Time to check in: are republicans STILL in denial about Trump?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away

/---- Stuff it up your bunghole loser. Trump is kicking ass and making America great again.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
Now, Billy, you know your post is going to bring out the most delusional, the crudest and most vile posters at this site.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away

/---- Stuff it up your bunghole loser. Trump is kicking ass and making America great again.
Lol you can't even explain HOW.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away

/---- Stuff it up your bunghole loser. Trump is kicking ass and making America great again.

Whoa, Mr. Bumper Sticker checking in hot and heavy, 10-4?
I'd like to know how the older folks who post here feel about Trump taking a huge deuce on your Medicare and SSI.

Then I'd like to know the upside in cutting your nose off despite your fucking face.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
Now, Billy, you know your post is going to bring out the most delusional, the crudest and most vile posters at this site.
More Liberals?
I'm not sure what there is to deny. The real obstructionism is not Trump and Russia, it is some of the Democratic Party obstructing the American government and free elections.

Trump wants to get things done, and the Democrats have been obsessed with denying Trump, even before he took office, and they still haven't accepted he won the election. This is not good for Trump, but worse, it is not good for America or democracy.
Lol you can't even explain HOW.

I can

regulations have been reduced

business owners and people that create things are optimistic for the 1st time in over a decade

illegal immigration is down & looks to continue to decrease

we expect some kind of tax cut before the end of the year

common sense has been restored insofar as foreign policy is concerned

Gorsuch, which, in and of itself is enough

this president has kept or attempted to keep more promises than any I have ever seen

I am so thankful for what he is doing, I don't know that I can adequately express it

unfortunately, his 8 years in office will probably not be enough to undo all of the damage Obama did; especially with the uniparty fighting his every move

the good news is that most people no longer trust "traditional media" and that Trump will likely get at least 2 more SCOTUS appointees AND he is getting damn near 100 lower court appointees that Obama was unable to fill

thanks for your concern baw
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
Now, Billy, you know your post is going to bring out the most delusional, the crudest and most vile posters at this site.
Well see they need the therapy more than anyone else.
This thread wreaks of yet a-n-o-t-h-e-r butt hurt liberal who can't just shut the fuck up already.

More liberals desperately need to experience the Greg GianForte manuever
Lol you can't even explain HOW.

I can

regulations have been reduced

business owners and people that create things are optimistic for the 1st time in over a decade

illegal immigration is down & looks to continue to decrease

we expect some kind of tax cut before the end of the year

common sense has been restored insofar as foreign policy is concerned

Gorsuch, which, in and of itself is enough

this president has kept or attempted to keep more promises than any I have ever seen

I am so thankful for what he is doing, I don't know that I can adequately express it

unfortunately, his 8 years in office will probably not be enough to undo all of the damage Obama did; especially with the uniparty fighting his every move

the good news is that most people no longer trust "traditional media" and that Trump will likely get at least 2 more SCOTUS appointees AND he is getting damn near 100 lower court appointees that Obama was unable to fill

thanks for your concern baw
Deregulation has proven to do little to create actual job growth. All it accomplishes is corporations saving money.

The economy was already dramatically improving under Obama. Either way, NOTHING Trump has done has improved it. That's because he's barely done anything at all.

Obama deported more illegals than any president before him. Facts are facts.

Lol you expect some kind of tax cut? You're funny. Based on what? Republicans like Trump have always given cuts to ONLY the top earners.

Stop deluding yourselves into thinking he's kept his promises when objectively we already know he's deliberately broken many of them.
Well for one, Trump is focusing on balancing the budget. Achieving this would be a massive victory. It has become in and of itself a National Security Threat. A reality that nations like China and other enemies salivate about because it weakens Americas ability to respond to enemies militarily and grow economically in the future.

I've said it a number of times, give me $10 Trillion and I will "create" a bunch of jobs too. Of course, this is all borrowed money, and unsustainable.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away

You are not a liberal.

You are a left winger.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away

Billy, he of the double digit I.Q? He couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel along with a youtube video giving him a "step by step" tutorial. While I have less and less faith that Trump could ever defeat the deep state? He has certainly pissed off the corporate controlled "Operation Mockingbird" media and the Seth Rich murder ordered by the DNC operatives isn't gonna go away and it is picking up steam on alternative media.............the deflection, misdirection of the "Pravda" like press is only fueling the fire and I take great delight in it.

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