This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Lying to blacks is not "racial healing." You're a sick and disturbed individual.

Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?
Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.

1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Why do you keep making this up? We have gone over this, yet you persist in misrepresenting my view.

I guess you figure it gives you your best excuse to keep enabling the racism that remains in your party.

Not very honest. Not very surprising, either. The Regressive Left appreciates your assistance, I'm sure.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Why do you keep making this up? We have gone over this, yet you persist in misrepresenting my view.

I guess you figure it gives you your best excuse to keep enabling the racism that remains in your party.

Not very honest. Not very surprising, either. The Regressive Left appreciates your assistance, I'm sure.

Do you support and celebrate the clear and explicit condemnation of nazis, that President Trump made in response to the riot in Charlottesville?
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Why do you keep making this up? We have gone over this, yet you persist in misrepresenting my view.

I guess you figure it gives you your best excuse to keep enabling the racism that remains in your party.

Not very honest. Not very surprising, either. The Regressive Left appreciates your assistance, I'm sure.

Do you support and celebrate the clear and explicit condemnation of nazis, that President Trump made in response to the riot in Charlottesville?
Nazis? I'm sure you know much more about this incident than I do, but I'll take your word that he did it.

Therefore, yes, of course.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.

1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?
This is why we support Trump.....unlike the spineless...gutless, cowardly, weak, moronic, establishment republicans...and I could go on.....Trump is taking the fight to the enemy, the left wing, socialist, democrat asshats......

On Nov. 8, Trump will make his case to Black Americans on why they should vote for him....instead of the democrats who have ignored them, abused them, and turned their communities into hell holes.......... may commence peeing your pants now....

Nolte: Trump Launches Campaign to Attract Black Voters

President Trump’s re-election campaign will launch its ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition in Atlanta on Friday November 8, which again proves he’s really bad at being a racist.
“Black Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,” said Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “The Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ into communities across America.”

The press release adds, “Under President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.”



THIS is why I support Trump.

My entire adult life, I have been waiting for the Party of Lincoln to be the real Party of Lincoln, and make a serious, focused, and yes — risky effort to attract the black vote.

John McCain didn’t have the courage to do this. Mitt Romney gave it one try before he ran away scared and crying.

Not Trump, though. Despite the best efforts of the fake media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to smear him as racist, to mock his every attempt to reach out to blacks, to turn every black person who does support Trump into a “Crazy Uncle Tom,” Trump will not be intimidated.

And he shouldn’t be… And not just because some pollsters show him making inroads with groups the cowardly, establishment GOP have ignored for decades.

To begin with, unlike our first black president, Trump actually has a record of accomplishment to run on, a record that has directly benefited black Americans: record-low unemployment, rising wages, job creation, and the long overdue criminal justice reform that Obama couldn’t get through congress.
He will offer “job creation” not “welfare.”
Why should I give a fuck about LBJ?

As a Zionist Traitor, you love that guy. He allowed Israel to get away with the deliberate murder of the USS Liberty. He escalated Vietnam to run US weapons factories for the sole purpose of siphoning off those brand new arms to Israel so that Israel could start the 67 war. He is your hero. And you and he share the same supremacist views of your CHOSEN rear ends...
Why should I give a fuck about LBJ?

As a Zionist Traitor, you love that guy. He allowed Israel to get away with the deliberate murder of the USS Liberty. He escalated Vietnam to run US weapons factories for the sole purpose of siphoning off those brand new arms to Israel so that Israel could start the 67 war. He is your hero. And you and he share the same supremacist views of your CHOSEN rear ends...
"As a Zionist Traitor, you love that guy."


I literally just indicated the polar opposite of that. I think he's one of the worst presidents we ever had. As evidenced by him being kicked to the curb in 1968.

You prove once again just how fucking crazy you really are. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I think he's one of the worst presidents we ever had

Before W got into the Oval Office, he was THE WORST. He's now currently in 2nd place.

He murdered his way to the Oval Office and wrecked America to help Israel.


Ever heard of it???
You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Why do you keep making this up? We have gone over this, yet you persist in misrepresenting my view.

I guess you figure it gives you your best excuse to keep enabling the racism that remains in your party.

Not very honest. Not very surprising, either. The Regressive Left appreciates your assistance, I'm sure.

