This is Why California is Going Bankrupt

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Public employees are raping the state coffers.

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The latest information about the salaries and benefits of each San Jose city employee was posted online Friday in an effort to maintain transparency in the city's government.

The compensation information, which can be accessed at Employees Salaries Lookup, is from 2010, the latest year available, according to city officials.

Former police Chief Robert Davis had the highest total compensation - more than $534,000 in salary and benefits - for the year, according to the report.

City Manager Debra Figone - who made more than $276,000 in 2010 - said the release of the information is an example of San Jose's commitment to an open and transparent government.

"Residents want to know where their tax dollars are going," Figone said in a statement. "Posting this information online proactively is part of the city of San Jose's commitment to making information available so the public can easily access it at their convenience."

Mayor Chuck Reed said that sick leave payouts cost the city $14 million dollars last year and said retirement benefits were also too generous.

"We're draining money from services, so we're cutting services to pay these high benefits and wages," Reed said. "I understand people are working hard, but we can't afford to pay money at this rate."

San Jose has about 5,900 full-time employees in 19 city departments.

Latest Salaries For SJ City Employees Posted Online - News Story - KTVU San Francisco
I also wonder what the purpose is of 19 City Departments. No doubt, quite a bit of money is funneled into activities that have nothing to do with basic services.
Don't worry, national bankruptcy or default will end it all in a big sharp jerk that will snap the necks of most parasitical organizations and groups. Economic collapse tends to force everyone to work very hard or die... and everyone suffers for the excesses like one monumental hangover.
One small part of a larger problem. This is nothing more than a symptom of the real issue and that is feel good politics playing loose with future cash for instant gratification. The problem is far deeper than we have discovered thus far.
Ok genius, why is Texas broke?

You're an idiot.

Broke, no. We have 9 billion in surplus. What we do have is excess fat hanging everywhere. State jobs, education, parks and wildlife, are being cut among many others. We created a shitload of jobs that we couldn't pay for. Now, they're being axed.
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Ok genius, why is Texas broke?

You're an idiot.

This thread is about California; you're obviously too stupid to understand that. The causes of one state's fiscal situation is not automatically equal to another's just because they share the status of statehood, you dumber than shit fucking moron.
This is Why California is Going Bankrupt

Because they lent money to Texas?

The so-called Texas Miracle is in trouble, demonstrating that fashioning fiscal policies strictly along low-tax lines doesn't protect you from budget deficits or business slumps or make your residents necessarily happy or healthy.

Billions of dollars in government red ink. Classroom spending near the bottom of national rankings and heading down. Desperate appeals to Uncle Sam for emergency funds to stave off cuts to the poor and elderly.

All this points to the obvious question: What's the matter with Texas?

Texas? Yes, the so-called Texas Miracle is in trouble. Unemployment soared and state tax revenue came in sharply below estimates during the recession, and the deficit mushroomed.

What California should learn from the Texas budget crisis - Los Angeles Times
I thought the main reason they're going bankrupt is because their budget rules require a two-third majority--so they have to buy that many more votes to get anything passed?
Ok genius, why is Texas broke?

You're an idiot.
yes if one opposes unsustainable union wages and benefits for public employees, they MUST be an idiot....
Jesus Christ....Did it ever occur to you pro union thugs that the public worker pension system is just ONE reason why that state is broke?
And where is your proof that the Texas state government is "broke"?
It may have a budget deficit. Which state does not.....But by and large the states with unions representing their public employees are struggling the most. That is a FACT.
Look, this nonsense MUST end ....The taxpayers are getting fleeced by these union contracts that taxpayers most of whom earn FAR LESS than their public employee counterparts.
You must face this one fact. There is no more money for these wages and benefits. The taxpayers are tapped out....
States cannot continue to increase taxes to fund the public employees.
There must be a balance. Public worker wages and benefits should mirror the prevailing market wages and benefits offered in the private sector. No more. No less.
This is Why California is Going Bankrupt

Because they lent money to Texas?

