Three Years Ago Today


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Trump announced for the presidency.

Have a short trip down memory lane ... :auiqs.jpg:

Haha to be fair I didn’t think he was serious either, and I certainly didn’t see him becoming the republican nominee much less POTUS
Indeed. If we had not endured 8 years of shear agony and tyranny under Obama, Mr Trump wouldn't have stood a chance. That factored in with the do nothing Republicans who let Obama ruin our country

I was worried he was going to hurt legitimate GOP candidates, especially my man Rand Paul. I figured, he would give it a go and go back to the business world.

As it were, the Establishment GOP don't know this, but he might be the best thing that's happened to their party. They are showing they are truly an open process and the voters agreed with their choice. He had his finger on the pulse on what was angering Americans and it worked.

Now we see how he has kept his promises and how Establishment politicians are losing to upstart, pro-Trump candidates, and it's clear that it was the right choice. Americans voted for change, it was needed and other presidents long after he is gone can now find hope and solace in being elected if they run on courageous, "for the People" policies instead of global socialist agendas.
How many times were we told by the oh so wise Liberals and their pollsters that Donald Trump "Had NO PATH to 270 Electoral votes"? Repeat after me Liberals "We were wrong, we don't know everything".
1999. Putin takes office and then decides he doesn't want to leave, so appoints himself dictator (by default). Orange turd better leave when his time is up or he will get dragged from the white house and have to clean the toilets at the Canadian Embassy.
How many times were we told by the oh so wise Liberals and their pollsters that Donald Trump "Had NO PATH to 270 Electoral votes"? Repeat after me Liberals "We were wrong, we don't know everything".
If you don’t have it on DVR or something you can find the famous Ritchie Maddow segment wherein he/she/it meticulously, in her smarmy smart-alecky manner, outlined in great deal and lots of smiles exactly how Donald Trump has zero chance of winning the various states he absolutely had to have to win the election. It couldn’t possibly happen in the world of the detached lefty nutjobs. Surprise!...

Yeah, it’s been a great three years, looking forward to the next four, and our sincere thanks to all on the left who have been validating much of what Trump’s been saying from the beginning and helping his popularity and support continue to spread across America as it becomes great once again. Or as all of your millions of illegal alien buddies would say, Muchas gracias amigos!

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