Do you support and celebrate the clear and explicit condemnation of nazis, that President Trump made in response to the riot in Charlottesville?
Nazis? I'm sure you know much more about this incident than I do, but I'll take your word that he did it.

Therefore, yes, of course.

It is true, I have researched it a lot, as a lot of people keep lying about it.

Thank you for supporting the truth.
Being accepted as a normal politician, for normal political behavior, despite being on the other side of the racial divide, would be.

You know this, but you are fighting against it, because partisan advantage is more important to you, than the good of the nation.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.

1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:

1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
Lying to blacks to get their vote is still not good for the nation, ya racist sick fuck.


Calling it lying, is just you spinning it, to give yourself an excuse to be against racial outreach.

You attack republicans for being "racist" and use their lack of black membership as "evidence" of their racism,

but now we see that when they make any attempt to address that issue, you guys are the ones who make sure it fails, by shouting it down.

You are the racist here, the one doing all he can to nurture racial division and strife.

And a soulless monster troll while you are at it.
I'm calling it lying because that's what it is. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is lying. If you think blacks are too stupid to see through his antics, you will be shocked when you see they don't fall for it.

If course, I'm saying this to a suck fuck who says making a pass at a woman by grabbing her pussy is normal male behavior, so he could defend the sexual assault committed by his idol; so maybe "shocked" is the wrong word there. Maybe "pissed" is what you'll be.

1. You really think that Trump doesn't believe that his policies are not the best policies for America and that the good results we are seeing are not the result of his brilliant leadership?

What did he do to get you to think he was humble? Or are you just spouting shit from your face anus?

2. Sorry you never got laid. Actually, I'm not. I'm happy for the women of the world, that you were to timid to make any moves on any women.
1. I don't think Trump is so stupid, he's incapable of knowing the unemployment rate had been dropping for 7 years before he became president.

2. I'm married with children. While you prove to be mentally rightarded. :badgrin:

1. Your spin is dismissed. Trump is, like all Presidents before him, taking credit for good economic news on his watch. THere is no sane reason for you to be hysterical about that.

2. So, you say. But you liberals A. can't tell men from women or visa versa, and B. are known to be horrible admitted liars, and C. you claim that trying to get to Third Base is sexual assault. You are retarded. More than retarded. Liberal.
Call it taking credit for someone else's achievement, it's still lie and most blacks know it.

Your idiocy that Liberals can't tell men from women is dismissed as the nonsense you intended it to be. Also dismissed is your lie that I said trying to get to third base is sexual assault. I like you you lie while calling Liberals, "liars." What I actually said was making a pass by grabbing a women's pussy, which you, a sick fuck, called "normal male behavior," is sexual assault if the woman doesn't "let" it.
The Trumpsters think that minorities are going to ignore fucking MOUNTAINS of contrary, ongoing, current evidence and fall for this one thing.

Then, when minorities don't, the Trumpsters will claim to be the victims. And they'll blame minorities.

What I wonder is if they see what an insult this is. They don't appear to.

You talk about "mountains of evidence" while you support the lie that Trump said that nazis were "very fine people".

Yes. We will blame other people, when people like you, shout down any attempts by us, to define ourselves instead of letting you do it with lies.

That you do so, and mock us while doing it, is not a receipt for long term peace.
That's not a lie. There was no one on the right at the Unite the Right rally other than Nazis, kkk, white nationalists and supremacists. So saying there were some very fine people there on the right, which group of those racists was he talking about?

He specifically said he was not talking about any nazis, or white supremacists.

That you know he said that, and you lie and claim he was talking about nazis, or white supremacists, is you being a piece of shit.

THat mac, supports you, is him invalidating his call for us to police our own.
Then he must have been talking about the KKK; because the only ones there on the right were neonazis, white supremacists and KKK.

So the KKK are "very fine people," huh, ya sick fuck?

But he explicitly stated that he was not talking about them. Are you able to understand that simple point, you freaking moron, or is this more of you just spouting shit from your face anus?

When you spout shit from your face anus, can you taste it? Is that why you like to do that? Cause you like the taste, you pathetic sub human freak?
There was no one there on the right but racists. "Unite the right" was the gathering of several racist factions coming together to grow their strength in numbers.

There were no "very fine people" there on the right.

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