This should be the sign at the front of the I/P forum...


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca

This forum is not interested in bridging the gap between Israeli's and Palestinians.
This forum is not interested in ending the hate between the two groups.
This forum is not interested in seeking a common ground between the two groups.
This forum is not interested in bringing in a human element into the discussion.
This forum has no interest in comedy.

All posts attempting any of the above, get special treatment.
personal opinion?

should be moved to Zone 4

along with Race/Race Relations.

This forum is not interested in bridging the gap between Israeli's and Palestinians.
This forum is not interested in ending the hate between the two groups.
This forum is not interested in seeking a common ground between the two groups.
This forum is not interested in bringing in a human element into the discussion.
This forum has no interest in comedy.

All posts attempting any of the above, get special treatment.

Fair enough in the context of American philosophical disparities contemporary and the pop culture of hurt feelings on both sides.

On one side: an ancient cyclic (not so new and hip as you'd lead them to believe) youthful cry for rebellion against and liberation from the mean old traditions of centuries out of antiquity, some of which our very own Constitution was founded upon.

On the other side a similar and just as ancient outcry for preservation of tradition, a reining in of the culture of revolution, and a return to the ways of our forefathers to the degree that fundamental right and wrong are once again defined and practiced as indelible memes of the American way of life, and not open to redefinition by moral nihilism, moral relativism or Perspectivism.

Where can two sides possessed of such an ideological disparity--even disagreeing on the definition of epistemological approaches to a nationally beneficial truth, let alone the meanings of and arriving at truth in knowledge--find the safe and comfortable middle ground not to have a mutually beneficial dialectic, but the means to figure out how to have any dialectic at all?
Fair enough in the context of American philosophical disparities contemporary and the pop culture of hurt feelings on both sides.

On one side: an ancient cyclic (not so new and hip as you'd lead them to believe) youthful cry for rebellion against and liberation from the mean old traditions of centuries out of antiquity, some of which our very own Constitution was founded upon.

On the other side a similar and just as ancient outcry for preservation of tradition, a reining in of the culture of revolution, and a return to the ways of our forefathers to the degree that fundamental right and wrong are once again defined and practiced as indelible memes of the American way of life, and not open to redefinition by moral nihilism, moral relativism or Perspectivism.

Where can two sides possessed of such an ideological disparity--even disagreeing on the definition of epistemological approaches to a nationally beneficial truth, let alone the meanings of and arriving at truth in knowledge--find the safe and comfortable middle ground not to have a mutually beneficial dialectic, but the means to figure out how to have any dialectic at all?
Not in that forum. I started a thread about Israeli-Palestinian intermarriages; it got moved out of the forum.

The notion of a Palestinian and an Israeli dating, is not forum worthy.


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