This place is a joke - Merged with AIRING OUT GRIEVANCES

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Kathianne said:
Just stop posting. The only option is permanently banning you, which I can do if you like. We will not delete your posts. Any info you have on your profile, you are free to delete. Let me know what you want.

BTW, you didn't send ME a pm, so I've no idea what you are speaking of.
I didn't send you a PM because until now when you made it youe business it was DMP and Jimmy's business, and I have PM'd them.Should I PM you as well?Should I PM every fucker here?I am beginning to feel victimised, fuck it, I am sick of this shit.
roomy said:
I didn't send you a PM because until now when you made it youe business it was DMP and Jimmy's business, and I have PM'd them.Should I PM you as well?Should I PM every fucker here?I am beginning to feel victimised, fuck it, I am sick of this shit.
I responded politely, as I'm the one here. I'm closing this thread now.
Not sure how things degraded so quickly, who was banned from what threads or what transpired here.

My offer was legit, I would like the members here to speak freely once again so that things can be aired and I can learn what we need to do to make things better and clear the air of the bickering.

I will re-open this thread, but please leave it for what it was intended, and let's not get it locked again. Thanks!
jimnyc said:
Not sure how things degraded so quickly, who was banned from what threads or what transpired here.

My offer was legit, I would like the members here to speak freely once again so that things can be aired and I can learn what we need to do to make things better and clear the air of the bickering.

I will re-open this thread, but please leave it for what it was intended, and let's not get it locked again. Thanks!

I'm taking you at your word jim. I truly feel mods are abusing the block from thread feature, to do odd things like, decides someone's contribution is irrelevant, or just being spiteful. Relevance is in the mind of the beholder. IS being irrelevant against the rules? This featur is being abused spitefully by player haters and mods trying to be thought police and playing favorites.
rtwngAvngr said:
I'm taking you at your word jim. I truly feel mods are abusing the block from thread feature, to do odd things like, decides someone's contribution is irrelevant, or just being spiteful. Relevance is in the mind of the beholder. IS being irrelevant against the rules? This featur is being abused spitefully by player haters and mods trying to be thought police and playing favorites.

There were 5 thread bans put in place since I've added this option. I've just removed all 5. Until we all grasp the concept better I am willing to step in and allow things to proceed with everyone on the same equal page. I think we all know why I added that code and I hope we can learn to implement it in a manner where mods are happy and members are more understanding.

In the mean time, if anyone has any banning issues such as in the threads, or feel they are censored, PLEASE pm me if this thread is no longer open. I cannot help those that don't make me aware, tell me specifically what transpired and link to the problem in question. Plenty of problems go farther than necessarry over simple misunderstandings or lack of communication.
jimnyc said:
There were 5 thread bans put in place since I've added this option. I've just removed all 5. Until we all grasp the concept better I am willing to step in and allow things to proceed with everyone on the same equal page. I think we all know why I added that code and I hope we can learn to implement it in a manner where mods are happy and members are more understanding.

In the mean time, if anyone has any banning issues such as in the threads, or feel they are censored, PLEASE pm me if this thread is no longer open. I cannot help those that don't make me aware, tell me specifically what transpired and link to the problem in question. Plenty of problems go farther than necessarry over simple misunderstandings or lack of communication.

Cool jim. You rock.

Justice Is Served!:banana:

The world is beautiful. Good triumphs over evil. It's all true.
I just locked 2 similar threads discussing pretty much the same topic. Let's continue all discussion here. Nobody should hold back...
jimnyc said:
I just locked 2 similar threads discussing pretty much the same topic. Let's continue all discussion here. Nobody should hold back...

Excellent Jim.

Dunno why Kathianne didn't read your first post going by the way she was talking to Roomy...
Originally Posted by dmp
You are NOT a better judge of who or who isn't a troll. You have no place to question me because I do not work for you. If you want to comment on my administration practices of this board, please do so via PM - as per the rules you agree to, in order to post here

Absolutely I'm a better judge than you going from what I've seen over the past couple of months. Personally I don't think you are fit enough to be a mod let alone the administrator on this board, but Jim made the call for better or worse and I'll respect that. I initially saw Yukon as a liberal version of RWA, but I guess we'll never know...


On the intro thread you said this: It was hard to find a place that was moderated fairly and allowed for open and free debate. for starting the USMB

How does this marry with Darin saying crap like this: Because we don't run this board as a democracy. This board is a dictatorship.

Either you believe what you wrote in the intro thread or you don't. If you do, tell Darin to pull his head in or give up his role in the USMB. He is becoming a bore.

The only thing I agree on is that Yukon should have a chosen a different thread. A PM would have sorted that out...
Poor men wanna be rich, rich men wanna be king, but a king ain't satisfied 'til he rules everything.
I'm pretty tired of whiney users. People get their posts closed quite often because you go outside the rules, then sit back and start bitching...

"OOOH! It was ONLY cuz of my OPINION!!!"

What a crock of horseshit - how can you live with yourselves? Honestly? SURE it was cuz of your OPINION - when your opinion is something like: "So-and-so Moderator is a piece of horseshit and a nazi and keeps hatin' on my cuz I keep posting nearly IDENTICAL threads about IDENTICAL subjects! blah blah blah boohoo!!"

You know who you are if you fall into that group.

