THIS JUST IN on the Zimmerman case....

Good point. I've been trying to understand why she is waiting. If she has a case, why is she waiting and why isn't Zimmerman arrested? You make a good argument for why she didn't go to the GJ, but if she has a case, what is the hold up I wonder?

One wonders. The most likely explanation, is that she wants to be absolutely sure that the investigation is complete and has been as thorough as possible, before making a decision. If she were ready to indict, as of now, she'd have likely taken advantage of the political cover afforded by presenting the case to the Grand Jury; it's easy enough to get a true bill from a Grand Jury, with simple probable cause, let alone probative evidence. This says to me, that she's making sure every "t" is crossed, and every "i' dotted, before rendering a decision that will make a lot of people VERY angry and unhappy, either way. Given the way that Florida law is written, I'd be careful as a prosecutor too, because the letter of the law seems to put a heavy burden of proof of probable cause on a prosecutor, before he/she can even charge someone in a self defense case. A lot of people here either do not understand what the Florida law actually says, or don't like what it says, but that is the law that will apply in this case.

You've already decided it was SELF DEFENSE! The pro killer mindset is astonishing.

I've done nothing of the kind, Peach; all I've done, is told you what the statute says, where thee is a claim of self defense; it says that there must be probable cause (supported by evidence-physical evidence, witness testimony, etc.) to indicate that a homicide was NOT self defense, before charges are brought. Now, if there were evidence Martin was, say, shot in the back, that would be probable cause.If there were evidence that Zimmerman was beating Martin, and then simply shot him, that would be probable cause. If there were evidence that Zimmerman assaulted Martin first, that would be probable cause, Are any of those the case? We do not know. Is there any other evidence (not supposition), that would constitute probable cause to believe that Zimmerman DID NOT defend himself, when there certainly IS evidence to show that Martin DID assault Zimmerman? We do not know. ALL we know, is that there WAS a verbal confrontation of some sort between the two; that at some point during or after that, Martin DID strike (assault) Zimmerman, and that at some point after that, Zimmerman DID shoot Martin. Those seem to be the only uncontroverted facts we have. Now, is there any evidence that Zimmerman struck (assaulted) Martin first, or that Martin reasonably acted in self defense, when he struck Zimmerman? There may be, there may not be; we don't know. So, unless there is some fact we don't know, that investigators DO know, there's no probable cause under this statute to charge Zimmerman with a crime.

What makes this confusing is that under common law self defense, Zimmerman could be charged simply because the state could allege that Zimmerman unreasonably confronted Martin in the first place (whether his action in doing so was reasonable would be a question for a jury to decide). Second, the state could allege that Zimmerman unreasonably escalated the initial verbal confrontation (again a question for a jury to decide). In defense, Zimmerman would thus have to show (to the satisfaction of a jury), that he acted reasonably in approaching and confronting Martin, and that he did not unreasonably escalate the situation prior to the assault, which undeniably occurred. At that point, the state could allege that Zimmerman was not reasonably in fear of death or serious bodily injury, when he shot Martin; again Zimmerman would have to satisfy a jury that his fear was reasonable. If he met all those requirements he would be acquitted, if not, he would be guilty of some form of unjustified homicide.

With this statute, there's a key difference; the way it reads, Zimmerman only has to show that in approaching and confronted Martin, he acted "lawfully", which is a looser standard. He does not have to have acted reasonably; he merely has to NOT have violated any Florida law.That's the first problem, because it puts the state in the position of having to show probable cause to allege a statute WAS in fact violated, and which statute that was.Now then, if there were evidence that Zimmerman DID violate the law, (by assaulting Martin, prior to Martin striking Zimmerman, for example), that would be probable cause. IS there any such evidence? We don't know, but without it, or something similar, there's no probable cause. IF Zimmerman's story is all the evidence there is, then Martin was the one acting "unlawfully", leaving the only test of "reasonableness" to whether Zimmerman could reasonably have feared death or serious injury at Martin's hands. (Note here, that Zimmerman does not have to prove he actually suffered "serious bodily injury, ONLY that he reasonably feared it. A continued assault, after he was down, would be Prima Facie evidence of "reasonableness", if the evidence showed that's what occurred. Unless the investigation reveals evidence that there was no continued assault, the presumption would be that there was. What everyone is having a problem with is that this statute, as written, is heavily loaded against the party who FIRST commits an unlawful act; even if the act in question is understandable, it must be LAWFUL, i.e. LEGALLY EXCUSABLE under the requirements of the applicable statute. Normally, one may not lawfully strike another over mere words, unless the words themselves legally constitute a threat, or an unlawful demand. Is there evidence that Zimmerman said anything to Martin that would legally constitute either a threat, or an unlawful demand? We don't know, but UNLESS there is, Zimmerman's story once again gets the benefit of the doubt, absent anything to refute it. Unfortunately, unless there is physical evidence or witness testimony that shows Zimmerman violated some law before Martin hit him, it may well turn out, that the only people who will ever know exactly what words were exchanged, or if there was any threat by Zimmerman to Martin, are the two of them, and there's only one left to tell the tale.
Trayvon's weight?

