Those kids ain't hunting a bear with a surprise since their friends are dead...


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
A few weeks back I wrote:
I do fear the only other thing, besides what I've described above, that will move Congress members irrevocably out of the political quagmire into which they've set themselves is the 2018 plebiscite outcome sending a clear message that a material share of the citizenry's GOP has abandoned the NRA.

Another question is whether GOP (would-be) elected office holders will pull on the NRA the same "lip service"/bait and switch stunt it pulls with the general electorate. How might they do so? Simply toe the line until it's too late for incumbents to be "primaried" in advance of the 2018 general election. That is, after all, the only thing GOP incumbents have to fear from the NRA. After that, they can quickly pass whatever gun control they can come up with and watch for two years as the NRA tries to convince people that whatever got passed should be repealed. That's two years to put the NRA on the defensive, two years to watch the NRA challenge the legislation in the SCOTUS (a really risky gambit, especially if it comes before 2020, because Dems and Progressive Indies have a material headcount advantage), etc.
My conservative friends are finally catching on to what I'd alluded to when I wrote those remarks. Why it took them so long to do so is beyond me. They all have kids and they know how "fired up" kids behave.

Speaking with a conservative yesterday, I finally heard from her that this weekend's March for Life rally strongly indicated to her that the students who've taken ownership of the gun control debate are the very opposite of all hat and no cattle. On the contrary, seeing for herself the abundance of voter registration booths and people with voter registration forms, etc., she was as surprised as if sheep had bit her.

For my friend, it was an "oh, sh*t, these kids are serious" moment. She in turn conceded what she'd not before: Democrats have a damn fine chance of obtaining not just a change in the balance of Congressional power, but a dramatic change, that of obtaining a supermajority in at least one chamber. She's finally realizing that the two-pronged impetus of utter disdain for Trump (without regard to what party he belongs) and the gun issue and its boost in liberal leaning millennial voter registrations will likely spell doom for the GOP's status in Congress.
Most of them aren’t old enough to vote, unless you are suggesting...
A few weeks back I wrote:
I do fear the only other thing, besides what I've described above, that will move Congress members irrevocably out of the political quagmire into which they've set themselves is the 2018 plebiscite outcome sending a clear message that a material share of the citizenry's GOP has abandoned the NRA.

Another question is whether GOP (would-be) elected office holders will pull on the NRA the same "lip service"/bait and switch stunt it pulls with the general electorate. How might they do so? Simply toe the line until it's too late for incumbents to be "primaried" in advance of the 2018 general election. That is, after all, the only thing GOP incumbents have to fear from the NRA. After that, they can quickly pass whatever gun control they can come up with and watch for two years as the NRA tries to convince people that whatever got passed should be repealed. That's two years to put the NRA on the defensive, two years to watch the NRA challenge the legislation in the SCOTUS (a really risky gambit, especially if it comes before 2020, because Dems and Progressive Indies have a material headcount advantage), etc.
My conservative friends are finally catching on to what I'd alluded to when I wrote those remarks. Why it took them so long to do so is beyond me. They all have kids and they know how "fired up" kids behave.

Speaking with a conservative yesterday, I finally heard from her that this weekend's March for Life rally strongly indicated to her that the students who've taken ownership of the gun control debate are the very opposite of all hat and no cattle. On the contrary, seeing for herself the abundance of voter registration booths and people with voter registration forms, etc., she was as surprised as if sheep had bit her.

For my friend, it was an "oh, sh*t, these kids are serious" moment. She in turn conceded what she'd not before: Democrats have a damn fine chance of obtaining not just a change in the balance of Congressional power, but a dramatic change, that of obtaining a supermajority in at least one chamber. She's finally realizing that the two-pronged impetus of utter disdain for Trump (without regard to what party he belongs) and the gun issue and its boost in liberal leaning millennial voter registrations will likely spell doom for the GOP's status in Congress.
Can we stop kids from dying in automobile accidents if we abandon the AAA? The NRA ain't your problem. At least half a dozen presidents belonged to the organization. They teach safety and marksmanship. Barry Hussein's political mentor was a psychopathic bomber and God knows what he is teaching kids as a college professor. Psychopaths commit mass murder with a car or a bomb or a firearm. If we can't depend on the FBI to find two Russians in Boston before they set off a bomb or a disturbed kid in Florida who threatened to shoot up the school we need to overhaul the system.
A few weeks back I wrote:
I do fear the only other thing, besides what I've described above, that will move Congress members irrevocably out of the political quagmire into which they've set themselves is the 2018 plebiscite outcome sending a clear message that a material share of the citizenry's GOP has abandoned the NRA.