Then we have the snipers. Those folk who aren't involved in a situation who jump in with their $.02 as if anything was about 'them'. They sit back and pick apart actions by the mods without knowing ANY history between the Mod and the User who is likely in violation of SOME board rule, or the rule of Common Decency.

Then we have the anarchists - those who want NO organization or moderation on the board. Those are users who feel this board is somehow 'their RIGHT' or their sandbox.

I stand behind EVERY action a moderator has taken in the last few weeks. I stand behind MY actions taken in the last few weeks. My actions speak for themselves, and if Jim felt I no longer made good choices, I'd willingly step down. I'm passionate and not very logical at times, but I'm honest if I'm anything. At NO time over the last few weeks have I seen where a Moderator acted in ANY way other than in the best interests of this board.

We have insurgent members here; who may honestly FEEL like they could do a better job running this board. From a personal note I'd invite them to go outside and play a game of hide-and-go-fuck-themselves. From a professional standpoint I'd invite them to build a forum, and COMPETE against this forum. IF they are correct, we'll LOSE membership, and their boards will skyrocket and become the greatest WebPhenom since "Evolution of Dance" on YouTube.
Dr Grump said:
Absolutely I'm a better judge than you going from what I've seen over the past couple of months. Personally I don't think you are fit enough to be a mod let alone the administrator on this board, but Jim made the call for better or worse and I'll respect that. I initially saw Yukon as a liberal version of RWA, but I guess we'll never know...

You are welcome to your opinion. I feel VERY good that I only had to convince JIM of my ability to administer, and not you. Shows Jim's judgement; which means a LOT more to me than your drivel.
Dr Grump said:
Originally Posted by dmp
You are NOT a better judge of who or who isn't a troll. You have no place to question me because I do not work for you. If you want to comment on my administration practices of this board, please do so via PM - as per the rules you agree to, in order to post here

Maybe could have been a bit more polite, but he is right. I'm not saying users here don't have a right to question decisions that affect the board, but please have the courtesy to follow the rules and do that questioning in private.

Absolutely I'm a better judge than you going from what I've seen over the past couple of months. Personally I don't think you are fit enough to be a mod let alone the administrator on this board, but Jim made the call for better or worse and I'll respect that. I initially saw Yukon as a liberal version of RWA, but I guess we'll never know...

Not true, if he emailed me about his banning I might just let him return. He broke the rules a few times within a few posts. Darin's judgement calls should be brought to his attention via PM or I can be PM'd if someone disagrees with a decision.


On the intro thread you said this: It was hard to find a place that was moderated fairly and allowed for open and free debate. for starting the USMB

How does this marry with Darin saying crap like this: Because we don't run this board as a democracy. This board is a dictatorship.

Either you believe what you wrote in the intro thread or you don't. If you do, tell Darin to pull his head in or give up his role in the USMB. He is becoming a bore.

The only thing I agree on is that Yukon should have a chosen a different thread. A PM would have sorted that out...

I do believe what I wrote.

I believe what Darin meant was that we don't need reasons to ban people, nor do we need to explain why we make our decisions. I like to make that a matter for all to know in fairnesss to the board, but that doesn't mean it needs to be discussed with every banning and my mods or admin ridiculed because they did what they throught was correct, as per MY instructions.

He should have chosen a different thread. He should have chose a different forum. He shouldn't start off by going after rules and/or moderators. There was a lot wrong with his entrance and I think everyone knows that. Nonetheless, I would still welcome hime back so long as he agreed to be like everyone else and at least reasd the rules before posting!
jimnyc said:
Maybe could have been a bit more polite, but he is right. I'm not saying users here don't have a right to question decisions that affect the board, but please have the courtesy to follow the rules and do that questioning in private.

I have tried in the past to have a decent conversation in PM's, but all that happened was one of the mods whined to Darin (without addressing me), who then basically told me to shut the fuck up. What is the point of having a rule of putting questions to mods or the admin in PMs if they are just dismissed.

jimnyc said:
I believe what Darin meant was that we don't need reasons to ban people, nor do we need to explain why we make our decisions.

Well I think that sucks and is an anathema to your " moderated fairly and allowed for open and free debate" quote. But it's your board...I'll go on record as saying the only mods worth a damn are yourself, Jeff and Mtnbkr. Everybody else needs to pull their heads in. Wouldn't do any harm to have a lib moderator either, just for a little balance.

jimnyc said:
He should have chosen a different thread. He should have chose a different forum. He shouldn't start off by going after rules and/or moderators. There was a lot wrong with his entrance and I think everyone knows that. Nonetheless, I would still welcome hime back so long as he agreed to be like everyone else and at least reasd the rules before posting!

I agree he should have done it differently...
jimnyc said:
I believe what Darin meant was that we don't need reasons to ban people,

Don't bannings have to have at least SOMETHING to do with breaking a rule?
Dr Grump said:
I have tried in the past to have a decent conversation in PM's, but all that happened was one of the mods whined to Darin (without addressing me), who then basically told me to shut the fuck up. What is the point of having a rule of putting questions to mods or the admin in PMs if they are just dismissed.

Are you talking about that time you wouldn't stop with a moderator, and I told you to back off? Was it you I reminded that 'talking' about a situation was fine, but what you were doing was borderline harrassment?

Wouldn't do any harm to have a lib moderator either, just for a little balance.

When or IF moderators ever used their moderating ability to direct outcomes of threads We'd consider giving two rats asses about their political leanings.
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