This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen

Cuba’s new constitution includes some noteworthy overhauls. The document does the following:

Recognizes private property and promotes foreign investment as fundamental to the development of the economy.
Limits the term of the president—who is selected by the National Assembly, as in parliamentary systems—to two consecutive five-year terms, and requires that the president be under sixty when s/he is elected. (This is a dramatic change from the era in which aging revolutionaries monopolized key government positions, and were repeatedly approved in their positions.)
Restores the pre-1976 position of Prime Minister, an official selected by the president who leads government ministries on a day-to-day basis.
Forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Guarantees women’s sexual and reproductive rights and protects women from gender violence.
Establishes the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings and the right to habeas corpus.
Strengthens the authority of local governments.
Allows holding dual citizenship.
You're a serious dope if you think that any of that inconsequential window dressing is any sort of reduction in the central control of the one-party state lording over the Cuban people.

IOW, you're a serious dope.
It's been here since George Washington was sworn into office.
Fortunately, despite all the misinformation and paranoia, it sure does.

Not to mention the fact that so many people here scream about communism and clearly don't even know what it is.
You have a peculiar fetish toward the word “communism”

It never fails to trigger a response from you

Are you “fer” it or “agin” ?

I’m never quite sure

But I agree that there is still hope for America if not for Cuba

The people there should have made their break for freedom while Trump was president

Because its for sure they will get no help from the guy you voted for.
Poverty has spiked in Cuba and people are not happy just like they are not happy in the US with the poverty spike during Trump.
You're a serious dope if you think that any of that inconsequential window dressing is any sort of reduction in the central control of the one-party state lording over the Cuban people.

IOW, you're a serious dope.

You assume a lot. You still want to punish Cuba after 60 years? Do you care what sort of government they have? You think that you have the right to dictate whether they are socialist or not?
You have a peculiar fetish toward the word “communism”

It never fails to trigger a response from you

Are you “fer” it or “agin” ?

I’m never quite sure

But I agree that there is still hope for America if not for Cuba

The people there should have made their break for freedom while Trump was president

Because its for sure they will get no help from the guy you voted for.
It's all part of the gaslighting campaign.

"You don't know what the meaning of socialism/communism/ fascism is...." as they enact and install the worst aspects of those totalitarian mindsets on a piecemeal basis.

The new Cuban Constitution was affirmed by 87% of the country’s voting public on February 24, 2019, following an extensive process of public debate and popular participation. It is largely an aspirational document that seeks to move the country forward, economically and socially, while retaining socialism as the ideology of the revolution.

Cuba’s new constitution includes some noteworthy overhauls. The document does the following:

Recognizes private property and promotes foreign investment as fundamental to the development of the economy.
Limits the term of the president—who is selected by the National Assembly, as in parliamentary systems—to two consecutive five-year terms, and requires that the president be under sixty when s/he is elected. (This is a dramatic change from the era in which aging revolutionaries monopolized key government positions, and were repeatedly approved in their positions.)
Restores the pre-1976 position of Prime Minister, an official selected by the president who leads government ministries on a day-to-day basis.
Forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Guarantees women’s sexual and reproductive rights and protects women from gender violence.
Establishes the presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings and the right to habeas corpus.
Strengthens the authority of local governments.
Allows holding dual citizenship.
LefTard Logic:
”Trust me America, socialism/communism/marxism can be totally AWESOME.”

Look, mac is vomiting out the fascist hate points.

Are you SURE you're not a sock of Truthmatters? Nah, she was smarter than you are.

Here, let's have your personal hero tell you...

View attachment 515851
Thank you!

Now, demonstrate for us that the Democrats either want control of means of production and distribution by the state or have instituted it.

No private ownership of production and distribution.

Go ahead.
You assume a lot. You still want to punish Cuba after 60 years? Do you care what sort of government they have? You think that you have the right to dictate whether they are socialist or not?
I want to usurp totalitarians no matter where they are, while you're dopey enough to believe that a few flimsy "reforms" magically makes them no longer totalitarians.

You're either a total dope or you're gaslighting.
In their next breathe they will put down those coming to the US to attain sanctuary or refugee status.

Derp, yuk, yeah moonie - fucking americans put down those coming to the US to attain sanctuary.. hyuk....

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Tuesday vowed to turn away Cuban and Haitian refugees who attempt to arrive in the US by boat amid crises in their countries.

“Allow me to be clear: If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States,” Mayorkas said at a news conference.}

You Nazis are fucking retarded.

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