this nation, under Obama, shall have a new birth of regulations....

Dumbest analogy ever

Why? It's in my body, therefore I own it right?

The funny thing is if this really happened to do think the law would demand that drs remove the card intact so the original owner can have it back or will the health of the idiot who ate it would take preciedent?

The law would say the card must be removed in the safest way for the person whos health is concerned.

The protection of the card would not be the highest priority.

What if you purposely swallowed a baby and had to have it removed, does your careless action take precedent over the life you swallowed?

Analogies can be pretty stupid. In this case you lose based on Justice or what is right.
Your "dependency" on profanity is like your dependency on gov't
boring, over done and unnecessary

One could argue that the restrictions being put into place on late term abortions is "lifting" a finger
You know, the ones that most Americans agree with

how proud you must be that women died because they could not survive one of these pregnancies.

But then YOUR moral code is more important than someone elses life huh?

Now who is trashing 35 years of SCOTUS decisions

If it makes you feel any better then you can have PapaObama just skip the legislative and courts
and "regulate" it any way he wants

Yep. Screw the Legislature, screw the Constitution, screw the people...
Um no its not asshole, it the law of this land and many others.

A women is allowed to decide what takes place inside her body.

You fucking idiots think you are more moral by taking the choice away from a woman to decide what happens inside her own body?

Your not,

Abortion will NEVER again be illegal so fuck off.

You do not get to command people what they can have inside their bodies.

There bodies aer NOT your legal territory.


What I get is the left has carved out an exception in the criminal code that allows women to commit murder....just to get Democrats elected. It's similar to their allowing them to expose themselves in public to feed the baby they have every right to kill when it's still in the womb. It doesn't become a person till it's outside the mother yet if a killer (without a license to do abortion) kills the baby it becomes murder.

No, no, feel free to pass laws that are steeping in hypocrisy.
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You can end life at any stage, beginning of life or towards the end, the result is the same, the end of life, funny how we have different definitions for the time of death and the cause of death.

Liberals must control not only what a woman does, but they must control the definition of words. A political party that must completely redefine the meaning of words in order to gain power and control.
All double murder laws were written after abortion became legal, just so they could be used in the discussion in the manner presented here. If you are for massive transfer payments to the irresponsible, then you are pro-life. As for the race issue, Thirty percent of abortions occur to non-Hispanic black women, 36% to non-Hispanic white women, 25% to Hispanic women and 9% to women of other races. [6].

I think the Castle Doctrine covers the abortion issue.

Oh, and murder is ILLEGAL killing. Legal killing is not murder, anymore than meat is.
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this nation, under Obama, shall have a new birth of regulations....
Yeah....whatta tragedy....making every effort to avoid ANOTHER round o' BUSHCO-style economic-carnage. :rolleyes:

Wall $treet Reform

this nation, under Obama, shall have a new birth of regulations....
Yeah....whatta tragedy....making every effort to avoid ANOTHER round o' BUSHCO-style economic-carnage. :rolleyes:

you really are a Progressive-Commie Useful idiot.
Is there Anything the Commies in this administration and you HERO Obama can do that would upset you?
good gawd.

Apparently not, even when PapaObama follows Bush policy that is OK with them

funny how that works
this nation, under Obama, shall have a new birth of regulations....
Yeah....whatta tragedy....making every effort to avoid ANOTHER round o' BUSHCO-style economic-carnage. :rolleyes:

you really are a Progressive-Commie Useful idiot.
Is there Anything the Commies in this administration and you HERO Obama can do that would upset you?
good gawd.
....And, you base all-o'-this on what??

What part o' Wall $treet Reform bothers you, the most??

If ya' can't come-up with anything.....that makes you one, more, loudmouthed, know-nothing asshole.

You're on-the-clock, Skippy.....


You do know BIGGER FONT does not make your argument any better or correct


You must have size issues when it comes to font
To revisit the problem--I'm sure the numbnuts won't accept the following since it was condensed into a Malkin column, but I'm equally certain they can't dispute a single fact with any credible source:

. . . . .The Congressional Budget Office put the price tag of the House Democrats’ health care takeover plans at $1.5 trillion over 10 years. But the CBO’s fine print included a tell-tale caveat:

“We have not yet estimated the administrative costs to the federal government of implementing the specified policies, nor have we accounted for all of the proposal’s likely effects on spending for other federal programs.”

