this summer, before the November elections. For the court to agree to such a timetable would be unusual, but not unprecedented.

Defenders of the Affordable Care Act are arguing that the issues raised by the case are too important to let the litigation drag on for months or years in lower courts, and that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans erred when it struck down the health law's now toothless requirement that Americans have health insurance.

Blue States Appeal Obamacare Ruling to Supreme Court

The scariest phrase you could ever hear "We're government, and we're here to help."

It's amazing how after they lost the White House, House, and Senate over this issue, they continue to want to FORCE Americans into something we don't want. This year, millions of lower income Americans will get relief from the authoritarian fines that come with not going along with their demands.

This should have been taken care of by the Supreme Court the day it hit their bench during the DumBama years. It should have been ruled unconstitutional then, as it should now. But given the judges who ruled it constitutional are still on the bench, the best thing is for the SC to refuse hearing the case.
The scariest phrase you could ever hear "We're government, and we're here to help."

No, the scariest thing is a Corporate bloodsucker saying "Trust me!"

The biggest flaw of the ACA is that it trusted the Insurance Industry not to try to screw people.

End of the day, big insurance will keep the ACA, because if it goes, socialized medicine is not far behind.
When Republicans controlled the House .... and the Senate ... and the Oval Office ... they should have repealed the ACA then ... what happened?
The biggest flaw of the ACA is that it trusted the Insurance Industry not to try to screw people.
End of the day, big insurance will keep the ACA, because if it goes, socialized medicine is not far behind.

I disagree ... the ACA was never intended to control health care costs ... this is the 800 lbs gorilla in the room ... hospital costs are outrageous ...
Look at the share price history of these hospital corporations ... not insurance ... the hospitals and clinics ... and over the past twenty years ...

Now what do you think the problem is? ...
The biggest flaw of the ACA is that it trusted the Insurance Industry not to try to screw people.
End of the day, big insurance will keep the ACA, because if it goes, socialized medicine is not far behind.

I disagree ... the ACA was never intended to control health care costs ... this is the 800 lbs gorilla in the room ... hospital costs are outrageous ...
Look at the share price history of these hospital corporations ... not insurance ... the hospitals and clinics ... and over the past twenty years ...

Now what do you think the problem is? ...

That's been the problem right from the beginning. We've been taking the wrong approach all along. The first step is to find ways to lower the cost of care, THEN find a way to pay for it. Right now, we are just passing the buck to each other.

Years ago insurance was never a problem because it was a small expense. The more government got involved with healthcare, the more costly it became. Now the left want to look at the problem makers to solve the problem.
The scariest phrase you could ever hear "We're government, and we're here to help."

No, the scariest thing is a Corporate bloodsucker saying "Trust me!"

The biggest flaw of the ACA is that it trusted the Insurance Industry not to try to screw people.

End of the day, big insurance will keep the ACA, because if it goes, socialized medicine is not far behind.

No. Socialized healthcare will be here if the Democrats ever get total control of the federal government again. That's why we need to make sure that never happens.
I disagree ... the ACA was never intended to control health care costs ... this is the 800 lbs gorilla in the room ... hospital costs are outrageous ...
Look at the share price history of these hospital corporations ... not insurance ... the hospitals and clinics ... and over the past twenty years ...

Now what do you think the problem is? ...

The purpose of the ACA was to give everyone access. Controlling costs were a side-effect by eliminating inefficiencies.

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT

Fast forward to December 2018, when that same office released the official tabulation of health care spending in 2017. The bottom line: cumulatively from 2010 to 2017 the ACA reduced health care spending a total of $2.3 trillion.

In 2017 alone, health expenditures were $650 billion lower than projected, and kept health care spending under 18 percent of GDP — basically a tad over where it was in 2010 when the ACA was passed. It did all of this while expanding health coverage to more than 20 million previously uninsured Americans.
Years ago insurance was never a problem because it was a small expense.

Years ago, most people died before 60, saving us that expense.

yeah, so I guess we were saving a lot of money just letting people die.

That has nothing to do with it. Besides, you're wrong.

U.S. life expectancy since 1920.gif

In the 60's and even 70's, healthcare was pretty reasonable.

But let me explain what happened with a true story:

When I was in that line of work back in the early 80's, our company wanted to build a pharmacy. Because of the intense guidelines, they had to hire a pharmacist that was very educated in government regulations.

During that time, UPS was once again on strike. After our Monday morning meeting, we met by the coffee pot in the warehouse to continue our own meeting. Our subject that morning was the UPS strike.

In discussion, our newest employee, the pharmacist stayed quiet, but you could see she was getting more angered by the moment. Then she just dashed away. Nobody knew WTF was up with this woman. We didn't know her very well.

We started to leave the coffee pot to get to work, and she came back with her pharmacy magazine in her hand. She shoved it in my chest, and demanded I read the highlighted section; it was about the UPS strike.

That article stated that the striking drivers were making 52K a year plus benefits. A pharmacist at the time was making 60K. The reason she was so upset is they had the gall to go on strike, and they were making damn near what a pharmacist made.