Another question is whether GOP (would-be) elected office holders will pull on the NRA the same "lip service"/bait and switch stunt it pulls with the general electorate. How might they do so? Simply toe the line until it's too late for incumbents to be "primaried" in advance of the 2018 general election. That is, after all, the only thing GOP incumbents have to fear from the NRA. After that, they can quickly pass whatever gun control they can come up with and watch for two years as the NRA tries to convince people that whatever got passed should be repealed. That's two years to put the NRA on the defensive, two years to watch the NRA challenge the legislation in the SCOTUS (a really risky gambit, especially if it comes before 2020, because Dems and Progressive Indies have a material headcount advantage), etc.
My conservative friends are finally catching on to what I'd alluded to when I wrote those remarks. Why it took them so long to do so is beyond me. They all have kids and they know how "fired up" kids behave.

Speaking with a conservative yesterday, I finally heard from her that this weekend's March for Life rally strongly indicated to her that the students who've taken ownership of the gun control debate are the very opposite of all hat and no cattle. On the contrary, seeing for herself the abundance of voter registration booths and people with voter registration forms, etc., she was as surprised as if sheep had bit her.

For my friend, it was an "oh, sh*t, these kids are serious" moment. She in turn conceded what she'd not before: Democrats have a damn fine chance of obtaining not just a change in the balance of Congressional power, but a dramatic change, that of obtaining a supermajority in at least one chamber. She's finally realizing that the two-pronged impetus of utter disdain for Trump (without regard to what party he belongs) and the gun issue and its boost in liberal leaning millennial voter registrations will likely spell doom for the GOP's status in Congress.
Start your civil war. We are ready.
Can we stop kids from dying in automobile accidents if we abandon the AAA? The NRA ain't your problem. At least half a dozen presidents belonged to the organization. They teach safety and marksmanship. Barry Hussein's political mentor was a psychopathic bomber and God knows what he is teaching kids as a college professor. Psychopaths commit mass murder with a car or a bomb or a firearm. If we can't depend on the FBI to find two Russians in Boston before they set off a bomb or a disturbed kid in Florida who threatened to shoot up the school we need to overhaul the system.

Thanks for wanting to participate in the discussion....I appreciate that even though...

A few weeks back I wrote:
I do fear the only other thing, besides what I've described above, that will move Congress members irrevocably out of the political quagmire into which they've set themselves is the 2018 plebiscite outcome sending a clear message that a material share of the citizenry's GOP has abandoned the NRA.

Another question is whether GOP (would-be) elected office holders will pull on the NRA the same "lip service"/bait and switch stunt it pulls with the general electorate. How might they do so? Simply toe the line until it's too late for incumbents to be "primaried" in advance of the 2018 general election. That is, after all, the only thing GOP incumbents have to fear from the NRA. After that, they can quickly pass whatever gun control they can come up with and watch for two years as the NRA tries to convince people that whatever got passed should be repealed. That's two years to put the NRA on the defensive, two years to watch the NRA challenge the legislation in the SCOTUS (a really risky gambit, especially if it comes before 2020, because Dems and Progressive Indies have a material headcount advantage), etc.
My conservative friends are finally catching on to what I'd alluded to when I wrote those remarks. Why it took them so long to do so is beyond me. They all have kids and they know how "fired up" kids behave.

Speaking with a conservative yesterday, I finally heard from her that this weekend's March for Life rally strongly indicated to her that the students who've taken ownership of the gun control debate are the very opposite of all hat and no cattle. On the contrary, seeing for herself the abundance of voter registration booths and people with voter registration forms, etc., she was as surprised as if sheep had bit her.