I dunno.

But the police report indicates 160.


See: Trayvon Martin shooting death — initial police reports « Phoebe's Detention Room

That would be an estimate, since (apparently) Martin wasn't carrying any ID. The same report gives Zimmerman's height at 5''9" (from his DL?) but lists no weight. The surveillance video at the SDP would indicate that Zimmerman certainly weighs less than the 250 claimed; if I had to guess, I'd say 180-190, at most, and likely less; (though he could have been considerably heavier years back-who knows, but the face in the old photo looks far more like a man of that height who weighed well over 200). I suspect the weight disparity between the two is far, far less than the 100 lbs. or more often claimed here, but I'm sure that will all come out at the appropriate time. I will say that someone 6' tall weighing 160 is not a "child" in terms of size. That's nearly 30 lbs. over the minimum weight for that height (132) to meet the enlistment standards of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Height shows 6'0 also.
If no crime was committed, why are the fascist pigs so committed to throwing him in jail?

Oh wait..they're fascist pigs. Never mind.

Possibly, but part of it, I believe, is that they are confusing common law self defense, with what this particular Florida law says, and the two are VERY different, as I explained immediately above.
Trayvon's weight?

I dunno.

But the police report indicates 160.


See: Trayvon Martin shooting death — initial police reports « Phoebe's Detention Room

That would be an estimate, since (apparently) Martin wasn't carrying any ID. The same report gives Zimmerman's height at 5''9" (from his DL?) but lists no weight. The surveillance video at the SDP would indicate that Zimmerman certainly weighs less than the 250 claimed; if I had to guess, I'd say 180-190, at most, and likely less; (though he could have been considerably heavier years back-who knows, but the face in the old photo looks far more like a man of that height who weighed well over 200). I suspect the weight disparity between the two is far, far less than the 100 lbs. or more often claimed here, but I'm sure that will all come out at the appropriate time. I will say that someone 6' tall weighing 160 is not a "child" in terms of size. That's nearly 30 lbs. over the minimum weight for that height (132) to meet the enlistment standards of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Height shows 6'0 also.
I noticed, Peach; various sources have given Martin's height as anything from 6' to 6'3", and weight from 140 to 165. I The autopsy report will be the final word on his exact Height and weight.
Still no "DAs" in Florida, and the initial police reports are usually estimates. Note PARTIAL.
That would be an estimate, since (apparently) Martin wasn't carrying any ID. The same report gives Zimmerman's height at 5''9" (from his DL?) but lists no weight. The surveillance video at the SDP would indicate that Zimmerman certainly weighs less than the 250 claimed; if I had to guess, I'd say 180-190, at most, and likely less; (though he could have been considerably heavier years back-who knows, but the face in the old photo looks far more like a man of that height who weighed well over 200). I suspect the weight disparity between the two is far, far less than the 100 lbs. or more often claimed here, but I'm sure that will all come out at the appropriate time. I will say that someone 6' tall weighing 160 is not a "child" in terms of size. That's nearly 30 lbs. over the minimum weight for that height (132) to meet the enlistment standards of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Height shows 6'0 also.
I noticed, Peach; various sources have given Martin's height as anything from 6' to 6'3", and weight from 140 to 165. I The autopsy report will be the final word on his exact Height and weight.

