This is how it starts - Kremlin tells Washington weapons shipments to Ukraine are legitimate targets

One Riot, One Rittenhouse

At the next fake-victimization riot, patriotic snipers could sneak into the top of a building and pick off the bunched-together feral humanoids one by one, as was done in one of the Zombie movies.

Koreans were pretty good at that during the Rodney King affair.



Bring it.

If Putin wants to start something with the US, tell him to stop pussyfooting around, so we can reduce Russia to a pile of rubble instead of a pile of worthless rubles.
You have no idea what you're asking for.
Democrats are such warmongers
So....putin isn't a KGB thug? He didn't order his troops into a sovereign country? They aren't killing civilians through their missles and bombs?

Ukraine didn't invade what is your point?
Not to sound cold but I really don't care about any of that.

Once it started my only interest is on how it plays-out.....Hopefully without the canned sunshine due to neocons and dems that have found common cause in increased involvement.

I bet I'm one of maybe a half-dozen on this board to approve of Tater nixing the Polish Mig-29s being transferred given the public way it was handled.
There's your seasoned leader with experience dealing with Putin. We are not in any "negotiation process" and they are saying we are not taking their warnings seriously. Putin has shown that his warning need to be taken seriously. He's going to attack any supply of weapons to the Ukraine and then the decisions get extremely serious. These morons are asleep at the wheel while things devolve into WWIII.

I dont think we should allow russia to tell America what we can do in regard to supporting ukraine with weapons to defend itself

if the senile old fool in the white house is having a lucid moment then I support him all the way

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