Things we can and can't afford

MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.
Damn Jake. That’s nuts.
MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.
Damn Jake. That’s nuts.
I don't even know what that means. "self identifying his own mistakes with Obama?" Does he think I was dumb enough to vote for Obama or does he think I was somehow involved in running an infrastructure program? :21:
MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.
Damn Jake. That’s nuts.
I don't even know what that means. "self identifying his own mistakes with Obama?" Does he think I was dumb enough to vote for Obama or does he think I was somehow involved in running an infrastructure program? :21:
He generally doesn’t think.
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization, pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources. That sounds exactly what Social Security is. New investors aka tax payers fund those who are currently on SS with a promise of profit or benefits in the future. Except SS already has an unfunded liability of almost 10 trillion dollars. You could confiscate all the wealth of every Billionaires in the US and you'd still be about 2 trillion short.

Yet Obama deficit spent $10 trillion in just eight years and Trump is continuing the spending. The Great Messiah could have made SS solvent for decades to come, had he used that money to benefit the vast majority of Americans, But alas, he spent that money enriching his wealthy donors. It is likely Trump will do the same.

The strange thing is...some of those same wealthy donors like to proclaim SS is not sustainable. How ironic.

Do you see the fraud being perpetrated on the American people?
Social Security just needs to raise its annual threshold to all income and raise retirement age
Just imagine how great things could be for most Americans had your criminal Messiah actually spent $10 trillion helping Americans, rather than further enriching his rich donors.
The Great Obama borrowed money to rescue the economy
Crooked Donnie borrowed money to give to rich people
He borrowed money to bailout his rich buddies.
I’ve already said Crooked Donnie bailed out his rich buddies
We can afford to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires

But infrastructure, healthcare, education...
Are you crazy? We can’t afford that

Naah, You're just a crazy ass Obama worshiper. gipper is right, Obama is a warmonger and just lied about his priorities. . .

Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready

The Great Obama just admitted there were not as many shovel ready projects as expected

What could be wrong with that ?
MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.

No warmonger? Were you on drugs or institutionalized during his presidency?


Our Warmonger President and the Lapdog Press
Our Warmonger President and the Lapdog Press

". . . President-elect Donald J. Trump’s detractors claim he is entering the presidency in the midst of a constitutional crisis stemming from alleged Russian hacking into the email systems of Democratic Party politicians.

But we are already in a constitutional crisis caused by Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional actions. The failure of the media to hold Obama accountable for the wars which take the lives of members of the Armed Forces is a dramatic indication of how “media malpractice” goes beyond false facts and fake news.

The facts are not in dispute in regard to Obama’s actions that committed the U.S. to wars in the Middle East without the approval of Congress. The issue is clear-cut.

Obama, the alleged historian and legal scholar, doesn’t want to talk about that. Instead, at the military ceremony in his honor, he said, “Service members can now serve the country they love without hiding who they are or who they love.” In fact, Defense Secretary Carter has opened up the military, under Obama’s direction, even to the transgendered, with the Pentagon paying for their sex change operations.

This is what it has been all about for Obama—social experimentation and diversity, not fighting or winning wars. But his wars have not been without cost—in lives and refugees and more global terrorism..."
Yet Obama deficit spent $10 trillion in just eight years and Trump is continuing the spending. The Great Messiah could have made SS solvent for decades to come, had he used that money to benefit the vast majority of Americans, But alas, he spent that money enriching his wealthy donors. It is likely Trump will do the same.

The strange thing is...some of those same wealthy donors like to proclaim SS is not sustainable. How ironic.

Do you see the fraud being perpetrated on the American people?
Social Security just needs to raise its annual threshold to all income and raise retirement age
Just imagine how great things could be for most Americans had your criminal Messiah actually spent $10 trillion helping Americans, rather than further enriching his rich donors.
The Great Obama borrowed money to rescue the economy
Crooked Donnie borrowed money to give to rich people
He borrowed money to bailout his rich buddies.
I’ve already said Crooked Donnie bailed out his rich buddies
You can see that but not BO’s, which was far worse.

Partisans ugh. Can’t fix stupid.
We can afford to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires

But infrastructure, healthcare, education...
Are you crazy? We can’t afford that

Naah, You're just a crazy ass Obama worshiper. gipper is right, Obama is a warmonger and just lied about his priorities. . .

Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready

The Great Obama just admitted there were not as many shovel ready projects as expected

What could be wrong with that ?

You call him "The Great Obama. . " for being a lying politician. . .

We all know Trump exaggerates on a daily basis too, why not start calling Trump, "The Magnificent Trump?" How 'bout that?

. . . you're so disingenuous. . . .

Thanks to an insane government run by criminals.

When will Americans wake up to the fraud being perpetrated on them?

Biggest spending is on military, VA healthcare and welfare.

It is the government's job to protect this country, which means a strong military. It is the government's duty to protect our borders, which means adequate border security.

