This is the first time in my 45 years on the planet

Please tell me more... I know there is a lot of unrest but I've never heard any talk of taking up arms against the President. That would truly surprise me. If there is a revolt I think it will be a peaceful one at the polls. I just can't believe anything like that would ever happen.

It's not just against the president, it's against the government that has deserted our people.
Weeds and nettles, briars and thorns, have thriven under your shadow, dissettlement and division, discontentment and dissatisfaction, together with real dangers to the whole”

~ Oliver Cromwell~
Not me.

Jefferson himself had a little thing for the blood of tyrants.

Jefferson also had a little thing for slaves if history tells us anything. Does that mean we should follow his advice there too? :eusa_eh:
There's a lot of tough talk by the digitial revolutionaries on this board, that's for damned sure.

They want to water the tree of liberty with blood, but I seriously doubt any of them think their blood is at risk.

They don't want their blood to be at risk. Everybody has balls when it comes to saying shit over the internet or protesting with it signs about taking up arms.

It's a whole different ballgame however when you got a man locked in your sights and a finger on the trigger.
you mean by setting them free?

Last I checked, his family sold off the rest of his slaves in an auction when he died to get rid of his massive debts. Jefferson died very poor considering he was born into one of the most wealthiest families.

He also kept slaves his entire life, whether he wanted them to be free or not, he kept them.
not that the Left knows anything about violence. Bill Ayers anyone?

Oh that's right. He's been blessed by the Ossiah, and all his sins are washed away.
not that the Left knows anything about violence. Bill Ayers anyone?

Oh that's right. He's been blessed by the Ossiah, and all his sins are washed away.

He's a radical from the Vietnam era, not exactly a Liberal. Though if you have to go back to the Vietnam era to find someone from the "left" that knows something about violence then I'm not sure what to say. :eusa_eh:

I didn't see nearly the amount of people calling for an armed rebellion after Bush was in office for 8 years then I've seen for Obama in less then EIGHT MONTHS. Also, yes, race whether people like to admit it or not plays a major role in this. Who are the majority of people you see at these demonstrations and tea parties? White people. There is certainly a racial undertone that exists to the movement, and that will boil over at some point. I'm not saying that everybody at these things are racist, certainly not. However, it doesn't look good if these non-racist people are seen marching with the racists.

Whether you like to admit it or not Elvis, Dive, etc; it's true.

Whether that means because the blood of Obama (or as Dude calls him, a tyrant) is spilled or something else happens, I'm not sure. I honestly am surprised that nobody has at least tried to take a serious shot at Obama yet but knock on wood, never know.
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There's mostly white people at right-leaning events because the right is more white than black. That is just a simple fact that really need not be construed as being of or related to racism.
There's mostly white people at right-leaning events because the right is more white than black. That is just a simple fact that really need not be construed as being of or related to racism.

The right is just about completely white.

Fewer Voters Identify as Republicans - Pew Research Center

The balance of party identification among African American voters has remained relatively stable in recent years; the Democrats now hold a 72% to 4% advantage, virtually unchanged from 2004
. White voters now are as likely to identify with the Democratic Party as with the GOP (31%). This represents a significant shift from four years ago, when white voters called themselves Republicans by a 38% to 29% margin.

Again, I'm not calling these events racist. However, if you have people advocating violence saying we need to kill that _________ then how do you think it's going to look? If a bunch of African Americans were marching down the street saying we need to kill that cracker, how is that going to look?

It doesn't matter what the political leanings are because it all comes down to race. Even to this day, across the country, there is so much tension that is eventually going to boil over. Why is this? Cause people on both sides of the political spectrum make it seem like it's wrong to talk about our differences and that it's wrong to talk about the past. However, if we don't confront the past, and get past it then we'll always be stuck there instead of moving on to the future.

Sure, openly in most areas it's alot better then 40 years ago. However, has it gotten that much better personally for people? Partly yes, partly no. Alot of people don't even think of themselves as racist because they hold these myths such as Blacks are thieves, Hispanics are lazy, Arabs are going to kill us all, or whites are just trying to keep everyone down as true.

One of the best ways to do this in politics is to have people in the Republican Party encourage a more diverse party. If people don't feel like they're welcome into the party, they're not going to want to join. Oh, by the way, I do feel Michael Steele is going the wrong way about that, and in many ways just playing into stereotypes of sorts on who he can recruit to join. However, if both parties were diverse, and open to frank/honest discussion then alot more can be done.
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Republicans of course have their share of racists who happen to be white. Let's not pretend the democrats don't have THEIR share of racists who happen to be black, though.

Is it ok for blacks to be racist because they're the oppressed race?

Frankly, identifying with a particular party because you think it better suits your race's aspirations, is quite ridiculous. I believe it shows we've made no headway on the race issue from EITHER race, white OR black.

And do you REALLY think dem incumbents like Harry Reid, or Pelosi, or Hoyer...those who work for their special interests FIRST...give a rat's fucking ass if you're white or black?
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