This country is my home


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

How would you feel if you woke up one morning and a man, his pregnant wife and three children at moved in while you were sleeping? And you call law enforcement and when he comes he tells you because of his religious convictions it would be cruel and inhumane for him to remove them and you should feel the same way. He told me that you would have to get the man a job, feed them, educate them and provide medical care and after the baby was born You would have to provide for them as long as their were here and you would have to send back to Mexico for Granny and Gramps and provide for them.
How would you feel? You should be as pissed as I am if this country is your home.

Read some of these sad stories and keep a barf bucket near by.
Does anyone understand that illegal aliens left families in Mexico when they came here?
My Immigration Story - Home
I have used that exact example if my family broke into the home of the head of Lulac or Laraza and did the same things, you know damn well they wouldn't like it, well neither do I. Get out and stay out. We have jobs with the illegals gone and if you are too good to do that work, hurray for you. no more welfare. Good luck.
I have used that exact example if my family broke into the home of the head of Lulac or Laraza and did the same things, you know damn well they wouldn't like it, well neither do I. Get out and stay out. We have jobs with the illegals gone and if you are too good to do that work, hurray for you. no more welfare. Good luck.

Americans will do any kind of work. One is not on welfare just because he or she does not want to work. It is not easy to get on welfare as you may think. There are not jobs Amerians will not do including farm work. Many follow the harvest.

Jobs on Farms
Jobs on Farms and Seasonal Farm Workers - Around the World

There are 8 million illegal aliens in the workforce and only 2% are working on farms. They don't want to do the back breaking work. Americans who live in farm areas are working on farms.
United Farm Workers invite Americans to 'Take Our Jobs' - Jul. 7, 2010
Let those 2% do the farm work if they want to but get them out of the inner cities and taking jobs Americans. American are not transit as they use to be. They are putting down roots in the inner cities where to schools and jobs are. Million of illegal aliens are doing jobs Americans will do.

Res Judicata: Americans Will Do the Jobs
August 8th, 2011

I am reading a lot these days about the “shortage” of agriculture workers in Georgia, which recently passed a law requiring all employers to use the E-Verify online system to check the legal status of job applicants. (Last month I wrote about the recent Supreme Court decision upholding a similar law in Arizona. So I expect to be hearing about a shortage of workers in that state too.) There is no doubt that picking fruit and vegetables in very hot weather is unappealing work. But it is a myth propagated by the cheap labor lobby and organizations like National Council of La Raza, an Hispanic pressure group seeking unlimited immigration, that Americans will not do unappealing work. The sewer example proves they will.

The question we should ask farmers who complain about labor shortages is: why they pay extremely low wages? (Usually pegged to the minimum wage and typically not including health insurance.) The answer is simple. Because illegal immigrants will take those jobs at those wages. As one farmer in Collinsville, Illinois told me, “the Mexicans like to sweat out there in the fields and don’t complain. They laugh and have fun. You can’t get a white person to do that.” And the farmer feels no pressure to pay higher wages as long as his Mexican workers keep showing up each spring for the season. I asked him what he would do without the Mexican immigrants (whom he insists are in the country legally, which I doubt). He said he’d go out of business.
Res Judicata: Americans Will Do the Jobs | FrumForum
We can easily fill those so-called "jobs Americans won't work" by making welfare recipients work those very jobs for their welfare check. Just think of how many jobs Obama could create.
We can easily fill those so-called "jobs Americans won't work" by making welfare recipients work those very jobs for their welfare check. Just think of how many jobs Obama could create.

You like so many other people don't know who receives welfare. One just don't walk into the office and fill our an application and get welfare. Welfare, ADFC, in only given to parents FOR the children. The parent is not taken into consideration. All able bodies are require to look for work even with children.

Why is this suddenly Obama's problem. Welfare was not invented by Obama and has been in effect since 1935 and was much worse before Clinton reformed it requiring able bodies to look for work and is given a time limit. No one lives on welfare anymore expect maybe illegal aliens who have a working spouse in the back ground helping out.
Welfare recipients are not just pople who are too lazy to work. The jump in welfare now is because of high unemployment of those with children. 14 million unemployed people are not unemployed because they don't want to work. 8 million of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens.

Who gets welfare? Despite prevailing stereotype, whites, not blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

Who gets welfare? Despite prevailing stereotype, whites, not blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars | Ebony | Find Articles at BNET
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