This is what you get for practicing free speech.

Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

RTW state?

A word of advice ...

What you do tomorrow is go to the unemployment and file a claim, then call osha , the fire marshal and everyone else and tell them what laws you know what was being broken ..your old company might appeal unemployment and say fuck you, you want a hearing ...

When go for a new job interview, your old job can only say the dates you were there, be positive don't cut your old company down say you quit.. then it's he said she said.
I know something about the company that could cause the Feds to shut them down, at least until they fix it.
But I don't need the competition while looking for work.

See I know you know something, get even I did it a few times
getting revenge would hurt a lot of people who don't deserve being hurt. Good people who knew me and still liked me even after learning stuff like I was bi-polar and a Trump supporter. people who didn't judge me. I'm not going to do it.

Even the guy who fired me is a good person. He was just scared of repercussions should this individual wanted to spread the gossip. Scared of a Boycott, of becoming a national news story over a simple statement of fact.

Pal I fired a bunch of people in my life, a nice guy to their face and a jack ass behind their have to be nice when you get rid of someone to not cause a scene.
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Been 30 minutes and FB didn't ban me yet
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Do you not represent the company when you're out of work too? I mean, if you told your boss "fuck off" on facebook, would you have freedom of speech too?

You're not really getting what freedom of speech is, me thinks.
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?
Was he on the clock? On the property?

Not what I did. I stated a political opinion on a News site on my own time.

Do you not represent the company when you're out of work too? I mean, if you told your boss "fuck off" on facebook, would you have freedom of speech too?

You're not really getting what freedom of speech is, me thinks.

He sells car parts...
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?

I had a guy I was overseeing years ago and he basically told me just that. He told me in private though, so I told him to go do the same. If he had told me in front of others, at the very least he would get a stern warning.

I'm old school, I try and deal with things man to man. I have thick skin and no time for bs , coward or bullies. Im easy going for the most part, so that's life if I meet people I don't get along with. As far as I am concerned, no skin off of my back.

From my own experiences I have learned that revenge is important to me. It never used to be, and I can deal with being cut off on the road without even an increase in my heart rate, but I cannot deal with injustice. Justice is quite a similar term to revenge so, I figure I will take some others with me. No violence, no threats, just truth. If you are in the wrong on an issue, accept it and move on, if you feel injustice and the hypocrisy of others who pay no consequence by avoiding the truth and this fact is bothering you, well, you do what you have to.
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?

I had a guy I was overseeing years ago and he basically told me just that. He told me in private though, so I told him to go do the same. If he had told me in front of others, at the very least he would get a stern warning.

I'm old school, I try and deal with things man to man. I have thick skin and no time for bs , coward or bullies. Im easy going for the most part, so that's life if I meet people I don't get along with. As far as I am concerned, no skin off of my back.

From my own experiences I have learned that revenge is important to me. It never used to be, and I can deal with being cut off on the road without even an increase in my heart rate, but I cannot deal with injustice. Justice is quite a similar term to revenge so, I figure I will take some others with me. No violence, no threats, just truth. If you are in the wrong on an issue, accept it and move on, if you feel injustice and the hypocrisy of others who pay no consequence by avoiding the truth and this fact is bothering you, well, you do what you have to.

Okay, but this isn't about free speech, this is about how you deal with things.
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?

I had a guy I was overseeing years ago and he basically told me just that. He told me in private though, so I told him to go do the same. If he had told me in front of others, at the very least he would get a stern warning.

I'm old school, I try and deal with things man to man. I have thick skin and no time for bs , coward or bullies. Im easy going for the most part, so that's life if I meet people I don't get along with. As far as I am concerned, no skin off of my back.

From my own experiences I have learned that revenge is important to me. It never used to be, and I can deal with being cut off on the road without even an increase in my heart rate, but I cannot deal with injustice. Justice is quite a similar term to revenge so, I figure I will take some others with me. No violence, no threats, just truth. If you are in the wrong on an issue, accept it and move on, if you feel injustice and the hypocrisy of others who pay no consequence by avoiding the truth and this fact is bothering you, well, you do what you have to.

Okay, but this isn't about free speech, this is about how you deal with things.

Yes, he told me to go f myself and I told him the same. Im not going to whine, cry and tell the teacher. I've met people like that, and I have no use for them.

I am fairly peaceful with my language, Im sometimes salty, but I rarely go overboard. If I do, I shouldnt face the hangman. Again this is a major reason the West has been having a tough time competing. We are all emasculated. It' as if these are First World problems for us. It's speech, not violence. This is why people are losing their jobs for not calling a guy, who now identifies a something else, the proper pronoun,

Look, I wouldn't have said what he said, and it was foolish but thats his personal life. I've kept things to myself in order to not cause harm to others, why someone would send this to his boss is beyond me. Not the kind of guy I want having my back to be honest, and that's just the general manner in which I roll. If he had stated something violent or terror related, call the cops, don't call the employer.
Free speech is just that, free speech. I don't agree with all kinds of things I see and read, and I've argued on here that a lady who was fired and made headlines shouldn't have been fired even though she said some offensive things.