You don’t need an accounting degree or clairvoyant powers. The administrative costs and spillover spending effects will be astronomical. Look at existing federal programs. In 1966, the Office of Management and Budget put the total taxpayer costs for Medicare at $64 million. In 2011, Medicare costs are expected to balloon to nearly $500 billion.

Medicaid cost $770 million in 1966. By 2011, that program will cost taxpayers an estimated $264 billion. The Virginia-based Council for Affordable Health Insurance estimated that the administrative expenses of both programs last decade were 66% higher than those of private sector health insurance companies.

And we ain’t seen nothing yet. House Republicans on the Joint Economic Committee sifted through their opponents’ 1,018-page health care bill and released a dizzying flow chart detailing the Byzantine bureaucracy Obamacare would create. Washington would become the home of at least 31 new federal programs, agencies, and commissions to oversee the government-run health insurance regime.

Because 32 “czars” isn’t enough, the Democrat plan would add another overlord to the Obama administration. The new “Health Choices Commissioner” would helm the new “Health Choices Administration” (Section 141 of the bill) – separate from the already existing Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formerly the Health Care Financing Administration), the Veterans Health Administration, and the Indian Health Service
Michelle Malkin Inside the monstrous Obamacare bureaucracy

That chart she referenced:


The Obama advocates will smugly point to the legislation and say "that isn't in there. I dare you to show me where it says that. You can't back up your criticisms. . . .yadda yadda."

But the brutal truth is that 'if it isn't in there', the regulators are pretty much at liberty to write the regs, costs, scope, and mandates as they wish. And if history is any teacher, they will.
Abortion has been legal for 35 years and the republicans have done nothing to change it. It is also legal through most of the world. Neither Obama or the republicans will change that

Fact: It's still murder.

If destroying a fetus is murder then why can't the fetus be claimed on taxes until AFTER it is born?? If it's a life at conception then one should be able to claim it from the moment of conception but it can't be calimed until AFTER it is born so it must not count until then. Furthermore, how come it doesn't count as a citizen until AFTER it's born??
Abortion has been legal for 35 years and the republicans have done nothing to change it. It is also legal through most of the world. Neither Obama or the republicans will change that

Fact: It's still murder.

If destroying a fetus is murder then why can't the fetus be claimed on taxes until AFTER it is born?? If it's a life at conception then one should be able to claim it from the moment of conception but it can't be calimed until AFTER it is born so it must not count until then. Furthermore, how come it doesn't count as a citizen until AFTER it's born??

omg, twisted.:cuckoo:
Cool......Obama is responsible for abortion now

How much effort did the Republicans make to repeal it when they were in power for six years?

What part of

"Not sure if PapaObama wants your particular baby, but the Progressive movement has done "wonders" for others...."

says PapaObama is responsible for abortion now?

Oh, I understand.

You must be nervous because your secret love affair with Papa Obama is now in the open.

Don't be afraid (but do keep any blue dresses you have- just in case)

You are a complete fucking idiot

If he's an idiot, then the word needed to describe the level of your stupidity doesn't exist.

Please shut the fuck up, you sickening piece of shit.
Abortion, I am in Brazil, Abortion is illegal here, some backyard stuff, not enough to be a concern, just chalk up this atrocity to being equal to the atrocity of women who are permanently damaged, physically, biologically, and mentally by this violent medical procedure that destroys a human baby.

So, here in Brazil I took the family out for a little food, Pastels, a type of pastry filled with meat or cheese or shrimp. The place is ran by a very nice Chinese couple, as my Portuguese is bad my wife translated for me.

The question put forth was do you prefer Brazil or China, the easy answer came as, "The governor of the state we lived in killed our daughter."

That is what abortion does for society, forced abortion dictated by a Communist Governor, criteria, it was a girl, not a boy.

Thank god we set the example on the right way to pull a baby out of its life support system. Do they still use a vacuum with a heavy douche of salt to kill the pesky little brats or is there a new "medical" procedure.