No sh*t.
How is the law controversial? It's pretty simple. All it says is that if threatened by bodily harm, I do not have to run away first.

I doubt Zimmerman had a choice to run, after his life was put in danger. Only someone with a skull full of shit could think that Zimmerman could have outran Trayvon.

Anyway, this is what the law was made for, making self-defense claims against attackers easier, even if the politicians who passed the law are too cowardly to take Zimmerman's side.
I noticed, Peach; various sources have given Martin's height as anything from 6' to 6'3", and weight from 140 to 165. I The autopsy report will be the final word on his exact Height and weight.

One thing is for sure, a football player over 6' weighs more than 165-lbs. My bet is Martin was 190-lbs. Zimmerman did not look that big & his lawyer he was under 200-lbs. I guarantee Martin & Zimmerman weights were not more than 20-lbs apart.

Muscle is heavier than fat & football players have more muscles than your average person has muscle & fat. Football players are always calculated as overweight on the (BMI) Body Mass Index. A perfect BMI for a 6'-2" male is 190-lbs. So a football player of that height weighs at least that.
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How is the law controversial? It's pretty simple. All it says is that if threatened by bodily harm, I do not have to run away first.

I doubt Zimmerman had a choice to run, after his life was put in danger. Only someone with a skull full of shit could think that Zimmerman could have outran Trayvon.

Anyway, this is what the law was made for, making self-defense claims against attackers easier, even if the politicians who passed the law are too cowardly to take Zimmerman's side.

Zimmerman's life in danger? He left his vehicle with a 9mm! C'mon.
The State Attourney has just announced that she will not be presenting the case before a Grand Jury.

I'm not 100% sure what this means but, I still don't think it looks good for the lynch mob.

She will probably charge Zimmerman with something. Prosecutors can be rabid.

Yeah, charges over a fatal shooting, how silly. :badgrin:
I noticed, Peach; various sources have given Martin's height as anything from 6' to 6'3", and weight from 140 to 165. I The autopsy report will be the final word on his exact Height and weight.

One thing is for sure, a football player over 6' weighs more than 165-lbs. My bet is Martin was 190-lbs. Zimmerman did not look that big & his lawyer he was under 200-lbs. I guarantee Martin & Zimmerman weights were not more than 20-lbs apart.

Muscle is heavier than fat & football players have more muscles than your average person has muscle & fat. Football players are always calculated as overweight on the (BMI) Body Mass Index. A perfect BMI for a 6'-2" male is 190-lbs. So a football player of that height weighs at least that.
why guess? THE POLICE REPORT states martin was 6.0 feet, and 160 lbs, not 165 lbs, not 175 lbs and not 190 lbs.....and not 6'2'' and not 6'3''

why lie about it or why state things that simply are not true?
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The State Attourney has just announced that she will not be presenting the case before a Grand Jury.

I'm not 100% sure what this means but, I still don't think it looks good for the lynch mob.

She will probably charge Zimmerman with something. Prosecutors can be rabid.

Yeah, charges over a fatal shooting, how silly. :badgrin:

Yea, we should definitely not have the right to defend ourselves.
I noticed, Peach; various sources have given Martin's height as anything from 6' to 6'3", and weight from 140 to 165. I The autopsy report will be the final word on his exact Height and weight.

One thing is for sure, a football player over 6' weighs more than 165-lbs. My bet is Martin was 190-lbs. Zimmerman did not look that big & his lawyer he was under 200-lbs. I guarantee Martin & Zimmerman weights were not more than 20-lbs apart.

Muscle is heavier than fat & football players have more muscles than your average person has muscle & fat. Football players are always calculated as overweight on the (BMI) Body Mass Index. A perfect BMI for a 6'-2" male is 190-lbs. So a football player of that height weighs at least that.
why guess? THE POLICE REPORT states martin was 6.0 feet, and 160 lbs, not 165 lbs, not 175 lbs and not 190 lbs.....and not 6'2'' and not 6'3''

why lie about it or why state things that simply are not true?

