THIS is what needs to be said

Not what I’m saying. Quality matters but you’re saying women and minorities aren’t capable of giving you quality?

And I’m just saying you can look at the numbers and see something isn’t right.

Ok forget 50% women and 15% black CEOs. I know that’s going to take some time. How about 25% and 7%? Meet me half way.

Until things are more diverse women and minorities will have a good case they’re being discriminated against.

You all here are admitting you don’t think blacks are smart enough. And you give different excuses why so few women are CEOs.

Why women and minorities vote republican is beyond me

It is exactly what you said.

I am not going to meet you anywhere regarding quotas. That means I have to hire someone who is not the very best for the job.

I'm looking forward to the day that you convince women that being mothers, nurturing and putting their family and children before their career is bad and wrong. It also requires you change the makeup of men in that they are no longer more career-oriented, aggressive and dominating than women. Good luck with both of those.

Why do women and minorities vote Republican? That's simple, they are treated as equals and not victims. They can get ahead and progress due to their own abilities and not depend on handouts by their masters (government).
Sealy, it takes money to clean up the blight. Money blacks have been asking for and don't get. Meanwhile we look at massive community development projects funded with local, state and federal dollars in every community but the black ones. And it's really easy for you to use an example about what a black person did to some old white person , make a claim about how blacks are taught that all whites are bad instead of recognizing that whites have a continuing record of racism. Then you lie to yourself about what doesn't go on in the suburbs while white nursing home attendants are beating the crap out of old white physically handicapped people in the suburbs and white doctors are out in the suburbs raping little girls.

You cannot preach to us about telling on thugs while simultaneously barking about the number of blacks in prison. Those blacks are not sitting in prison because nobody is telling. So you truly need to end your sermons to blacks then work on removing that beam stuck in the eyes of the white community.

Do you think this might be the reason investors are not lining up to re-develop blighted areas?

Gosh, this looks like a fairly new CVS being burned and looted.

or here, potential employees, right?

Yep, as a Realtor and real estate investor for over 45 years, this looks like a prime location!

Eager shoppers too!
For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.

For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.

He used to spin in white peoples food
Not what I’m saying. Quality matters but you’re saying women and minorities aren’t capable of giving you quality?

And I’m just saying you can look at the numbers and see something isn’t right.

Ok forget 50% women and 15% black CEOs. I know that’s going to take some time. How about 25% and 7%? Meet me half way.

Until things are more diverse women and minorities will have a good case they’re being discriminated against.

You all here are admitting you don’t think blacks are smart enough. And you give different excuses why so few women are CEOs.

Why women and minorities vote republican is beyond me

It is exactly what you said.

I am not going to meet you anywhere regarding quotas. That means I have to hire someone who is not the very best for the job.

I'm looking forward to the day that you convince women that being mothers, nurturing and putting their family and children before their career is bad and wrong. It also requires you change the makeup of men in that they are no longer more career-oriented, aggressive and dominating than women. Good luck with both of those.

Why do women and minorities vote Republican? That's simple, they are treated as equals and not victims. They can get ahead and progress due to their own abilities and not depend on handouts by their masters (government).

So you are fine with the 100 percent white quota.
Sealy, it takes money to clean up the blight. Money blacks have been asking for and don't get. Meanwhile we look at massive community development projects funded with local, state and federal dollars in every community but the black ones. And it's really easy for you to use an example about what a black person did to some old white person , make a claim about how blacks are taught that all whites are bad instead of recognizing that whites have a continuing record of racism. Then you lie to yourself about what doesn't go on in the suburbs while white nursing home attendants are beating the crap out of old white physically handicapped people in the suburbs and white doctors are out in the suburbs raping little girls.

You cannot preach to us about telling on thugs while simultaneously barking about the number of blacks in prison. Those blacks are not sitting in prison because nobody is telling. So you truly need to end your sermons to blacks then work on removing that beam stuck in the eyes of the white community.

Do you think this might be the reason investors are not lining up to re-develop blighted areas?

Gosh, this looks like a fairly new CVS being burned and looted.

or here, potential employees, right?

Yep, as a Realtor and real estate investor for over 45 years, this looks like a prime location!

Eager shoppers too!

Not when whites riot also while still getting money invested in their community.

Yep, as a Realtor and real estate investor for over 45 years, this looks like a prime location!

Then why do you keep investing.