For my friend, it was an "oh, sh*t, these kids are serious" moment. She in turn conceded what she'd not before: Democrats have a damn fine chance of obtaining not just a change in the balance of Congressional power, but a dramatic change, that of obtaining a supermajority in at least one chamber. She's finally realizing that the two-pronged impetus of utter disdain for Trump (without regard to what party he belongs) and the gun issue and its boost in liberal leaning millennial voter registrations will likely spell doom for the GOP's status in Congress.
I don't know about doom for the GOP--I don't think enough people in the country would be single issue voters over guns. But I DO agree with you that anyone running for office is going to have to keep a very serious chunk of their constituency in mind from now on. For so long, even people who really want gun control legislation have not made their voices heard. Now they are.
Between the kids and Mueller, things are looking pretty grim for the GOP come November.
And they certainly deserve a spanking, after their groveling acceptance of the Orange Idiot.
Between the kids and Mueller, things are looking pretty grim for the GOP come November.
And they certainly deserve a spanking, after their groveling acceptance of the Orange Idiot.
I don't know about grim. All the predictions about the 2016 election were wrong. I think it is actually stiffening the resolve of a lot of Republicans who otherwise would skip the voting booth on election day.
That is the entire point of this movement. The Socialist 'educators' have the nation's future captive for 8 hours a day. Conservatives are using an old playbook. The Socialists are fully aware of their affect and are taking full advantage of it. They are also aware of the reticence by persons both left and right to chastise 'children'.
A la Mao's Red Guard.
That is the entire point of this movement. The Socialist 'educators' have the nation's future captive for 8 hours a day. Conservatives are using an old playbook. The Socialists are fully aware of their affect and are taking full advantage of it. They are also aware of the reticence by persons both left and right to chastise 'children'.
A la Mao's Red Guard.
The Native Americans believed that hitting a misbehaving child would drive the demons IN. There are different ways to school children. It doesn't have to be with physically striking them, especially once they reach school age.
I'm very glad our kids are learning to be tolerant of other kids who are different. A fifteen year old relative of mine committed suicide years ago because of bullying because he was gay. He tried to hide it--you didn't "come out" back then. But the other kids knew and they were merciless.
Same for race, same for learning safe sex procedures, same for whatever else you're complaining about.
And are you even IN America? Where do you get off commenting on it? When is the last time you were actually IN an American school to speak of this as if you know?
Between the kids and Mueller, things are looking pretty grim for the GOP come November.
And they certainly deserve a spanking, after their groveling acceptance of the Orange Idiot.
I don't know about grim. All the predictions about the 2016 election were wrong. I think it is actually stiffening the resolve of a lot of Republicans who otherwise would skip the voting booth on election day.

Historically whichever of the two party (singular intentional) holds the White House, loses ground in the mid-terms. There have been only three exceptions in the entire history of the two party.
A few weeks back I wrote:
I do fear the only other thing, besides what I've described above, that will move Congress members irrevocably out of the political quagmire into which they've set themselves is the 2018 plebiscite outcome sending a clear message that a material share of the citizenry's GOP has abandoned the NRA.

Another question is whether GOP (would-be) elected office holders will pull on the NRA the same "lip service"/bait and switch stunt it pulls with the general electorate. How might they do so? Simply toe the line until it's too late for incumbents to be "primaried" in advance of the 2018 general election. That is, after all, the only thing GOP incumbents have to fear from the NRA. After that, they can quickly pass whatever gun control they can come up with and watch for two years as the NRA tries to convince people that whatever got passed should be repealed. That's two years to put the NRA on the defensive, two years to watch the NRA challenge the legislation in the SCOTUS (a really risky gambit, especially if it comes before 2020, because Dems and Progressive Indies have a material headcount advantage), etc.
My conservative friends are finally catching on to what I'd alluded to when I wrote those remarks. Why it took them so long to do so is beyond me. They all have kids and they know how "fired up" kids behave.

Speaking with a conservative yesterday, I finally heard from her that this weekend's March for Life rally strongly indicated to her that the students who've taken ownership of the gun control debate are the very opposite of all hat and no cattle. On the contrary, seeing for herself the abundance of voter registration booths and people with voter registration forms, etc., she was as surprised as if sheep had bit her.