So what's the sense of going to college, spending the best years of your life studying, only to make near what a UPS driver made or less; or a UAW worker, or a union construction worker? At the time RN's didn't get that kind of pay, neither did technicians or most other professions. So people quit going to school for a medical career. The only way to draw them back was to increase their salaries.
No. Socialized healthcare will be here if the Democrats ever get total control of the federal government again. That's why we need to make sure that never happens.

Not enough stupid old people like you to keep the Republicans in power... you haven't won a national popular vote since 2004, and before that 1988.

Well then the Democrats take over. When that happens, it will start the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into Socialism, and down the road, communism. If the government allows people to read history books, our grandchildren will be wondering WTF did we do? Why did we let such a great thing go like we did? How were people so stupid and selfish to allow the greatest country in the world to just slip through our fingers?
The purpose of the ACA was to give everyone access. Controlling costs were a side-effect by eliminating inefficiencies.
I agree, except costs have not been controlled, that side effect never materialized ... higher costs at the same margin stops insurance companies from intervening ...

The Affordable Care Act has saved billions in health care costs - STAT
Fast forward to December 2018, when that same office released the official tabulation of health care spending in 2017. The bottom line: cumulatively from 2010 to 2017 the ACA reduced health care spending a total of $2.3 trillion.

In 2017 alone, health expenditures were $650 billion lower than projected, and kept health care spending under 18 percent of GDP — basically a tad over where it was in 2010 when the ACA was passed. It did all of this while expanding health coverage to more than 20 million previously uninsured Americans.

Right ... health care spending went down ... costs to consumers went up ... thus the share prices of health care corporation went through the roof ... UHC tripled in price in five years soon after the ACA was enacted ... Wall Street, and Congress, got incredibly rich because of this ...

Old people here will remember HMO's ... that's where the trouble started ... before it was doctors who profited, second richest person in any given town, so that more often a doctor would give up a couple hours in Hawai'i to set a poor boy's broken arm for free ... after, the doctors have to protect the share prices and charge as much as they can to keep the Board of Directors off their backs ... Wall Street brokers decide your health care, doctors are just glorified paper-pushers today ...

I'm in favor of socialized medicine, but that's impossible and not just because of politics ... more so eminent domain requires fair market payment, that's an insane amount of money ... will never happen ... ALTERNATELY, we can continue our free market system but only allow doctors to be shareholders and only if the doctors practice in the business they hold a position in ... let the doctors decide how much profit is enough, take Wall Street out of medical decisions ...

Logan's Run may not be such a bad idea after all ... just let the elderly die ...
Americans don't like government telling them what to do, we are scrappy that way. Hence Obamacare was always destined to fail. Remember all the threats and bribes it took to force Dem's to vote for it. Then the American people bitch slapped Dem's in 2010 for passing it smashing them in the face with the biggest Dem defeat in nearly 100 years.

Never underestimate the American people :eusa_clap:
When Republicans controlled the House .... and the Senate ... and the Oval Office ... they should have repealed the ACA then ... what happened?
The Progs had total control with lots and lots of votes to spare in 2008 to bring the total package of socialized medicine to our nation. What happened? Those who paid a lot extra and the penalty and had less to live on will never forget. May some blue cities get vaporized. And Chief Justice Roberts is an azz who may have gotten some people killed as the extra costs were to much for some.
No. Socialized healthcare will be here if the Democrats ever get total control of the federal government again. That's why we need to make sure that never happens.

Not enough stupid old people like you to keep the Republicans in power... you haven't won a national popular vote since 2004, and before that 1988.
That’s why we have congressional districts, Electoral College and states rights.
Americans don't like government telling them what to do, we are scrappy that way. Hence Obamacare was always destined to fail. Remember all the threats and bribes it took to force Dem's to vote for it. Then the American people bitch slapped Dem's in 2010 for passing it smashing them in the face with the biggest Dem defeat in nearly 100 years.

Never underestimate the American people :eusa_clap:

Actually, Commie Care had two goals in mind: First is to create as many new government dependents as possible. The second was to cater to the floor sweepers and french fry makers, who are usually Democrat voters.

It's the middle-income people that couldn't afford it, but screw them, more than half of those people vote Republican. Typical Democrat planning of rewarding failure and penalizing success.
We started to leave the coffee pot to get to work, and she came back with her pharmacy magazine in her hand. She shoved it in my chest, and demanded I read the highlighted section; it was about the UPS strike.

That article stated that the striking drivers were making 52K a year plus benefits. A pharmacist at the time was making 60K. The reason she was so upset is they had the gall to go on strike, and they were making damn near what a pharmacist made.

Okay... not seeing a problem here. Being a UPS driver is pretty hard work. A Pharmacist sits behind a counter all day.

Well then the Democrats take over. When that happens, it will start the end of the great experiment. We will quickly slip into Socialism, and down the road, communism. If the government allows people to read history books, our grandchildren will be wondering WTF did we do? Why did we let such a great thing go like we did? How were people so stupid and selfish to allow the greatest country in the world to just slip through our fingers?

Again, a guy who is going on welfare in coming months should be glad the Democrats are bringing socialism.

You miss why we were the greatest (for white people- being a minority has always kind of sucked in this country). We were great because FDR and HST and LBJ created a middle class for white folks. The rich have been hacking away at it ever since.

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