Police do not have a weight scale. Looking at Martins pictures my first guess is 180-lbs. If Martin is 6'-0" the BMI suggest he is 180-lbs. If he is 6'-2" it would be 190-lbs.
One thing is for sure, a football player over 6' weighs more than 165-lbs. My bet is Martin was 190-lbs. Zimmerman did not look that big & his lawyer he was under 200-lbs. I guarantee Martin & Zimmerman weights were not more than 20-lbs apart.

Muscle is heavier than fat & football players have more muscles than your average person has muscle & fat. Football players are always calculated as overweight on the (BMI) Body Mass Index. A perfect BMI for a 6'-2" male is 190-lbs. So a football player of that height weighs at least that.
why guess? THE POLICE REPORT states martin was 6.0 feet, and 160 lbs, not 165 lbs, not 175 lbs and not 190 lbs.....and not 6'2'' and not 6'3''

why lie about it or why state things that simply are not true?

Police do not have a weight scale. Looking at Martins pictures my first guess is 180-lbs. If Martin is 6'-0" the BMI suggest he is 180-lbs. If he is 6'-2" it would be 190-lbs.

Police don't have a weight scale?


"The defendant is charged with having a LOT of marijuana, we don't know how much, 'cuz we don't have a scale!"

They sure have them in the Madison County lockup in Mississippi, I can tell you as a first hand witness.
I noticed, Peach; various sources have given Martin's height as anything from 6' to 6'3", and weight from 140 to 165. I The autopsy report will be the final word on his exact Height and weight.

One thing is for sure, a football player over 6' weighs more than 165-lbs. My bet is Martin was 190-lbs. Zimmerman did not look that big & his lawyer he was under 200-lbs. I guarantee Martin & Zimmerman weights were not more than 20-lbs apart.

Muscle is heavier than fat & football players have more muscles than your average person has muscle & fat. Football players are always calculated as overweight on the (BMI) Body Mass Index. A perfect BMI for a 6'-2" male is 190-lbs. So a football player of that height weighs at least that.

This brings up an interesting aspect of the Florida "stand your ground" law.

It basically discriminates against big dudes. Its possible to imagine a pair of scenarios, one involving a big guy and one involving a little guy, each in an identical altercation with the same "reasonable" man - and in all aspects each scenario is the same except in one the reasonable man reasonably feels his life is threated by the 6'7" man but in the other does not feel it threatened by a 4'11" man.
why guess? THE POLICE REPORT states martin was 6.0 feet, and 160 lbs, not 165 lbs, not 175 lbs and not 190 lbs.....and not 6'2'' and not 6'3''

why lie about it or why state things that simply are not true?

Police do not have a weight scale. Looking at Martins pictures my first guess is 180-lbs. If Martin is 6'-0" the BMI suggest he is 180-lbs. If he is 6'-2" it would be 190-lbs.

Police don't have a weight scale?


"The defendant is charged with having a LOT of marijuana, we don't know how much, 'cuz we don't have a scale!"

They sure have them in the Madison County lockup in Mississippi, I can tell you as a first hand witness.

Drugs - Maybe.

Scales big enough for humans in their patrol cars? :doubt:
Police do not have a weight scale. Looking at Martins pictures my first guess is 180-lbs. If Martin is 6'-0" the BMI suggest he is 180-lbs. If he is 6'-2" it would be 190-lbs.

Police don't have a weight scale?


"The defendant is charged with having a LOT of marijuana, we don't know how much, 'cuz we don't have a scale!"

They sure have them in the Madison County lockup in Mississippi, I can tell you as a first hand witness.

Drugs - Maybe.

Scales big enough for humans in their patrol cars? :doubt:

In their patrol cars, of course not. sorry should have read further back.

I would think he would have been weighed by the coroner. Or the cops may have just guessed.
Police don't have a weight scale?


"The defendant is charged with having a LOT of marijuana, we don't know how much, 'cuz we don't have a scale!"

They sure have them in the Madison County lockup in Mississippi, I can tell you as a first hand witness.

Drugs - Maybe.

Scales big enough for humans in their patrol cars? :doubt:

In their patrol cars, of course not. sorry should have read further back.

I would think he would have been weighed by the coroner. Or the cops may have just guessed.

They have not released a coroner report yet. The police on scene just guessed out in the dark & rain.

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