The so-called Texas Miracle is in trouble, demonstrating that fashioning fiscal policies strictly along low-tax lines doesn't protect you from budget deficits or business slumps or make your residents necessarily happy or healthy.

Billions of dollars in government red ink. Classroom spending near the bottom of national rankings and heading down. Desperate appeals to Uncle Sam for emergency funds to stave off cuts to the poor and elderly.

All this points to the obvious question: What's the matter with Texas?

Texas? Yes, the so-called Texas Miracle is in trouble. Unemployment soared and state tax revenue came in sharply below estimates during the recession, and the deficit mushroomed.

What California should learn from the Texas budget crisis - Los Angeles Times

don't come on here and try to pass off an opinion piece as a legitimate news item.
The Beholden State by Steven Malanga, City Journal Spring 2010


"The Beholden State"

How public-sector unions broke California

"The camera focuses on an official of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), California’s largest public-employee union, sitting in a legislative chamber and speaking into a microphone. “We helped to get you into office, and we got a good memory,” she says matter-of-factly to the elected officials outside the shot. “Come November, if you don’t back our program, we’ll get you out of office."


Public employee unions do everything they can to derail and obfuscate this issue, I see this same shit all over the web regardless of forum type. As soon as their obscene salary and benefits are exposed in articles like the one I linked to above, the screaming starts..."rich bankers", "Wealthy CEOs," or whatever BS these idiots can throw at not-so-bright or knowledgeable people to try and deflect the attention from their heinous crimes.

Hopefully, this current economic crisis will lead to on a national level what Scott Walker is doing in WI...

Blaska's Blog: R.I.P. Wisconsin government employee unions - Isthmus | The Daily Page
The Beholden State by Steven Malanga, City Journal Spring 2010


"The Beholden State"

How public-sector unions broke California

"The camera focuses on an official of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), California’s largest public-employee union, sitting in a legislative chamber and speaking into a microphone. “We helped to get you into office, and we got a good memory,” she says matter-of-factly to the elected officials outside the shot. “Come November, if you don’t back our program, we’ll get you out of office."


Public employee unions do everything they can to derail and obfuscate this issue, I see this same shit all over the web regardless of forum type. As soon as their obscene salary and benefits are exposed in articles like the one I linked to above, the screaming starts..."rich bankers", "Wealthy CEOs," or whatever BS these idiots can throw at not-so-bright or knowledgeable people to try and deflect the attention from their heinous crimes.

Hopefully, this current economic crisis will lead to on a national level what Scott Walker is doing in WI...

Blaska's Blog: R.I.P. Wisconsin government employee unions - Isthmus | The Daily Page

I don't see them doing anything wrong, further what "obscene wages" are you referring to? Sounds like your jealous of capitalist success, and getting the maximum wage and benefits you can negotiate for. Does the living wage and benefits bother you? Do you fear the power of unity of We The People? Perhaps Mexico is more to your tastes, even though I would never ask you to go live in capitalism.
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Private Wall Street Banks are the reason California's going broke, and North Dakota solved that problem in 1919.

"California has over $17 billion on deposit in banks that have refused to honor its IOUs, forcing legislators to accept crippling budget cuts.

"These austerity measures are unnecessary.

"If the state were to deposit its money in its own state-owned bank, it could have enough credit to solve its budget crisis with funds to spare."

The Rich are the Problem
Private Wall Street Banks are the reason California's going broke, and North Dakota solved that problem in 1919.

"California has over $17 billion on deposit in banks that have refused to honor its IOUs, forcing legislators to accept crippling budget cuts.

"These austerity measures are unnecessary.

"If the state were to deposit its money in its own state-owned bank, it could have enough credit to solve its budget crisis with funds to spare."

The Rich are the Problem

What do the rich have to do with contracts given to Public Workers??

Your class envy is showing big time.

If you want to assign blame then put it where it belongs.

It definetly belongs with the politicians who negotiated the public worker contracts.

The contracts that the taxpayers of Cali have to honor.
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