This is on you, Conservatives


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2016
Multi-Dimensional Warrior
Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much' Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much'


The mother ofa Salvadoran migrant who drowned alongside his 23-month-old daughter while trying to cross into the United States said the man “loved his daughter so much” and was seeking a better life for his family.

The American dream is officially dead.

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The Father of Our Citizenship after drowning all the Christians in the River, wanted to take over Europe, then Egypt, with Multiple quotes and actions toward the Great True religion, islam. Maybe these guys weren't Muslim Citizens. Oui Oui
These people died in Mexico, not America. How does that make it any American's fault?

Go read ALL of the article.

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I read it, the man said he was frustrated by the long time and how long it was taking.

I don't see how that is the conservatives' fault.

If they had made it through, they would have had to wait a long time for foodstamps, welfare checks, EBT cards.

American life is full of waiting.

BTW, the man should have left the kid in El Fucking Salvador with other relatives, and once he got established in America, sent for her. Bringing a little kid on such a trek is a disgrace.

My great grandfather came over to America first, my grandmother stayed in Poland until he got the cash together for her fare. My grandmother BTW, complained to the end of her days about how sick she got on the boat over.
I cannot have any sympathy for these people. Get right down to it and it was their own greed that caused these deaths. The adults wanted American goodies so much that they gambled the lives of their children and lost. Well not everyone lost. The mamacita won the jackpot. Say the word deport and she will cry about the dead. The dead SHE KILLED by bringing them here.
These people died in Mexico, not America. How does that make it any American's fault?

Go read ALL of the article.

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As a literary style, its pre-Romanticism. I love that. It reminds me of an Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Christianity Whipped out of the slave. That sort of thing. It feels like a dying child in my arms as I read. Because there are dying children in our arms. The Word I'm looking for is not Classicism. It had a specific word meaning heightened emotion. Neoclassicism and the Age of Sensibility? As a literary tool about the politics of immigration, its also persuasive. See what they like to do is start with immigration, jump straight to Citizenship. There couldn't in the slightest be a single person here of any historical, national ethnic, religious, or situational, or refugee status in the smallest detail in All of the United States. Anyone? Anyone met anyone here That is Not an American? Not some sort of Political Prisoner? Is this even realistic? Don't people travel Europe in huge Numbers, is Paris not the Cosmopolitan city, of less than 20% natives?
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I cannot have any sympathy for these people. Get right down to it and it was their own greed that caused these deaths. The adults wanted American goodies so much that they gambled the lives of their children and lost. Well not everyone lost. The mamacita won the jackpot. Say the word deport and she will cry about the dead. The dead SHE KILLED by bringing them here.

The article said they wanted to come to America for better job opportunities.

I can appreciate that, but dollars to donuts, their intent was to actually lie to ICE officials and say their were seeking asylum, instead of just looking for a job.

I blame the libs on their deaths however. If Chuck and Nancy hadn't obstructed the building of the Wall, the Wall would have been there and they would have never tried to cross if there was a 700 ft high wall on the American side of the river.
For the first two years of His administration, St Trumpy had both house of congress at His disposal.

Why wasn't something done then?

Oh, that's right, something was done; billionaires got their tax cut.
For the first two years of His administration, St Trumpy had both house of congress at His disposal.

Why wasn't something done then?

Oh, that's right, something was done; billionaires got their tax cut.

Everyone got their taxes cut.
Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much' Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much'

View attachment 266538
The mother ofa Salvadoran migrant who drowned alongside his 23-month-old daughter while trying to cross into the United States said the man “loved his daughter so much” and was seeking a better life for his family.

The American dream is officially dead.

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If they like what they think America is, why are they unwilling to fight for it in their own shitholes?
For the first two years of His administration, St Trumpy had both house of congress at His disposal.

Why wasn't something done then?

Oh, that's right, something was done; billionaires got their tax cut.

Actually, no he didn't. President Trump had enough resistance from Republican sore losers that he needed some Democrats to reach across the aisle.

Guys like McCain were pissy with President Trump even in their deaths. I never heard of someone making a big deal to disinvite someone from their funeral. And then his family was pissed off that Trump played golf instead of attending.
Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much' Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much'

View attachment 266538
The mother ofa Salvadoran migrant who drowned alongside his 23-month-old daughter while trying to cross into the United States said the man “loved his daughter so much” and was seeking a better life for his family.

The American dream is officially dead.

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It's the father's fault for not getting a job and supporting his family in his own country.
It's the Democrat's fault for enticing illegal immigration.
Actually, no he didn't. President Trump had enough resistance from Republican sore losers that he needed some Democrats to reach across the aisle.

Guys like McCain were pissy with President Trump even in their deaths. I never heard of someone making a big deal to disinvite someone from their funeral. And then his family was pissed off that Trump played golf instead of attending.

More excuses from the Trump suckers.
Why is over 1,000,000 illegal aliens per year not enough for the Democrats?
Where do we house them all?
Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much' Family of Salvadoran migrant dad, child who drowned say he 'loved his daughter so much'

View attachment 266538
The mother ofa Salvadoran migrant who drowned alongside his 23-month-old daughter while trying to cross into the United States said the man “loved his daughter so much” and was seeking a better life for his family.

The American dream is officially dead.

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BULLSHIT! If anyone is to blame for this kind of crap it's the damn democommie dimwits who refuse to do something responsible about illegal immigration and border control. You assholes are also responsible for the thousands who die of exposure in our deserts, hundreds each and every year. You must have pure shit for brains to even attempt to put this on conservatives. No wonder you're all such huge assholes! You're just like drug pushers working grammar schools and assholes who trade in human trafficking for the sex trade. You're all bottom feeding scum suckers.
I cannot have any sympathy for these people. Get right down to it and it was their own greed that caused these deaths. The adults wanted American goodies so much that they gambled the lives of their children and lost. Well not everyone lost. The mamacita won the jackpot. Say the word deport and she will cry about the dead. The dead SHE KILLED by bringing them here.

It is un-American and inhumane to try and posture about being callous to this family's loss. These are human beings we are talking about. There is no reason to be a classless scumbag while discussing this topic. If it arouses too many emotions you can't control, go find something else to talk about with other emo-children.

That being said, it is illegal and irresponsible to put oneself as well as others at risk to enter the US illegally. This is a tragedy that could have and should have been avoided. The man is solely responsible for both of their deaths due to a horrifically, criminally stupid decision.

If sorrow at the loss of life isn't your first reaction to this, you are a worthless POS whose interest is NOT in the sovereignty of the United States but the self-indulgent wallowing in hatred.

If you see this terrible loss of life as an 'opportunity' for partisan sniping, you are an empty shell of a human being.

If this sad story doesn't make you realize the vital importance of getting the illegal immigration problem under control, you're just stone-cold stupid.

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