This is how bad it is under Biden: Denver Police has arrested over 50 Al Qaeda members in the last 2 months

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Freaking Al Qaeda has made it to America thanks to the Usurper's grand invitation. This is just down right unacceptable. Trump said this morning in an interview that there will be a 100% terrorist attack on American soil. Al Qaeda being caught in America means there's no doubt Trump is right. Biden should be immediately impeached for this.

Freaking Al Qaeda has made it to America thanks to the Usurper's grand invitation. This is just down right unacceptable. Trump said this morning in an interview that there will be a 100% terrorist attack on American soil. Al Qaeda being caught in America means there's no doubt Trump is right. Biden should be immediately impeached for this.

Makes me wonder if they came across southern border, or flew into Denver international. Supposed to be reported by some cop at the airport, but who knows? It will be interesting if Denver News agencies, now being made aware, follow up to check out the story.
I'm sure that 50 terrorists is a very conservative number.

This is how bad it is under Biden: Denver Police has arrested over 50 Al Qaeda members in the last 2 months​

And probably let them go
Makes me wonder if they came across southern border, or flew into Denver international. Supposed to be reported by some cop at the airport, but who knows? It will be interesting if Denver News agencies, now being made aware, follow up to check out the story.

Setting aside the fact that the only source for this story is some guy on twitter claiming he had a conversation with a cop in the airport...

I read an article the other day that said most contact with alleged terrorists coming into this country is happening at the northern border... the one no one complains about...
Setting aside the fact that the only source for this story is some guy on twitter claiming he had a conversation with a cop in the airport...

I read an article the other day that said most contact with alleged terrorists coming into this country is happening at the northern border... the one no one complains about...
Shush! Or eminent domain and construction contracts will be sent to the Canadian border. I thought Al Qaeda flew United, but just didn't care about landing.
Freaking Al Qaeda has made it to America thanks to the Usurper's grand invitation. This is just down right unacceptable. Trump said this morning in an interview that there will be a 100% terrorist attack on American soil. Al Qaeda being caught in America means there's no doubt Trump is right. Biden should be immediately impeached for this.

That means we have very good policing and the threat is minimal. Don't be a fool and over-react.
Freaking Al Qaeda has made it to America thanks to the Usurper's grand invitation. This is just down right unacceptable. Trump said this morning in an interview that there will be a 100% terrorist attack on American soil. Al Qaeda being caught in America means there's no doubt Trump is right. Biden should be immediately impeached for this.

The article says they flew into the country. They didn't cross the border as you ass-u-me-d. I didn't fall for it , you did.
Freaking Al Qaeda has made it to America thanks to the Usurper's grand invitation. This is just down right unacceptable. Trump said this morning in an interview that there will be a 100% terrorist attack on American soil. Al Qaeda being caught in America means there's no doubt Trump is right. Biden should be immediately impeached for this.

Suddenly catching terrorists is a bad thing? Probably got here under Trump as a fuck you to his Muslim ban.
Freaking Al Qaeda has made it to America thanks to the Usurper's grand invitation. This is just down right unacceptable. Trump said this morning in an interview that there will be a 100% terrorist attack on American soil. Al Qaeda being caught in America means there's no doubt Trump is right. Biden should be immediately impeached for this.

With Joe Bidumb asking for more powers to close the border, it reminds me of Adolf Hitler asking for more powers to go after the Communists. Look what happened to him. Listen, learn, beware, the wolf in sheep's clothing.

Hey, retard, technically they did cross the border when they flew over it on their way to Denver.
The criticism is aimed at Biden. There's no fault here , Homeland Security is working effectively. Attempts to sensationalize everything are sad and distracting from the truth. Each year thousands are arrested , it doesn't matter who's president. It was inevitable when Bush the younger declared an overt war on terrorism.
The criticism is aimed at Biden. There's no fault here , Homeland Security is working effectively. Attempts to sensationalize everything are sad and distracting from the truth. Each year thousands are arrested , it doesn't matter who's president. It was inevitable when Bush the younger declared an overt war on terrorism.
Under the brown turd Obammy, there were many attacks by radical Muslims upon innocent people, which the turd called "Workplace violence". This was a sign of weakness from that queer President. Fast forward 4 years, where the 2020 election was stolen by the Marxists/Demofascists, and installed a weak willed old foggy, and now everyone sees an opportunity to do much harm around the world. Yeah, it is Joe Bidumd's fault for those terrorists being here, because any President with a backbone, would execute enemies of the US once they touched US soil.

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