This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up
Popular Science
In 1970, Republican President Richard Nixon signed an executive order creating the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It was a time when pollution made many of our nation's rivers and streams unsafe for fishing or swimming. Back then, New York City's air pollution was so thick that you often couldn't see the city's iconic bridges. Forty-seven years later, there is serious talk of dismantling the agency, or at least slashing its size by two-thirds.

From 1971 to 1977 the nascent agency, in an act of prescience, enlisted the services of freelance photographers to help us remember. These photographers captured images of America's environmental problems before we'd cleaned them up. In 2011, the US National Archives digitized more than 15,000 pictures from the series "Documerica". Here are some of the most compelling.

Worth keeping and increasing its funding!
A false dichotomy is a dichotomy that is not jointly exhaustive (there are other alternatives), or that is not mutually exclusive (the alternatives overlap), or that is possibly neither
This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up
Popular Science
In 1970, Republican President Richard Nixon signed an executive order creating the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It was a time when pollution made many of our nation's rivers and streams unsafe for fishing or swimming. Back then, New York City's air pollution was so thick that you often couldn't see the city's iconic bridges. Forty-seven years later, there is serious talk of dismantling the agency, or at least slashing its size by two-thirds.

From 1971 to 1977 the nascent agency, in an act of prescience, enlisted the services of freelance photographers to help us remember. These photographers captured images of America's environmental problems before we'd cleaned them up. In 2011, the US National Archives digitized more than 15,000 pictures from the series "Documerica". Here are some of the most compelling.

Worth keeping and increasing its funding!

It further illustrates just how far the GOP has gone down the rabbit hole in putting the interests of businesses ahead of the people. We’ll need to have an event like they had in India where thousands die before people wake up, I’m afraid.

Even that won’t do the trick though. Eight years after the Bush administration brought the economy to it’s knees, the people elected this joke we have in the White House now because he’ll “reduce regulation”—precisely what Wall Street needs; fewer rules.

You’ll likely see lenders be able to go after any patents that college grads have if they are in default on student loans and that sort of thing next…
No, they made an error that resulted in the release of a vast amount of polluted water from an old mine. They were trying to prevent that, and failed. Their error was not intentional pollution as is the pollution produced by practices such as mountain top removal mining.
No, they made an error that resulted in the release of a vast amount of polluted water from an old mine. They were trying to prevent that, and failed. Their error was not intentional pollution as is the pollution produced by practices such as mountain top removal mining.

So what you are saying is that they killed a the most dishonest way possible.
I will tell you what Big Darby Creek looked like in the sixties, a sewer pipe but then it was made an National Scenic and Historic River. If you catch a turtle in Little Darby and let it loose in Big Darby they can confiscate your house. Big Darby has a special colored Rainbow Darter minnow which only lives in Big Darby and not Little Darby.
This is what America looked like before the EPA cleaned it up
Popular Science
In 1970, Republican President Richard Nixon signed an executive order creating the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It was a time when pollution made many of our nation's rivers and streams unsafe for fishing or swimming. Back then, New York City's air pollution was so thick that you often couldn't see the city's iconic bridges. Forty-seven years later, there is serious talk of dismantling the agency, or at least slashing its size by two-thirds.

From 1971 to 1977 the nascent agency, in an act of prescience, enlisted the services of freelance photographers to help us remember. These photographers captured images of America's environmental problems before we'd cleaned them up. In 2011, the US National Archives digitized more than 15,000 pictures from the series "Documerica". Here are some of the most compelling.

Worth keeping and increasing its funding!

Don't hold your breath s0n........might as well be screaming "FIRE" from a mountaintop................dummy.:2up:

Today in REALCLEAR............

EPA is about to get address to Congress tomorrow night!! Bring your KY...........:deal: Potential "2/3rds cut of the EPA budget........ask me how hard Im going to be laughing tomorrow night?
So, let's get this straight. Nixon (the Republican democrats despise most of all) created the EPA decades ago, which did good things. That means we're supposed to increase its funding now.

Here's a thought. Smallpox has been basically wiped out in the developed world, thanks to vaccination efforts decades ago. Does this mean we should increase funding for smallpox vaccinations now?
I will tell you what Big Darby Creek looked like in the sixties, a sewer pipe but then it was made an National Scenic and Historic River. If you catch a turtle in Little Darby and let it loose in Big Darby they can confiscate your house. Big Darby has a special colored Rainbow Darter minnow which only lives in Big Darby and not Little Darby.
well that minnow is far more important than your house haven't you realized that yet?
The EPA is decades past what it was intended to do. Read some of Saul Alinsky's works and you'll understand why the EPA has become a sprawling bureaucracy.......the dots connect to support of a trickle-up poverty economic system we just saw for the last 8 years. The progressive bozo's in here know with 100% certainty that in 2017, the EPA has nothing to do with the environment. IDK though.........Matthew might think it does!:popcorn::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Went from protecting bears to protecting skin fungus on bears in just a couple of decades. Law making by unelected elites has got to end.
Like many things the government does, the EPA is a victim of its own success. It was established to maintain a clean environment, and it did. Unfortunately, once a government program or agency is established, it does not go away but fights for increased funding and resists any attempts to pare it back or eliminate it. Thus, the EPA is getting ever smaller returns on investment but demanding ever larger investment, desperately seeking reasons to stay alive.
Government programs and departments tend to have eternal life. Mostly WAY past their usefulness. Unions are that way as well. The EPA was once needed and it did its job well. It has gone on too long and is doing much more harm that good today. That's why the left can only show its past accomplishments.
Then you must believe the laws have also outlived their usefulness and should be repealed; like the laws against stealing and murder. I mean, for god's sake, who DOESN'T know it's against the law to kill and steal? No one, right? So what's the point of having those laws in place? Same thing with all those environmental laws. Everyone knows not to pollute. There's no need for all that crap. And it's a huge burden for businesses. Just get rid of the laws and relax. Consumer pressure is more than sufficient to keep everyone's nose clean. Right? RIGHT? RIGHT???
Trump favors using the EPA mandate to force US to burn ethanol in our vehicles. Trump also taking land from US citizens by government force!

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