It is not the government's job to get involved in most other things, like wealth redistribution. And if the government wasn't so involved in the free market, it's likely some company would have advanced in their research for renewable energy. All we got from spending billions during Obama years was Solyndra and other companies that took the money and ran. Didn't produce shit.

Our government's priorities are well-defined in the constitution. Foreign aid to hostile countries- not their job. Redistributing money for illegal aliens, able-bodied people who don't work, and a healthcare system that doesn't work- not their job.

Government shouldn't be in the student loan business or any business. Once government decides to pay the bill by confiscation of the worker's wages, prices go up and the businesses that fund campaigns rake in the big money.

Government screwed over veterans by spending too much on a poorly run government system called the VA. No way in hell should they try to run the entire country's health system the same way.

Leftists seem to think that government should be heavily involved in everyone's life. That is unconstitutional.

If they would stick to their duty, as defined by our founding document, we wouldn't be in this mess. If private companies were allowed to compete and we had government out of the way, everything from healthcare to rebuilding infrastructure would be way cheaper.

We had roads, bridges, transportation, schools, hospitals and charities long before government decided to take over those things. Once they did, quality went down and cost went up.
If you think our government is protecting us, you need to think again.

Where was the most advanced and expensive military the world has ever known, on 9/11?
We can afford to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires

But infrastructure, healthcare, education...
Are you crazy? We can’t afford that

Naah, You're just a crazy ass Obama worshiper. gipper is right, Obama is a warmonger and just lied about his priorities. . .

Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready

The Great Obama just admitted there were not as many shovel ready projects as expected

What could be wrong with that ?

You call him "The Great Obama. . " for being a lying politician. . .

We all know Trump exaggerates on a daily basis too, why not start calling Trump, "The Magnificent Trump?" How 'bout that?

. . . you're so disingenuous. . . .

In a Trumpian world we come up with simplistic labels to describe people’s attributes

So we get...
Little Rocket Man
Little Marco
Crooked Donnie
The Great Obama
MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.
But he did nothing for infrastructure or education and his healthcare was a disaster.
We can afford to give a $1.5 trillion tax cut to billionaires

But infrastructure, healthcare, education...
Are you crazy? We can’t afford that

Naah, You're just a crazy ass Obama worshiper. gipper is right, Obama is a warmonger and just lied about his priorities. . .

Obama: Shovel Ready jobs not shovel ready

The Great Obama just admitted there were not as many shovel ready projects as expected

What could be wrong with that ?

You call him "The Great Obama. . " for being a lying politician. . .

We all know Trump exaggerates on a daily basis too, why not start calling Trump, "The Magnificent Trump?" How 'bout that?

. . . you're so disingenuous. . . .

In a Trumpian world we come up with simplistic labels to describe people’s attributes

So we get...
Little Rocket Man
Little Marco
Crooked Donnie
The Great Obama

One of the alternative press pod casts I listen to has the best label for Trump, referring to the fact that he was a reality TV star; "America's Next Top President."


Pretty accurate since presidents don't really have any real power, they are just focal points, as Obama eventually found out. They are just front men.
MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.
But he did nothing for infrastructure or education and his healthcare was a disaster.
Only in the minds of the uneducated or the partisan ideologue. 18mm got health care who had not had it before, some infrastructure was built, and more money went to education.
MisterBeale is self identifying his own mistakes with Obama, who in fact was no warmonger and was quite honest about his priorities of infrastructure, health care, and education.
But he did nothing for infrastructure or education and his healthcare was a disaster.
Only in the minds of the uneducated or the partisan ideologue. 18mm got health care who had not had it before, some infrastructure was built, and more money went to education.
Sub-par healthcare.

The reforms were actually so the insurance and big pharma could make more money off the backs of the poor and middle class. It was just a plan to enrich the donor classes, as gipper already told you.

Don't be such a sucker for corporate media propaganda. Do your research. Follow the money.

Which firms profit most from America’s health-care system

The Sick Paying for the Healthy: How Insurance Companies Drive Up Drug Prices

Thanks to an insane government run by criminals.

When will Americans wake up to the fraud being perpetrated on them?

Great video. In just a little more than five minutes, it fully explains how our government works.

When the American people recognize the truth about our government, it might all come crashing down. But for now, too many Americans are duped by the divisive propaganda promoted by the two criminal parties and their pals in the MSM, at the direction of the wealthy elite.

I see no end to the fraudulent/criminal policies of our government.

Thanks to an insane government run by criminals.

When will Americans wake up to the fraud being perpetrated on them?

Great video. In just a little more than five minutes, it fully explains how our government works.

When the American people recognize the truth about our government, it might all come crashing down. But for now, too many Americans are duped by the divisive propaganda promoted by the two criminal parties and their pals in the MSM, at the direction of the wealthy elite.

I see no end to the fraudulent/criminal policies of our government.

Indeed it does.
But.... I am afraid if they played this video every hour, on the hour for 24 hours.... it would do little good.
Because everyone who sees the video would think it is the other party that is the problem.

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