Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.



America had 2223 deaths per million population
Korea had 52 deaths per million pop

South Korea didn't have to shutdown its business and they didn't have to pay out trillions of dollars in stimulus money.

Korea is our friend and they would've shared their techniques for combating COVID.

All it would've taken is a little cooperation.
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.


Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

1. comparing serving in the military with getting vaxxed!!! HAHAHAHAHAHH IDIOCY
2. I've been reading and researching WW2 for longer than you have been born---the war was decided on 22 June 1941 when Germany went into Russia
you don't know shit about WW2
3. Covid is a big nothing burger
most don't get it
of those most don't die
of those most are elderly and/or lazy fatasses
more die from heart disease/etc
4. YOU are the nazi for trying to force people to get injected with drugs
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

Sure because blind obedience is the only "true" patriotism.
Those refusing the vaccine and mask mandates are refusing to serve our country.
In WWII and Viet Nam, individuals were mandated to serve in our military to fight in the wars against our enemy.
The wars since have been fought by a volunteer military. It has proved to provide all personnel needed.
In the fight against COVID our nation has gone back to mandating all citizens receive the vaccine and adhere to mask protocol. The US and all western nations have determined this is how COVID will be neutralized and stop destroying our normal way of life.
The countries who have the most citizens willing to do what their nations ask, to fight COVID, are the most successful. Israel is a great example. While having a surge in late summer, they introduced the booster and now their cases are plummeting. Some of the lowest infection rates in the world.
The US has been hit the hardest and continues to struggle because of too many selfish citizens driven by fear and refuse to do what their nation asks for the common good. Thank goodness we did not have these cowards refusing to serve in WWII or we would all be Nazis now.

This nation was not founding in bowing to lies and unreasonable demands from tyrants and dictators; and those who advocate doing so now are in no position to make any rational appeal to patriotism.

You and your kind are more akin to those who cowered and groveled before George III, who kissed his ass, than those who stood up in defiance against him.

You are a shame and an embarrassment to any true Americans.

Fuck you.

America had 2223 deaths per million population
Korea had 52 deaths per million pop

South Korea didn't have to shutdown its business and they didn't have to pay out trillions of dollars in stimulus money.

Korea is our friend and they would've shared their techniques for combating COVID.

All it would've taken is a little cooperation.

How? Give us your exact plan and exact dates your plan should have been implemented.

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