The reality is quite frankly, that society has become soft and easily offended, I don't like what you said but that doesn't mean I would whine about it. There are good men and women dying all over the world fighting for freedom and someone gets offended by some words?

I hope you have recourse of some kind. In the old days a simple apology would suffice. Again, I don't condone this or all kinds of speech but you wee on your own time, if you were doing your job well it shouldn't be an issue.

So, you should be able to go to your boss, tell him to "fuck off" and still expect to keep your job?

I had a guy I was overseeing years ago and he basically told me just that. He told me in private though, so I told him to go do the same. If he had told me in front of others, at the very least he would get a stern warning.

I'm old school, I try and deal with things man to man. I have thick skin and no time for bs , coward or bullies. Im easy going for the most part, so that's life if I meet people I don't get along with. As far as I am concerned, no skin off of my back.

From my own experiences I have learned that revenge is important to me. It never used to be, and I can deal with being cut off on the road without even an increase in my heart rate, but I cannot deal with injustice. Justice is quite a similar term to revenge so, I figure I will take some others with me. No violence, no threats, just truth. If you are in the wrong on an issue, accept it and move on, if you feel injustice and the hypocrisy of others who pay no consequence by avoiding the truth and this fact is bothering you, well, you do what you have to.

Okay, but this isn't about free speech, this is about how you deal with things.

Yes, he told me to go f myself and I told him the same. Im not going to whine, cry and tell the teacher. I've met people like that, and I have no use for them.

I am fairly peaceful with my language, Im sometimes salty, but I rarely go overboard. If I do, I shouldnt face the hangman. Again this is a major reason the West has been having a tough time competing. We are all emasculated. It' as if these are First World problems for us. It's speech, not violence. This is why people are losing their jobs for not calling a guy, who now identifies a something else, the proper pronoun,

Look, I wouldn't have said what he said, and it was foolish but thats his personal life. I've kept things to myself in order to not cause harm to others, why someone would send this to his boss is beyond me. Not the kind of guy I want having my back to be honest, and that's just the general manner in which I roll. If he had stated something violent or terror related, call the cops, don't call the employer.

But again, we're talking about rights, not how you act.

Rights are a thing that can help people to live together better in a modern society. They set out fair rules for how people can expect to deal with things when different people see things from different perspectives.

If someone tells you to fuck off, they're not protected from being fired by freedom of speech in any way.
Freedom of speech yields positive results when what one chooses freely to utter merits having been said.

Freedom of speech is one of the great liberties we Americans have; however, with great freedom comes great responsibility. Exercising one's right to free speech to say whatever stupid sh*t crosses one's mind shows irresponsibility and injudiciousness of Brobdingnagian proportions. One can nonetheless do so, but one will pay a price, sometimes steep, for doing so because while society will forebear one's airing of the words, insofar as one holds true the notions the words depict, it too rightly rebukes one for having them, not for merely uttering the words. It's the inane and opprobrious ideas underpinning words that are problematic, not the words themselves or one's mere utterance of them.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family
That's generous of you. I don't hope that at all. I think it better that they disabuse themselves of him, leaving him to his own devices.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family
That's generous of you. I don't hope that at all. I think it better that they disabuse themselves of him, leaving him to his own devices.

Wow, you must get all the ladies at the party, what a charmer.

I hope he bounces back, learns from this and grows. I also hope he spills the beans to the Feds if a law has been broken. As you suggest "one will pay a price, sometimes steep,"

I would never have said what he said and I wouldn't support it, but that doesn't mean he should be branded and tossed out of a job if he did it well. Also, it doesn't mean he should not be supported in spite of his error as it were.
The advent and pervasiveness of social media have given voice to myriad people who previously might not ever have been able to make their thoughts available to damn near everyone on the planet. For some people, that's been a good thing for it's created opportunity where little or none heretofore existed. For others, however, social media is but the means by which they can via their own petard hoist themselves. It's not that one's deeds, words and thoughts prior to social media lacked the power to do that; it's merely that it was then harder for others, others who matter in one's life, to discover one's insipidity.

Those who'd rather not incur consequences for having reprobate, odious and/or absurd notions should eschew sharing such thoughts on social media. Similarly, they should inure themselves to the same practice if they are uncertain about whether their ideas are reprobate, odious and/or absurd.

However like Tennyson and his "flower" one feels saying in the storm and wake of whatever one likes whenever and wherever one chooses, that is of little solace before an employer's and society's inexorable "blade." To redirect the blade, one must be the gardener.

Once in a golden hour
I cast to earth a seed.
Up there came a flower,
The people said, a weed.

