Time to DO SOMETHING about Climate Change


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?
3 of the 4 solutions apply to folks connected to the internet:

2] 90% fewer passenger vehicles
3] 90% less airline travel, and
4] 90% less meat consumption

1] Folks not connected to the internet need to be having fewer children ...
Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?
When you build near a river or coast, you risk flooding. Don't blame mother nature or anyone else, blame the town planner. If the Don does help, it should be with technology of a new type, so this investment gets some kind of reward.
As an aside.....fuck those meathead people! Who the fuck wakes up one day and says, "You know what? I want to build a city right on tip of the water!"

Build some big stilts! Happy now!:backpedal:
Actually, the way that statistic is generated is by reading through all the peer-reviewed papers ... 2% explicitly state man isn't causing global warming, 4% say man is ... and the other 94% that doesn't say one way or the other get counted as affirmation ... so it's 98% of scientists either agree with AGW Theory or have no opinion in the matter ...

Isolating the kYWT5 gene in ameba is complete and absolute PROOF that climate crisis will kill billions by 2050 ... woot ... otherwise the paper would have said it won't ...
Actually, the way that statistic is generated is by reading through all the peer-reviewed papers ... 2% explicitly state man isn't causing global warming, 4% say man is ... and the other 94% that doesn't say one way or the other get counted as affirmation ... so it's 98% of scientists either agree with AGW Theory or have no opinion in the matter ...

Isolating the kYWT5 gene in ameba is complete and absolute PROOF that climate crisis will kill billions by 2050 ... woot ... otherwise the paper would have said it won't ...

But nobody is caring so it's a moot point. It is clearly well established that voters think the end of days scenarios are a bunch of hooey. The climate crusader types dont quite get it yet that they might as well be sitting buck naked on a stool in the middle of Siberia screaming "fire!":113::113::11:
Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?

Is there any level of bullshit that alarmist can foist on people like you that you won't believe? Any level at all? Venice is made up of about a hundred islands that are sitting in the middle of a shallow lagoon. Venice experienced its worst flood in 1966 and they "said" that they were going to work on flood control projects to avert the next worst flood. Unfortunately, the programs were riddled with corruption and other problems and like New Orleans, simply wasn't prepared for the inevitable floods that happen when you live on small islands in a f'ing lagoon.

So...rather than admit that the city really didn't get anything done in regard to their promise to build flood control measures, the mayor blames climate change as if the city has never flooded before. It is the knee-jerk reaction of socialists I guess....if there is anything to blame problems on other than their own ineffective leadership, then blame it on that...whatever it may be...When New Orleans floods...blame climate change even though the city is below sea level and the construction of levies to hold back the ocean was so poor that they may as well have hand school children piling sand from sand buckets...and when california burns due to land mismanagement, blame climate change...the dupes will believe it..

Sea level in venice has been rising at a rate of about 1.4mm per year...the land venice is built upon is sinking at a rate of about 2.3mm per year and they just keep building on it...the same thing is happening in miami...the land is sinking and they just keep building more condos on it...and when they flood, it must be climate change...

Since it is obvious that you would never think to actually check to see if the 2019 flood in venice was the worst EVAH....here, let me provide you with some photos for comparison...


If climate change were even partly to blame, then a thinking person would expect that the 2019 flooding would be worse than the 1966 flooding. It isn't, which i guess, means that nether you, nor any of your alarmist peers are actually thinking people...You are knee jerk, chicken little handwaving hysterics... Clearly the floodwaters were much higher in 1966 than the recent flood, then factor in that the land has been sinking at a rate of 2.3 mm per year since the flood of 1966...cearly, the flood of 2019 was not much more than a simple rainstorm which would not have flooded anything had the same amount of rain fell in 1966.

In short..you people are nothing more than useful idiots who go about thinking that climate change is the worst thing humanity is facing...What exactly is it like to be that stupid?
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Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?
The rain in venice is washing the poop out of the canals.

PS anyone who builds in the water is beyond help anyway
Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?

Is there any level of bullshit that alarmist can foist on people like you that you won't believe? Any level at all? Venice is made up of about a hundred islands that are sitting in the middle of a shallow lagoon. Venice experienced its worst flood in 1966 and they "said" that they were going to work on flood control projects to avert the next worst flood. Unfortunately, the programs were riddled with corruption and other problems and like New Orleans, simply wasn't prepared for the inevitable floods that happen when you live on small islands in a f'ing lagoon.

So...rather than admit that the city really didn't get anything done in regard to their promise to build flood control measures, the mayor blames climate change as if the city has never flooded before. It is the knee-jerk reaction of socialists I guess....if there is anything to blame problems on other than their own ineffective leadership, then blame it on that...whatever it may be...When New Orleans floods...blame climate change even though the city is below sea level and the construction of levies to hold back the ocean was so poor that they may as well have hand school children piling sand from sand buckets...and when california burns due to land mismanagement, blame climate change...the dupes will believe it..

Sea level in venice has been rising at a rate of about 1.4mm per year...the land venice is built upon is sinking at a rate of about 2.3mm per year and they just keep building on it...the same thing is happening in miami...the land is sinking and they just keep building more condos on it...and when they flood, it must be climate change...

Since it is obvious that you would never think to actually check to see if the 2019 flood in venice was the worst EVAH....here, let me provide you with some photos for comparison...


If climate change were even partly to blame, then a thinking person would expect that the 2019 flooding would be worse than the 1966 flooding. It isn't, which i guess, means that nether you, nor any of your alarmist peers are actually thinking people...You are knee jerk, chicken little handwaving hysterics... Clearly the floodwaters were much higher in 1966 than the recent flood, then factor in that the land has been sinking at a rate of 2.3 mm per year since the flood of 1966...cearly, the flood of 2019 was not much more than a simple rainstorm which would not have flooded anything had the same amount of rain fell in 1966.

In short..you people are nothing more than useful idiots who go about thinking that climate change is the worst thing humanity is facing...What exactly is it like to be that stupid?

Lol....the AGW crowd now makes every weather event "historic" without ever placing it in any historical context. Ghey:gay:

This is the art of the manipulation of loose associations we see daily now from the left. Thankfully, most folks arent falling for the fakery.:113:
Venice flooding is the worst in 50 years, and the mayor blames climate change

So here we have a true world treasure that is threatened by rising seas, presumably attributable to Climate Change.

Certainly, nothing anyone does w/r/t "greenhouse gases" in the next twenty years is going to reverse the microscopic rise in sea levels that have imperiled this lovely, historic city, but it would be nice and instructive if the world's engineering community worked with the government of Italy to devise an ENGINEERING SOLUTION that will save the city and its unique character.

And once that is underway, the same or similar precautions can be taken to protect other similarly-situated inhabited areas, if they are worth it (which excludes Manhattan, of course).

Should the Donald offer to help?

Venice's issue is that it is sinking, due to artisan well use for water up until the 1960's.

It is subsidence that is killing venice, not sea level increase.
The claim is that the 2019 flooding was the worst in 50 years ... and that's true ... it wasn't the worst in the past 53 years ... 2019 - 1966 = 53 ... just helping with the mathing ...
Time to do something? Hint:


China has been building about one coal fired power plant a week.


China uses half again more energy than the US, to produce $13.6 trillion vs. $20.5 trillion of GDP. That energy is strikingly weighted to coal (90 vs. 14 QBTU).

Maybe somebody should talk to the Chinese.

The Grumpy Economist: Climate clarity
China has five times the people ... perhaps it is the United States who should be looking to China's rather amazing ability to conserve energy ...

Show us the numbers from India ... those would illustrate your point much better ...

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