Tijuana Migrant Camp Now Looks Like National Mall After Climate Change Rally


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Kyle Rothenberg on Twitter

I love the word picture. But, all one has to do is to watch the video at the above link to see just how bad it is. Doesn’t say where they were moved to but I can guess cleaning up the mess they left is going to be a massive, disgusting job.

As Twitchy reported Thursday night, Mexico was struggling to try to provide shelter and sanitation for 6,000 members of the migrant caravan (that doesn’t exist and would never get here anyway) in a space built for maybe half that many.

Edgar Corzo, who heads Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission’s migrant rights division, called the situation “unmanageable” and added that they’d discovered four cases of chicken pox, while an aid group said it was “dealing with lice and nit infestations as well as many respiratory infections.”

Full piece @ TRASHED: Tijuana now looks like the National Mall after a climate change rally (video)
Kyle Rothenberg on Twitter

I love the word picture. But, all one has to do is to watch the video at the above link to see just how bad it is. Doesn’t say where they were moved to but I can guess cleaning up the mess they left is going to be a massive, disgusting job.

As Twitchy reported Thursday night, Mexico was struggling to try to provide shelter and sanitation for 6,000 members of the migrant caravan (that doesn’t exist and would never get here anyway) in a space built for maybe half that many.

Edgar Corzo, who heads Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission’s migrant rights division, called the situation “unmanageable” and added that they’d discovered four cases of chicken pox, while an aid group said it was “dealing with lice and nit infestations as well as many respiratory infections.”

Full piece @ TRASHED: Tijuana now looks like the National Mall after a climate change rally (video)
Those same type of people became part time residents of Fairfax County along the rail lines on their trip to other places. All along the rails, you can find empty beer bottles and cases, dirty mattresses under bridges, and trash from fast food joints. Fairfax County is a flaming liberal county, and is starting to look like East Germany under the Socialists of the USSR. Dont worry though, in liberal land, someone else will pick up all that trash, usually caring conservatives...

Took a screenshot for the lazy "migrant" supporters.

Trump did just right. Maybe next time Mexico will think twice about enabling the invasion and stop them before they enter Mexico.


happy to see current events with this nonexistant caravan of 'mexican' and 'otm' invaders .

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