For my friend, it was an "oh, sh*t, these kids are serious" moment. She in turn conceded what she'd not before: Democrats have a damn fine chance of obtaining not just a change in the balance of Congressional power, but a dramatic change, that of obtaining a supermajority in at least one chamber. She's finally realizing that the two-pronged impetus of utter disdain for Trump (without regard to what party he belongs) and the gun issue and its boost in liberal leaning millennial voter registrations will likely spell doom for the GOP's status in Congress.
I don't know about doom for the GOP--I don't think enough people in the country would be single issue voters over guns. But I DO agree with you that anyone running for office is going to have to keep a very serious chunk of their constituency in mind from now on. For so long, even people who really want gun control legislation have not made their voices heard. Now they are.

Bull, the last time commiecrats ran on gun control they got the asses handed to them. Bring it on.

Between the kids and Mueller, things are looking pretty grim for the GOP come November.
And they certainly deserve a spanking, after their groveling acceptance of the Orange Idiot.
I don't know about grim. All the predictions about the 2016 election were wrong. I think it is actually stiffening the resolve of a lot of Republicans who otherwise would skip the voting booth on election day.

Historically whichever of the two party (singular intentional) holds the White House, loses ground in the mid-terms. There have been only three exceptions in the entire history of the two party.
The older I get, the more like Dad I get--he always took the pessimistic view when he really cared about something. LOL I'm sure he did it so he wouldn't be disappointed IF things didn't go his way.
A few weeks back I wrote:
I do fear the only other thing, besides what I've described above, that will move Congress members irrevocably out of the political quagmire into which they've set themselves is the 2018 plebiscite outcome sending a clear message that a material share of the citizenry's GOP has abandoned the NRA.

Another question is whether GOP (would-be) elected office holders will pull on the NRA the same "lip service"/bait and switch stunt it pulls with the general electorate. How might they do so? Simply toe the line until it's too late for incumbents to be "primaried" in advance of the 2018 general election. That is, after all, the only thing GOP incumbents have to fear from the NRA. After that, they can quickly pass whatever gun control they can come up with and watch for two years as the NRA tries to convince people that whatever got passed should be repealed. That's two years to put the NRA on the defensive, two years to watch the NRA challenge the legislation in the SCOTUS (a really risky gambit, especially if it comes before 2020, because Dems and Progressive Indies have a material headcount advantage), etc.
My conservative friends are finally catching on to what I'd alluded to when I wrote those remarks. Why it took them so long to do so is beyond me. They all have kids and they know how "fired up" kids behave.

Speaking with a conservative yesterday, I finally heard from her that this weekend's March for Life rally strongly indicated to her that the students who've taken ownership of the gun control debate are the very opposite of all hat and no cattle. On the contrary, seeing for herself the abundance of voter registration booths and people with voter registration forms, etc., she was as surprised as if sheep had bit her.

For my friend, it was an "oh, sh*t, these kids are serious" moment. She in turn conceded what she'd not before: Democrats have a damn fine chance of obtaining not just a change in the balance of Congressional power, but a dramatic change, that of obtaining a supermajority in at least one chamber. She's finally realizing that the two-pronged impetus of utter disdain for Trump (without regard to what party he belongs) and the gun issue and its boost in liberal leaning millennial voter registrations will likely spell doom for the GOP's status in Congress.
I don't know about doom for the GOP--I don't think enough people in the country would be single issue voters over guns. But I DO agree with you that anyone running for office is going to have to keep a very serious chunk of their constituency in mind from now on. For so long, even people who really want gun control legislation have not made their voices heard. Now they are.

Bull, the last time commiecrats ran on gun control they got the asses handed to them. Bring it on.

That was long ago and far away, and that old threat ain't gonna work anymore.
Between the kids and Mueller, things are looking pretty grim for the GOP come November.
And they certainly deserve a spanking, after their groveling acceptance of the Orange Idiot.
I don't know about grim. All the predictions about the 2016 election were wrong. I think it is actually stiffening the resolve of a lot of Republicans who otherwise would skip the voting booth on election day.