Talk about a non sequitur. What does the difference between china and brazil have to do with the discussion?? Yes, we know that China is a bad place but that's like trying to argue that the US is great because the nazi's were evil compared to english. One has NO bearing on the other so i really don't see the point in your rant.
Abortion has been legal for 35 years and the republicans have done nothing to change it. It is also legal through most of the world. Neither Obama or the republicans will change that

Fact: It's still murder.

If destroying a fetus is murder then why can't the fetus be claimed on taxes until AFTER it is born?? If it's a life at conception then one should be able to claim it from the moment of conception but it can't be calimed until AFTER it is born so it must not count until then. Furthermore, how come it doesn't count as a citizen until AFTER it's born??

Actually, if one murders a pregnant women then they can be charged with two murders.

Of, using your argument, why does the gov't give WIC to pregnant women?
And you will never have the power to define abortion, you support murder, its simple, I am glad its a woman's choice and not mine, I want no part in murder and I want no relationship with woman who believe murder is okay.

Would you consider it murder if a women needed an abortion due to a pregancy while taking birth control? The children in most cases are deformed along with a variety of other health problems. It is medically recommended to abort.

What if the women was raped?

It isnt all that black and white. In my hunble opinion of course.

Nothing is always Black and White, we can come up with scenarios in which there is a need for a doctor to intervene medically. In the case of health its a choice, if it was my baby I would sacrifice my life if they would live.

If the woman was raped, that is tough luck, of course in my world the penalty for forcible rape is always the death penalty, I say torture rapist alive on Television, I say rip a rapist apart starting with his testicles, shove them in his mouth so he can't scream and let dogs and pigs rip him apart, I say the same thing for kidnapping.

We are soft on crime hence we have to suffer what is proper when a woman is raped.

Of course the Media also controls the debate by always portraying having children as ugly, life destroying events. In my world mothers and their children are protected by society as the most beautiful example of life. Unfortunately in the world of today which has been dominated by Liberals the perception of having children is always life destroying.

I could care less how or why a woman gets pregnant, I say we give them a life of luxury, having children should be easy and promoted, I dont care about the costs, I dont care about corruption or welfare mothers taking advantage.

I look at my boy right now, we are playing with Legos and he is upset I am on my computer, he is 5 and a half years old, a great boy, I sit and know, looking at his face, my love for him would be as great no matter the circumstances of his birth, I cannot imagine how anyone could not love a child, despite the cruelness of how the baby is conceived.

Woman should carry guns so that we here of rapist getting killed, I never here those stories, woman should never be raped, its Liberal courts, penalties, and gun laws that prevent a woman from protecting herself.

Anyhow much of this debate is because of the negative press children receive, ever here of the "terrible twos", I heard of them but with two boys I never experienced a terrible week let alone a year of hell while boys are two years old.

The media attacks children all the time, pure hate in my opinion, not based on reality and all the negative aspects can be traced to liberal policies and ideas.


This truly is a nightmarish indication of how devoid of the understanding of civics, the concept of a civil society, the understanding of the United States Constitution and the understanding of history in general some conservatives seem to be..
Knowing you, he is probably the father
(or least you wish he was)

Not sure if PapaObama wants your particular baby, but the Progressive movement has done "wonders" for others....

Indeed CDC:Abortion Kills More Blacks Than 7 Leading Causes of Death Combined. How many votes would that have been?

Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race, according to the CDC. During that year, according to the CDC, a total of 198,385 blacks nationwide died from heart disease, cancer, strokes, accidents, diabetes, homicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases combined.

Of course this number falls short since all districts do not report abortions by race. - we wonder why?

(California, Florida, Illinois and the rest of New York state outside of New York City do not report by race)

So how do you want to change that? Put black women in prison if they get caught having an abortion?

Why would you bring race into it? Nice try at the red herring, but perhaps you should go back to licking doorknobs and eating paint chips.

You really need to learn how to read. neotrosky brought up race when he stated "Indeed CDC:Abortion Kills More Blacks Than 7 Leading Causes of Death Combined." or in your zeal to attack another poster and blindly call them out for playing the race card did you happen to miss that FACT?? LOL
What is it with Conservatives and their concern for pregnant women?

Once the child leaves the womb..their concern for that life completely vanishes.

And they don't seem all that concerned with pregnant women, abroad..unless of course if it's to take their contraception away..or family planning.

But to bomb the crap out of them in places like Iraq and Afghanistan..seems to be a-ok.

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