Eager shoppers too!

Yes they were.

or here, potential employees, right?

And don't run out of pumpkins.

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For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.


It's sad how white racists try doing things like this.
Not what I’m saying. Quality matters but you’re saying women and minorities aren’t capable of giving you quality?

And I’m just saying you can look at the numbers and see something isn’t right.

Ok forget 50% women and 15% black CEOs. I know that’s going to take some time. How about 25% and 7%? Meet me half way.

Until things are more diverse women and minorities will have a good case they’re being discriminated against.

You all here are admitting you don’t think blacks are smart enough. And you give different excuses why so few women are CEOs.

Why women and minorities vote republican is beyond me

It is exactly what you said.

I am not going to meet you anywhere regarding quotas. That means I have to hire someone who is not the very best for the job.

I'm looking forward to the day that you convince women that being mothers, nurturing and putting their family and children before their career is bad and wrong. It also requires you change the makeup of men in that they are no longer more career-oriented, aggressive and dominating than women. Good luck with both of those.

Why do women and minorities vote Republican? That's simple, they are treated as equals and not victims. They can get ahead and progress due to their own abilities and not depend on handouts by their masters (government).
How are minorities treated as equals by people who say blacks aren’t smart enough to be CEOs?
For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.


It's sad how white racists try doing things like this.
4 black CEOs in the Fortune 500.

That’s less than 1%. Less than
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For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.


It's sad how white racists try doing things like this.

How is posting facts being racist? I presume you know that calling someone racist, in order to offend or chase them off is oh, so blase. :D

So you are fine with the 100 percent white quota.

Where did I say that? Where did I say I was fine with any quota?

That has been pretty much what the quota has always been. Merit has never really been a consideration so your opposition to any attempt at diversity claiming you oppose quotas that don't exist means you want to maintain a system of 100 percent white male quotas.
For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.


It's sad how white racists try doing things like this.

How is posting facts being racist? I presume you know that calling someone racist, in order to offend or chase them off is oh, so blase. :D


You posted a comment not a fact. And this is a common tactic used by white racists. And really your white ass can stop crying about a card whites invented and use consistently. Because you used this comment in reference to something that had nothing to do with Jackson or even with his comment.
That has been pretty much what the quota has always been. Merit has never really been a consideration so your opposition to any attempt at diversity claiming you oppose quotas that don't exist means you want to maintain a system of 100 percent white male quotas.

I'm really not interested in your constant baiting efforts using lies...or anything else for that matter.

Continue your efforts with someone down closer to your level.

For the scores of modern day women who are willing to give up a family in exchange for a key to the executive boardroom, they are being given a lot of opportunities. Companies will pay more for a qualified minority or women.

White women are benefitting more from diversity programs and affirmative action than blacks are. CEOs are open to women being the vp of hr. Maybe they worry if it’s a black guy he or she will let too many other blacks in.


It's sad how white racists try doing things like this.

How is posting facts being racist? I presume you know that calling someone racist, in order to offend or chase them off is oh, so blase. :D


You posted a comment not a fact. And this is a common tactic used by white racists. And really your white ass can stop crying about a card whites invented and use consistently. Because you used this comment in reference to something that had nothing to do with Jackson or even with his comment.

I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

What if you are wrong?

I'm not wrong.
You should entertain the idea that you could be wrong. That is what intelligent people do.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

What if you are wrong?

I'm not wrong.
You should entertain the idea that you could be wrong. That is what intelligent people do.

In this instance, that is something you should entertain. Intelligent people research information to see if their opinions are correct instead of summarily dismissing them because you want to deny things you have seen and heard yourself.
How are minorities treated as equals by people who say blacks aren’t smart enough to be CEOs?

What important person has made that statement?

Oh please. You white male USMB republicans are admitting how you feel about minorities and women. Now we have to prove that important people like Trump feel the same way? Everyone knows Trump loves making racist black jokes. Can't do that if blacks are in the room.

Such a pathetic argument you just came up with.
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That has been pretty much what the quota has always been. Merit has never really been a consideration so your opposition to any attempt at diversity claiming you oppose quotas that don't exist means you want to maintain a system of 100 percent white male quotas.

I'm really not interested in your constant baiting efforts using lies...or anything else for that matter.

Continue your efforts with someone down closer to your level.


Too bad for you that I am neither baiting or lying.

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