This is what I would have said at Obama's job conference.

Excuse me, Mr President, Um I understand that this is your show and all that but, just one question.

If this is a Jobs summit, where are the representatives from the Chamber of Commerce?

Because he's a thin skinned pussy and The Chamber of Commerce had the audacity to question him in the past........

I know, but it was sort of a rhetorical question.
Only barry would hold a job summit with people who have no idea about business.

You weren't invited either? Strange.

Interesting that those with a left leaning ideology have nothing to add as it pertains to this topic. All they seem to want to do is play games with the topic...poke fun at the topic.

Seems you folks are very happy simply following the wqord of a man who NO ONE can say has ever proven to be knowledgable about capitalism, job creation, profit generation, etc.

And now, 300 billion stimulus dollars later and all you have to show for it is..."He has only been president for a year"...

Pathetic attitude.
Its the Alinsky thing, all they can answer with is attempts at ridicule.

Of course they don't realize that they look rediculous to everyone who is not living inside Barry's anus.
Dear President Obama,

My suggestion to you is trust the American people. If the government had given vouchers for home refinancing, people could have decided which home met their needs best and individuals as well as banks would have been better off financially. If cash for clunkers had to be, let the voucher be a sliding scale based on the fuel economy gained. This program has some of that element, but could have been much better.

Trust the people to find what goods and services need to be expanded. Encourage them by providing stability in the economy. Assist them with simplified reporting. Build confidence by reforming health care through tort changes, competition across state lines and making more health care professionals available. Punish those who cut corners or defraud consumers. Recognize there are economic cycles and let them play out.
Because "profit creating summits" would send the jobs to China and India

And tell me why I do not have the right to use my property where and how I want to?

You should not be encouraged to do so. Stimulus money should go to companies that create jobs HERE. In case you missed it, the purpose of the summit was to create jobs for Americans not to increase the wealth of those 10% of the people who already control 90% of the wealth

Again tell me why I can't do with my own life that I want to? Tell me why I have to work for your benefit (assuming your a worker)? Tell me why I have to labor so you can survive and tell me why it is fair that employers have to labor solely for the employees benefit yet employees do not have to labor solely for the employers benefit.

Why ain't we having a profit creation summit where employees can discuss why their employers are not making more money and be expected to focus their efforts for that goal.

I'm trying to figure out why one segment of society has to focus their efforts for another segment or why do I have to work for my neighbor's benefit?
Dear President Obama,

My suggestion to you is trust the American people. If the government had given vouchers for home refinancing, people could have decided which home met their needs best and individuals as well as banks would have been better off financially. If cash for clunkers had to be, let the voucher be a sliding scale based on the fuel economy gained. This program has some of that element, but could have been much better.

Trust the people to find what goods and services need to be expanded. Encourage them by providing stability in the economy. Assist them with simplified reporting. Build confidence by reforming health care through tort changes, competition across state lines and making more health care professionals available. Punish those who cut corners or defraud consumers. Recognize there are economic cycles and let them play out.

I agree with your goal that individuals should be able to choose their own life but is it a matter of trusting us to obtain the government's outcome or is a matter of our choice about what outcome we will have in our own lives?
Admit it you wouldn't come up with a dumb question like would have pulled a Joe wilson and screamed " YOU LIAR!!!!"

I know I would have yelled LIAR after he blamed the financial crisis on Wall Street instead of the DC whores.

I thought that Wall Street ran their own show with all the derugualtion DC passed under the rethugs and that they were to big to fail?
Only barry would hold a job summit with people who have no idea about business.

You weren't invited either? Strange.

Interesting that those with a left leaning ideology have nothing to add as it pertains to this topic. All they seem to want to do is play games with the topic...poke fun at the topic.

Seems you folks are very happy simply following the wqord of a man who NO ONE can say has ever proven to be knowledgable about capitalism, job creation, profit generation, etc.

And now, 300 billion stimulus dollars later and all you have to show for it is..."He has only been president for a year"...

Pathetic attitude.

I have to disagree. I voted for Obama and I am not happy with the way things are going but at the same time as a small business owner I understand that sometimes you spend money to make money and you don't always see results immediately. The reason your not getting any worthy feedback from the left on this board is because this message board is made up of 95% extremists whether they are on the right or the left, nobody ever wants to agree on anything and neither side can admit when they are wrong. Maybe you are posting in the wrong message board if your looking for constructive ideas.

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