This Is NOT Christian

Sorry, No.
Because God ALLOWED Gabby Petito to be murdered by her boyfriend doesn't mean God condones it.

Just because God didn't rain down fire on sinners doesn't mean he condones their behaviour.

Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent

Humans naturally gravitate to sin. But in a short time we will all give an accounting for the lives we've lived
That is all true, but it's lost on the grubs. Fidelity is alien to them.

Just looked it up, this is Will on religion

Will gave $1.3 million to Scientology-based organizations and has said plenty of stuff like this:

I was raised in a Baptist household, I went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98 percent the same ideas of Scientology, 98 percent the same ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism.3

Will can't distinguish between an oppressive and abusive cult verses Christianity. To him, they are too similar to distinguish.

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