To and fro they went
Thro’ my garden-bower,
And muttering discontent
Cur’d me and my flower.
-- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "The Flower"​
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

Two hours later FB still didn't ban me....
I lost my job yesterday.
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
Last edited:
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family
That's generous of you. I don't hope that at all. I think it better that they disabuse themselves of him, leaving him to his own devices.

Wow, you must get all the ladies at the party, what a charmer.

I hope he bounces back, learns from this and grows. I also hope he spills the beans to the Feds if a law has been broken. As you suggest "one will pay a price, sometimes steep,"

I would never have said what he said and I wouldn't support it, but that doesn't mean he should be branded and tossed out of a job if he did it well. Also, it doesn't mean he should not be supported in spite of his error as it were.
I hope he bounces back, learns from this and grows.

That I can and do hope come about for him. I suspect, however, that the fellow, like abusers of other rights and privileges, may need to hit bottom before the recovery process commences or can.

I also hope he spills the beans to the Feds if a law has been broken.

As well he should. I'm not even of a mind that "spilling the beans" is what I'd call it. Reporting the commission of a material crime is a duty we all have.

I would never have said what he said and I wouldn't support it, but that doesn't mean he should be branded and tossed out of a job if he did it well.

It does if his employer(s) construes that things he pens and posts on FB somehow reflect on them. Whether they are of that mind is really solely their decision. Whether they are within their rights to fire him is a matter for an arbitration committee or court to decide, and if s/he exercises his right to seek redress, it will.

Speaking as a principal in a global management consulting firm, I can say that if during the interview process we become aware of one's FB and/or Twitter IDs, we will look to see what ideas a candidate has expressed. Upon one's joining the firm, however, we don't make a practice of keeping tabs on what our personnel post on the Internet.

Though we don't go looking for "stuff," neither do we ignore things we think may place our revenue streams and/or reputation at risk. Thus, were it to come to my or any other principal's attention that an employee or partner shared their social media contact info with a client, I'd (they'd) have an administrative assistant peruse the person's postings to determine whether comments the employee posted are materially inconsistent with the firm's principles and values. Were there found to be such content there, I'd inform HR and let them handle it, unless I thought the remarks so reprehensible that termination was called for, in which case before contacting HR, I/we would reach out to the person's "supervisor" and to legal to find out what be the constraints we face in severing the firm's relationship with the employee/partner.

Some folks here may take exception with the fact that that is how my firm and others handle such things, but the reality is that nobody is going to pay someone $100K+ to be a source of undue business risk. At the end of the day, the point of a business is to, within the constraints of the law, generate maximum profits not risk profits by forbearing the vicissitudes of free speech employees and partners feel obliged to exercise.

As for what is and isn't tolerable, well, there is no set rule. We make our assessment on a case-by-case basis. A wealth of factors come into play, including but not limited to the engagements one which one works and one's role on them, what one said, how one said it, and so on.

For instance, one who's working on a project for a client that has a passion for "green" matters climate science/climate scientists is well advised to get rid of or obscure their ribald remarks berating climate science/scientists. One should do the same with regard to remarks that specifically ridicule laud any of the firm's clients because while it may seem harmless to say something positive about one firm, that firm's competitor(s) may not take kindly to one's having done so. My firm and our competitors provide services to many companies that are competitors; we couldn't build industry-specific expertise, market presence and raport if we didn't.

In one industry, firms like mine are forced to choose to work with one major player and none of its direct competitors or work with the rest and not that one major player. When I sold my firm to the one to which I now belong, I lost that major player client because my current firm provides services to its competitors. It took me and my fellow partners two years to reacquire the revenue streams lost due to the acquisition. (That loss, which we all knew would happen, lowered the purchase price by several million dollars. Mind you, the deal was still quite good for us, it wouldn't have happened were it not, but less money on that order is still less money.)

The management of that major player is intolerant of outsiders, consultants who make negative remarks about it and positive sentiments about its key competitors. They are a mind that they are the best at what they do and there's not with them to be any expression to the contrary. Period. I didn't have to open agree with them, but I (and my colleagues) did have to exercise prudence and discretion in what I said or made possible for them to discover I had said. Doing so generated millions of revenue for my firm, in part, literally keeping roofs over people's head, not the least of which was my own. There's no way I'd risk that over an employee's desire to speak freely on FB, Twitter, or whatever.​
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.

In short, words matter. That they do isn't a function of this being America; it is a function of human nature.

Do not spend the day in gathering flowers by the wayside, lest night come upon you before you arrive at your journey's end, and then you will not reach it.
-- Isaac Watts, Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth
Indeed, words matter.

And if I disagree with someone, I want to know who that person is, what they're thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that it they are afraid to speak out. I'm not afraid of words, because I have confidence in my ability to overcome them with reason.

I can't tell you why, but I can still picture in my mind, a hundred years ago, my grade school teacher standing in front of the blackboard, introducing us to the term "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." It struck me then, it's a part of me now. That will never change.
This is what you get for practicing free speech.

It's what you get when you seek opportunities to be a raging asshole.

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