This is so touching... and true

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People who cut themselves like that have often been abused. I feel sad for her and hope she is getting some help.
People who cut themselves do so because they don't know what to do with their emotional pain and the physical pain is a relief to them.

I'm glad she doesn't know some of you in RL. Harsh, judging.

Plenty of people cut themselves and haven't been abused. My ex-girlfriend used to cut, I helped her quit. She wasn't abused though.
People who cut themselves like that have often been abused. I feel sad for her and hope she is getting some help.

I'm glad she doesn't know some of you in RL. Harsh, judging.

And the internet is not the place to get help.

Posting such crap is just attention whoring.

I too see a child maybe in pain, maybe seeking attention. Boedicca sees an attention seeking whore. Maybe boedicca is correct; maybe I am and boedicca is simply a sociopathic callous conservative.
Let's ask Del, he seems able to explain everything with tautologies.
People who cut themselves like that have often been abused. I feel sad for her and hope she is getting some help.

I'm glad she doesn't know some of you in RL. Harsh, judging.

And the internet is not the place to get help.

Posting such crap is just attention whoring.

I too see a child maybe in pain, maybe seeking attention. Boedicca sees an attention seeking whore. Maybe boedicca is correct; maybe I am and boedicca is simply a sociopathic callous conservative.
Let's ask Del, he seems able to explain everything with tautologies.

only to the extremely limited.
If you see a child who is in pain and in need of help, then why aren't you spending your time trying to contact somebody who can intervene and save her?
I wonder if 'Cmdr' would be so concerned if she wasn't a 'hot chick'. Shallow fucking fool.

I wonder if you would call 'Cmdr' a "shallow fucking fool" if he is the same age as the child in the video? I saw a child, maybe in pain, maybe 'acting'. However my experience and education tells me this child's message is something which deserves attention/investigation.

You are shitting me, right? His previous thread... worrying about whether some girl on some fucking forum would speak to him again puts his age at around high school. And this thread.... if he's so concerned about the issue, why does it matter that she's a 'hot chick'? If he had kids of that age, her physical appearance wouldn't be the issue... her actions would be.

I agree about the issue, it needs to be considered..... but it should be considered because it's an issue, not because it's some 'hot chick'.

sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, ace.

And at other times a cigar is an instrument of torture or a punk used to light a fuse, deuce. I simply asked a question you chose not to answer. That's your right, and posting glib comments is your right too.

Glib: adjective, glib·ber, glib·best.
Readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so

only an idiot would seek to connect this with someone's politics, trey.

1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
2. Psychology . a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

if the shoe fits...

Seems someones feathers were rustled; yes Del, the shoe fit where you put it, in your mouth - as usual.
He's pretty clearly a teenage noob who obsesses about girls he meets on the internets.

I'm definitely not a noob, and I'm an adult, and I don't obsess over girls I meet on the internet, plus I never even met her.
You just called a 14 year old a hot chick and your other thread is whining about a girl ignoring you. You're a sad little man if you are a man at all
I wonder if 'Cmdr' would be so concerned if she wasn't a 'hot chick'. Shallow fucking fool.

I wonder if you would call 'Cmdr' a "shallow fucking fool" if he is the same age as the child in the video? I saw a child, maybe in pain, maybe 'acting'. However my experience and education tells me this child's message is something which deserves attention/investigation.

You are shitting me, right? His previous thread... worrying about whether some girl on some fucking forum would speak to him again puts his age at around high school. And this thread.... if he's so concerned about the issue, why does it matter that she's a 'hot chick'? If he had kids of that age, her physical appearance wouldn't be the issue... her actions would be.

I agree about the issue, it needs to be considered..... but it should be considered because it's an issue, not because it's some 'hot chick'.

She's not a "hot chick"; she's a child. Leads me to believe the author is young too. We agree (which is becoming a concern) on the substantive issue, one dismissed by too many on this thread.

He now says he's an adult. Edit "young too" above to immature or developmentally delayed.
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And at other times a cigar is an instrument of torture or a punk used to light a fuse, deuce. I simply asked a question you chose not to answer. That's your right, and posting glib comments is your right too.

Glib: adjective, glib·ber, glib·best.
Readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so

only an idiot would seek to connect this with someone's politics, trey.

1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
2. Psychology . a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

if the shoe fits...

