Time for republicans to push back with a bill legalizing all FULL AUTO!

Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course....with gun control for the second time.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.
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Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.

Yay!! An election prediction! Almost 2 years out, no less. It must be well thought out and researched. You know....with that stellar track record.
Nope...I'll just sit back and watch the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot... metaphorically speaking of course.

In 2014 we'll take the Senate.

Yay!! An election prediction! Almost 2 years out, no less. It must be well thought out and researched. You know....with that stellar track record.

This ones easy, I was a eyewitness to the first attempt.
If it says shall not infringe why is anything banned?

That's covered in the first 4 words: A well regulated militia ...

False argument. Do you even know the definition of 'militia'?

Nope. Completely fucking clueless, except maybe for the mental image of pencil-dick soldier-wannabes in camo fucking around in the woods on weekends.

But "well regulated militia" as interp'd by SCOTUS? Yeah; The term "regulated" means "disciplined" or "trained". In Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that "[t]he adjective 'well-regulated' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training."
Gun-control advocates face familiar challenges in keeping Democrats unified. The most vulnerable Democratic senators in 2014 hail from rural states where hunting is popular and guns are ubiquitous: Mark Begich of Alaska, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Max Baucus of Montana, Tim Johnson of South Dakota, and Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia. (Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who was staunchly pro-gun during his 2010 and 2012 campaigns but now says he’s open to a debate, is not up for reelection for another six years. Same with Joe Donnelly of Indiana, who is also reconsidering his opposition to gun control as he transitions from congressman to senator and doesn’t face another election until 2018.)

Republicans Aren't the Only Gun-Control Obstacle - NationalJournal.com
Time for the republicans to demand that our consitution be respected. Let's demand full AUTO be legalized!

This is the best way to counter the lefts ban hungery ways.

Machine Guns - Impact Guns

legalize Ak-47s
Legalize m-16
Legalize them all.

An that bill's chance of passage is somewhere between nothing and zero.
Yay!! An election prediction! Almost 2 years out, no less. It must be well thought out and researched. You know....with that stellar track record.

This ones easy, I was a eyewitness to the first attempt.

Say what?

It's important to have some knowledge of history.

One year after signing the Brady Law, White House lobbying also played a role in the passage of the 1994 Crime Bill, which included the assault weapons ban. The law banned certain semi-automatic firearms with two or more specific design features, and also prohibited the manufacture of ammunition magazines that held over ten rounds.[9]

Although initially heralded as a victory for Clinton and Democrats in congress, it proved costly.[2] The bill energized the NRA and Republican base, and contributed to the Republican takeover of both houses in the 1994 mid-term elections. Many Democrats who had supported Clinton's gun control measures were ousted, including Speaker Tom Foley. Clinton acknowledged that he had hurt Democrats with his victories.[6]


That's covered in the first 4 words: A well regulated militia ...

False argument. Do you even know the definition of 'militia'?

Nope. Completely fucking clueless, except maybe for the mental image of pencil-dick soldier-wannabes in camo fucking around in the woods on weekends.

But "well regulated militia" as interp'd by SCOTUS? Yeah; The term "regulated" means "disciplined" or "trained". In Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that "[t]he adjective 'well-regulated' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training."

Then you can be dismissed.
False argument. Do you even know the definition of 'militia'?

Nope. Completely fucking clueless, except maybe for the mental image of pencil-dick soldier-wannabes in camo fucking around in the woods on weekends.

But "well regulated militia" as interp'd by SCOTUS? Yeah; The term "regulated" means "disciplined" or "trained". In Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court stated that "[t]he adjective 'well-regulated' implies nothing more than the imposition of proper discipline and training."

Then you can be dismissed.

By you?????? Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Ahhhhh; righties. Talk about oblivious of their ineptitude. Jesuschrist; I may pop some stitches.
Contributed? Like how? Can you prove that it was the decisive issue? Nope. You cannot. And you cannot make an educated prediction about the 2014 Senate race in December 2012. You don't have anything but your wish list. Why not qualify your inane rumblings with the term " I hope "?

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