This Is Not Being Liberal Or Conservative. This Is About Being An American


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Nazi assholes, not Americans

One of the arguments heard from the right and even from our president is that if antifa, Black Lives Matter, the “alt-left” (which isn’t even a thing), and other left-leaning groups had not shown up to counter-protest Nazis (we repeat, to counter-protest Nazis), there would have been no violence in Charlottesville. That is the equivalent of saying, “Had the Allies not invaded France, there would have been no violence in Europe in 1944.” These were Nazis and Klan members. There is no “both sides” here. You either support Nazis, or you don’t.

This is not about liberal and conservative: it is about being an American

Nazi assholes, not Americans

One of the arguments heard from the right and even from our president is that if antifa, Black Lives Matter, the “alt-left” (which isn’t even a thing), and other left-leaning groups had not shown up to counter-protest Nazis (we repeat, to counter-protest Nazis), there would have been no violence in Charlottesville. That is the equivalent of saying, “Had the Allies not invaded France, there would have been no violence in Europe in 1944.” These were Nazis and Klan members. There is no “both sides” here. You either support Nazis, or you don’t.

This is not about liberal and conservative: it is about being an American

That picture looks like a 'what the Children of the Corn look like now' photo. Children of the Corn: All Grown Up.

Nazi assholes, not Americans

One of the arguments heard from the right and even from our president is that if antifa, Black Lives Matter, the “alt-left” (which isn’t even a thing), and other left-leaning groups had not shown up to counter-protest Nazis (we repeat, to counter-protest Nazis), there would have been no violence in Charlottesville. That is the equivalent of saying, “Had the Allies not invaded France, there would have been no violence in Europe in 1944.” These were Nazis and Klan members. There is no “both sides” here. You either support Nazis, or you don’t.

This is not about liberal and conservative: it is about being an American

Looks like a bunch of computer nerds holding Walmart bought Tiki torches to me. REAL scary looking shit to anyone with half a nutsack.
Yeah, lets just do away with that old fashioned Freedom of Speech/right to peaceful assembly thing...

Shut down Antifa, BLM, White Supremists, KKK, people protesting statues, and anyone else wanting their voice heard.

It's un-American, dont' ya know...
Shut down Antifa, BLM, White Supremists, KKK,

I imagine the op would meet you half way on this one .....and, of course, you know which half he would select to shut down as he sees the other half as heroic.

The rise in this ultra-authoritarian illiberal left dismays me. When I was a young man, the left was based upon liberalism, instead.

Nazi assholes, not Americans

One of the arguments heard from the right and even from our president is that if antifa, Black Lives Matter, the “alt-left” (which isn’t even a thing), and other left-leaning groups had not shown up to counter-protest Nazis (we repeat, to counter-protest Nazis), there would have been no violence in Charlottesville. That is the equivalent of saying, “Had the Allies not invaded France, there would have been no violence in Europe in 1944.” These were Nazis and Klan members. There is no “both sides” here. You either support Nazis, or you don’t.

This is not about liberal and conservative: it is about being an American
I passionately support full freedom of expression, whether I agree with it or not. Even for these tools.

I want them to be able to speak their minds, loudly, clearly and unimpeded.

Those who do not are being unAmerican.

Nazi assholes, not Americans

One of the arguments heard from the right and even from our president is that if antifa, Black Lives Matter, the “alt-left” (which isn’t even a thing), and other left-leaning groups had not shown up to counter-protest Nazis (we repeat, to counter-protest Nazis), there would have been no violence in Charlottesville. That is the equivalent of saying, “Had the Allies not invaded France, there would have been no violence in Europe in 1944.” These were Nazis and Klan members. There is no “both sides” here. You either support Nazis, or you don’t.

This is not about liberal and conservative: it is about being an American

No sir, you are about as unamerican as they come. You say it's bad that one group is bad for protesting violently, yet you excuse, praise and encourage another for using violence. Your post fits under the definition of the word facist. You are defending the same method hitler youth used to shut the opposition down. I would like to point a fact out no one brings up or dares disputes that the. you posted vedio depicts a peaceful protest. And the counter protesters were peaceful as well. No burning shit, fighting or whatever. You are no American. Just a jilted libtard living vicariously through these retards because your mommy wouldn't let you go to woodstock.
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Nazi assholes, not Americans

One of the arguments heard from the right and even from our president is that if antifa, Black Lives Matter, the “alt-left” (which isn’t even a thing), and other left-leaning groups had not shown up to counter-protest Nazis (we repeat, to counter-protest Nazis), there would have been no violence in Charlottesville. That is the equivalent of saying, “Had the Allies not invaded France, there would have been no violence in Europe in 1944.” These were Nazis and Klan members. There is no “both sides” here. You either support Nazis, or you don’t.

This is not about liberal and conservative: it is about being an American

That picture looks like a 'what the Children of the Corn look like now' photo. Children of the Corn: All Grown Up.

It has a very cult like vibe.

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