This is the video of the veteran removing the Mexican flag


Apr 1, 2011
This is why they should NEVER get any citizenship.
[ame=]American Veteran Removes US Flag from beneath Mexican Flag - YouTube[/ame]
You can apply that to a lot of other things that have been going on in this nation also, and I guess this was one that was just right out in the open... The Trojan horse has been let into the gates now, and he has since emptied his cargo everywhere. Not sure how far it will go, but this seems to have been one of the instances where it had gone to far. Politicians had best take notice, because soon they may find themselves as being looked at like traitors and/or sell out's in the eyes of their fellow Americans, and this for power and greed in this nation, but it could be a power and greed that won't last as the people begin to want their country back.

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