Seems someones feathers were rustled; yes Del, the shoe fit where you put it, in your mouth - as usual.


you're awesome
only an idiot would seek to connect this with someone's politics, trey.

1. an utterly foolish or senseless person.
2. Psychology . a person of the lowest order in a former classification of mental retardation, having a mental age of less than three years old and an intelligence quotient under 25.

if the shoe fits...

Seems someones feathers were rustled; yes Del, the shoe fit where you put it, in your mouth - as usual.


you're awesome

Nope. Simply smarter than the average fowl.
As the average fowl has a pea sized brain, WC is likely correct, although the distinction is rather dubious.
I wonder if you would call 'Cmdr' a "shallow fucking fool" if he is the same age as the child in the video? I saw a child, maybe in pain, maybe 'acting'. However my experience and education tells me this child's message is something which deserves attention/investigation.

You are shitting me, right? His previous thread... worrying about whether some girl on some fucking forum would speak to him again puts his age at around high school. And this thread.... if he's so concerned about the issue, why does it matter that she's a 'hot chick'? If he had kids of that age, her physical appearance wouldn't be the issue... her actions would be.

I agree about the issue, it needs to be considered..... but it should be considered because it's an issue, not because it's some 'hot chick'.

She's not a "hot chick"; she's a child. Leads me to believe the author is young too. We agree (which is becoming a concern) on the substantive issue, one dismissed by too many on this thread.

He now says he's an adult. Edit "young too" above to immature or developmentally delayed.

I think the OP is immature or developmentally delayed. Hopefully, if he is an adult, he is not attracted to children.
Does anyone else have a sense that CMDR is actually exploiting this girl by posting her video clip on a message board? Posting it does nothing to help the girl; it just sensationalizes her in a creepy tabloid way.
He's pretty clearly a teenage noob who obsesses about girls he meets on the internets.

I'm definitely not a noob, and I'm an adult, and I don't obsess over girls I meet on the internet, plus I never even met her.
You just called a 14 year old a hot chick and your other thread is whining about a girl ignoring you. You're a sad little man if you are a man at all

She's objectively a hot chick, deal with it. And she's not ignoring me.
People who cut themselves like that have often been abused. I feel sad for her and hope she is getting some help.
People who cut themselves do so because they don't know what to do with their emotional pain and the physical pain is a relief to them.

I'm glad she doesn't know some of you in RL. Harsh, judging.

Plenty of people cut themselves and haven't been abused. My ex-girlfriend used to cut, I helped her quit. She wasn't abused though.

If you notice what I actually said is that often people who cut themselves like that have been abused.

I can only speak for my experience in counseling. The people I've met who cut themselves were formerly abused as children.

Why did your ex cut herself?

Here is an article in teen health about cutting:
"Cutting is a way some people try to cope with the pain of strong emotions, intense pressure, or upsetting relationship problems. They may be dealing with feelings that seem too difficult to bear, or bad situations they think can't change.

Some people cut because they feel desperate for relief from bad feelings. People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure. Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness."
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Dillo hasn't got a clue what he or she is talking about. I have a daughter who went thru this in High School. She did it be cause she did not feel anything and even feeling hurt was better than nothing.. It is serious issue and I pray that she gets help. My daughter 30 years later is a great mother, wife and friend. Without help she could have been dead.

I don't mind some people being stupid but i RESENT like Hell that you think I am.
As the average fowl has a pea sized brain, WC is likely correct, although the distinction is rather dubious.

Mythical sea creatures have yet to be tested for intelligence, however the sea is not a place for bleeding heart liberals - more likely the setting for the callous and omnivorous. A place not safe for man or beastly fowl.
People who cut themselves like that have often been abused. I feel sad for her and hope she is getting some help.
People who cut themselves do so because they don't know what to do with their emotional pain and the physical pain is a relief to them.

I'm glad she doesn't know some of you in RL. Harsh, judging.

Plenty of people cut themselves and haven't been abused. My ex-girlfriend used to cut, I helped her quit. She wasn't abused though.

If you notice what I actually said is that often people who cut themselves like that have been abused.

I can only speak for my experience in counseling. The people I've met who cut themselves were formerly abused as children.

Why did your ex cut herself?

She just started one day with her friend, and she tried quitting for years, but couldn't.
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