Historically whichever of the two party (singular intentional) holds the White House, loses ground in the mid-terms. There have been only three exceptions in the entire history of the two party.
The older I get, the more like Dad I get--he always took the pessimistic view when he really cared about something. LOL I'm sure he did it so he wouldn't be disappointed IF things didn't go his way.

Well I dunno 'bout dat but it is a historical pattern of 'rebalance'. Presumably once the 'honeymoon' of a new Presidency expires and the reality sets in, voters assess with dissatisfaction and swing the other way. Even Presidents who won big such as LBJ '64 and Reagan twenty years later, got hit with it.
That is the entire point of this movement. The Socialist 'educators' have the nation's future captive for 8 hours a day. Conservatives are using an old playbook. The Socialists are fully aware of their affect and are taking full advantage of it. They are also aware of the reticence by persons both left and right to chastise 'children'.
A la Mao's Red Guard.
The Native Americans believed that hitting a misbehaving child would drive the demons IN. There are different ways to school children. It doesn't have to be with physically striking them, especially once they reach school age.
I'm very glad our kids are learning to be tolerant of other kids who are different. A fifteen year old relative of mine committed suicide years ago because of bullying because he was gay. He tried to hide it--you didn't "come out" back then. But the other kids knew and they were merciless.
Same for race, same for learning safe sex procedures, same for whatever else you're complaining about.
And are you even IN America? Where do you get off commenting on it? When is the last time you were actually IN an American school to speak of this as if you know?
That is not what i am referring to by way of chastisement. I am referring directly to children protesting social issues and the usage of those children for particular political/social gains.
I am an American and career US military (24 yrs). I have lived all over the world and one of the benefits of such is seeing and living in and around many disparate cultures. Though I do not have children, I have seen the result of social and political influences on youth and youth movements first hand. Most recently the Thai 'Red Shirt/Yellow Shirt' movements in Bangkok. I do not speak without experience.
That is the entire point of this movement. The Socialist 'educators' have the nation's future captive for 8 hours a day. Conservatives are using an old playbook. The Socialists are fully aware of their affect and are taking full advantage of it. They are also aware of the reticence by persons both left and right to chastise 'children'.
A la Mao's Red Guard.
The Native Americans believed that hitting a misbehaving child would drive the demons IN. There are different ways to school children. It doesn't have to be with physically striking them, especially once they reach school age.
I'm very glad our kids are learning to be tolerant of other kids who are different. A fifteen year old relative of mine committed suicide years ago because of bullying because he was gay. He tried to hide it--you didn't "come out" back then. But the other kids knew and they were merciless.
Same for race, same for learning safe sex procedures, same for whatever else you're complaining about.
And are you even IN America? Where do you get off commenting on it? When is the last time you were actually IN an American school to speak of this as if you know?
That is not what i am referring to by way of chastisement. I am referring directly to children protesting social issues and the usage of those children for particular political/social gains.
I am an American and career US military (24 yrs). I have lived all over the world and one of the benefits of such is seeing and living in and around many disparate cultures. Though I do not have children, I have seen the result of social and political influences on youth and youth movements first hand. Most recently the Thai 'Red Shirt/Yellow Shirt' movements in Bangkok. I do not speak without experience.
I can only speak for myself and the liberals I know, but none of us are extremists, certainly not communists. Anytime someone pulls out that argument I immediately place a tinfoil hat on their head.
I am also a teacher, and a mother, and I know what goes on in schools. Some teachers are liberal; a lot are not. It is not at all what the propagandists have told you.
I'm very glad our kids are learning to be tolerant of other kids who are different.


I agree with a lot of things you mention ... But this is a sticking point.

Kids are not becoming more tolerant the way you suggest.
They are becoming more compliant with your particular desires and the programmed expectations (not always a bad thing).

As an example ... The kids protesting are not tolerant of those they oppose ... They are simply compliant with the message people like you support.

Between the kids and Mueller, things are looking pretty grim for the GOP come November.
And they certainly deserve a spanking, after their groveling acceptance of the Orange Idiot.
How you figure?
Why don’t people teach their kids to be inclusive and to not bully! The common denominator in many school shootings is that the kid felt isolated, ridiculed, and bullied. Is it easier to grab guns than it is to parent? Why don’t we try going back to raising children in a two parent household?

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