This May Tick A Lot Of Conservatives Off, But i agree with Biden - Afghanistan War Can NOT Be Won


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Too bad he didn't feel that way for the 8 years he was VP under the warmonger Barack Obama.
All we heard from Barry and Joe was that Iraq was the BAD war and Afghanistan was the GOOD war. Yet not a single plan on how we were supposed to win or what we were going to do when it was over. Two decades in and what was accomplished?

I tend to agree. Imposing or giving democracy to a people who don't appreciate or understand it doesn't work.

Unfortunately even our system has become too corrupted by politicians who think the power belongs to them when it really belongs to the people but those people need to be well educated so they are not sheep to be lead by the nose by lies from the politicians.

*****SAD SMILE*****

Sure it can be won

We just aren't gonna do it

We could have ethnically cleansed those fuckers long ago. If we're not going to do that then this war is pointless to continue. I don't think we should have nuked Vietnam either, but it would have been a lot easier to pick out the ones we want in afghanistan.

These groups are divided ethnically and geographically very cleanly in Afghanistan. Pashtuns speak a different language and live in a different part of the country. Who are the core of what we call the "taliban"

They want ancient laws of hospitality we can enforce ancient laws about retribution......Just wiping a people out isn't very profitable tho so that was never on the table.
All we heard from Barry and Joe was that Iraq was the BAD war and Afghanistan was the GOOD war. Yet not a single plan on how we were supposed to win or what we were going to do when it was over. Two decades in and what was accomplished?

No one heeded Eisenhower's warning.
We're perennial losers except for the elite's and their hanger-ons who got paid.

I still cannot wait to piss on McShitstain's grave the next time I'm back East!
We are really good at war (kicking ass). But our morals do not allow us to finish the enemy, so they know that they can simply out wait us.
With Biden - or any liberal - as "president" NO war can be won.

Patriots would refuse to support such a creature and liberals want to fight no country other than America.

Next war is going to be a cake-walk and this bit of real estate is going to be the cake being walked on.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Too bad he didn't feel that way for the 8 years he was VP under the warmonger Barack Obama.

Except he and Obama didn't start it. They believed pulling out would have been just creating more of a disaster. We created the mess.
Now, after 20 years, we're abandoning it anyway. So I feel vindicated in saying 20 years later that like Iraq, the correct decision was not to go in the first place.
With Biden - or any liberal - as "president" NO war can be won.

Patriots would refuse to support such a creature and liberals want to fight no country other than America.

Next war is going to be a cake-walk and this bit of real estate is going to be the cake being walked on.

Hope yer' wrong. Seems to be heading that way, tho'.
Afghanistan must decide for themselves, with their own blood, if freedom and liberty is worth the ultimate sacrifice. We had a chance when the USSR withdrew and chose to abandon Afghanistan, created a void, ushering in a twisted form of Muslim extremism to fill the void created. The desire for Freedom, Equality, and Liberty must come from within not by external manipulation. Our objective post 9-11 was to eradicate a terrorist threat, which we rapidly accomplished, it was then time for Afghanistan to make a choice. We can not assume the role of the worlds stabilizing force or build nations. America tried and paid a heavy price to give them a chance to stand up and decide the road they would travel. I agree it’s time to move on, remain vigilant, and remain prepared to strike if needed.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

Too bad he didn't feel that way for the 8 years he was VP under the warmonger Barack Obama.

Except he and Obama didn't start it. They believed pulling out would have been just creating more of a disaster. We created the mess.
Now, after 20 years, we're abandoning it anyway. So I feel vindicated in saying 20 years later that like Iraq, the correct decision was not to go in the first place.

You give no supporting evidence for such a foolish claim.
Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won''cannot be won'

Biden speeds up US withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban resurges, admin. insists war 'cannot be won'

Actually, 1st you have to decide / identify WHAT 'The War In Afghanistan' was.

If the mission in Afghanistan was to exact retribution from the Taliban for 9/11/01 - Mission Accomplished.....but we stayed too long.

If the mission was to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban control - Mission Accomplished....but we stayed too long. We couldn't stay there forever to ensure it stayed that way.

If it was to impose our idea / concept of Democracy on Afghanistan it was a massive failure

I agree with Biden, though - what the Afghanistan war has become and the reasons we were / are there can't be won. We should have been out long ago....

That being said, I believe we we have not seen the last of Afghanistan and will end up going back, only if it is to bomb the shite out of the Taliban and ISIS again...and you can count on both to move back into Afghanistan.

I also believe invading Syria was a bad f*ing idea, a move we should never have made, and that we should immediately withdraw our troops from that country as well.

I think we should let China have a crack at it.

I truly feel for the poor Afghani girls returning to ghost status under the Taliban. But it is inevitable.
But I feel better that American tax dollars are no longer shoved into the outhouse called Afghanistan!
Without a declaration of war... I have no idea why in the world we should have stayed there in the first place. The fact that a democrat now does what I think should have been done long ago, doesn't change anything for me. Good.... Get out. If we go back, it better be a declared war.
I can't disagree with that. But we absolutely owe all of the Afghanees who risked their lives to be translators for US soldiers to get them and their families out safely. There are thousands of them and they and their families are marked for death by the Taliban.

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