Things That Need To Be TRUMPED


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Things that need to be fixed, repealed, or given the boot...

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
4 / 21

The Washington Post
Craig Whitlock, Bob Woodward 3 hrs ago

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

Pentagon leaders had requested the study to help make their enormous back-office bureaucracy more efficient and reinvest any savings in combat power. But after the project documented far more wasteful spending than expected, senior defense officials moved swiftly to kill it by discrediting and suppressing the results.

The report, issued in January 2015, identified “a clear path” for the Defense Department to save $125 billion over five years. The plan would not have required layoffs of civil servants or reductions in military personnel. Instead, it would have streamlined the bureaucracy through attrition and early retirements, curtailed high-priced contractors and made better use of information technology.



Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Things that need to be fixed, repealed, or given the boot...

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
4 / 21

The Washington Post
Craig Whitlock, Bob Woodward 3 hrs ago

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

Pentagon leaders had requested the study to help make their enormous back-office bureaucracy more efficient and reinvest any savings in combat power. But after the project documented far more wasteful spending than expected, senior defense officials moved swiftly to kill it by discrediting and suppressing the results.

The report, issued in January 2015, identified “a clear path” for the Defense Department to save $125 billion over five years. The plan would not have required layoffs of civil servants or reductions in military personnel. Instead, it would have streamlined the bureaucracy through attrition and early retirements, curtailed high-priced contractors and made better use of information technology.



Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Under Trump, the Pentagon will never reveal its tax returns :321:
As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India
5 / 21

The Washington Post

Annie Gowen 1 hr ago


As a new American president bent on retaining American jobs prepares to take office, the Obama administration and the U.S. defense industry are working on a deal with the Indian government to build iconic U.S. combat aircraft in India.

In recent months, Lockheed Martin and Boeing have made proposals to the Indian government to manufacture fighter jets — the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Super Hornet — in India as the country seeks to modernize its rapidly aging fleet of largely Russian-built airplanes.

In both cases, the aviation companies would be building production facilities in India; Lockheed Martin proposes to move its entire F-16 assembly line from Texas to India, making India the sole producer of the single-engine combat aircraft.

The U.S. military is phasing out the F-16 for its own use, but other countries remain as likely customers.

The proposals have the strong backing of the Obama administration, which has sought a closer connection with the Indian military in recent years. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said she was “optimistic” about the prospect of a deal after a visit to New Delhi in August, and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter is set to return to India next week, with procurement high atop the list of discussion topics.

But the election of a billionaire businessman focused on keeping jobs at home, rather than creating them overseas, has brought a measure of uncertainty to the talks.


As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India
As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India
5 / 21

The Washington Post

Annie Gowen 1 hr ago


As a new American president bent on retaining American jobs prepares to take office, the Obama administration and the U.S. defense industry are working on a deal with the Indian government to build iconic U.S. combat aircraft in India.

In recent months, Lockheed Martin and Boeing have made proposals to the Indian government to manufacture fighter jets — the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Super Hornet — in India as the country seeks to modernize its rapidly aging fleet of largely Russian-built airplanes.

In both cases, the aviation companies would be building production facilities in India; Lockheed Martin proposes to move its entire F-16 assembly line from Texas to India, making India the sole producer of the single-engine combat aircraft.

The U.S. military is phasing out the F-16 for its own use, but other countries remain as likely customers.

The proposals have the strong backing of the Obama administration, which has sought a closer connection with the Indian military in recent years. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said she was “optimistic” about the prospect of a deal after a visit to New Delhi in August, and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter is set to return to India next week, with procurement high atop the list of discussion topics.

But the election of a billionaire businessman focused on keeping jobs at home, rather than creating them overseas, has brought a measure of uncertainty to the talks.


As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India

OMG!!!! An American company agreed to make planes for India in INDIA!!!!

Who cares? Sounds like a good business deal to me.
As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India
5 / 21

The Washington Post

Annie Gowen 1 hr ago


As a new American president bent on retaining American jobs prepares to take office, the Obama administration and the U.S. defense industry are working on a deal with the Indian government to build iconic U.S. combat aircraft in India.

In recent months, Lockheed Martin and Boeing have made proposals to the Indian government to manufacture fighter jets — the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Super Hornet — in India as the country seeks to modernize its rapidly aging fleet of largely Russian-built airplanes.

In both cases, the aviation companies would be building production facilities in India; Lockheed Martin proposes to move its entire F-16 assembly line from Texas to India, making India the sole producer of the single-engine combat aircraft.

The U.S. military is phasing out the F-16 for its own use, but other countries remain as likely customers.

The proposals have the strong backing of the Obama administration, which has sought a closer connection with the Indian military in recent years. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said she was “optimistic” about the prospect of a deal after a visit to New Delhi in August, and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter is set to return to India next week, with procurement high atop the list of discussion topics.

But the election of a billionaire businessman focused on keeping jobs at home, rather than creating them overseas, has brought a measure of uncertainty to the talks.


As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India

OMG!!!! An American company agreed to make planes for India in INDIA!!!!

Who cares? Sounds like a good business deal to me.
I'm not sure the waste in the Pentagon can even be quantified. They can't even perform an audit on itself.
As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India
5 / 21

The Washington Post

Annie Gowen 1 hr ago


As a new American president bent on retaining American jobs prepares to take office, the Obama administration and the U.S. defense industry are working on a deal with the Indian government to build iconic U.S. combat aircraft in India.

In recent months, Lockheed Martin and Boeing have made proposals to the Indian government to manufacture fighter jets — the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Super Hornet — in India as the country seeks to modernize its rapidly aging fleet of largely Russian-built airplanes.

In both cases, the aviation companies would be building production facilities in India; Lockheed Martin proposes to move its entire F-16 assembly line from Texas to India, making India the sole producer of the single-engine combat aircraft.

The U.S. military is phasing out the F-16 for its own use, but other countries remain as likely customers.

The proposals have the strong backing of the Obama administration, which has sought a closer connection with the Indian military in recent years. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said she was “optimistic” about the prospect of a deal after a visit to New Delhi in August, and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter is set to return to India next week, with procurement high atop the list of discussion topics.

But the election of a billionaire businessman focused on keeping jobs at home, rather than creating them overseas, has brought a measure of uncertainty to the talks.


As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India

OMG!!!! An American company agreed to make planes for India in INDIA!!!!

Who cares? Sounds like a good business deal to me.

We know libtarts don't give a fuck. Make the planes here and will sell them the fuel to fly home, now that's a better deal for AMERICA, we come first now...
As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India
5 / 21

The Washington Post

Annie Gowen 1 hr ago


As a new American president bent on retaining American jobs prepares to take office, the Obama administration and the U.S. defense industry are working on a deal with the Indian government to build iconic U.S. combat aircraft in India.

In recent months, Lockheed Martin and Boeing have made proposals to the Indian government to manufacture fighter jets — the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F/A-18 Super Hornet — in India as the country seeks to modernize its rapidly aging fleet of largely Russian-built airplanes.

In both cases, the aviation companies would be building production facilities in India; Lockheed Martin proposes to move its entire F-16 assembly line from Texas to India, making India the sole producer of the single-engine combat aircraft.

The U.S. military is phasing out the F-16 for its own use, but other countries remain as likely customers.

The proposals have the strong backing of the Obama administration, which has sought a closer connection with the Indian military in recent years. Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James said she was “optimistic” about the prospect of a deal after a visit to New Delhi in August, and Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter is set to return to India next week, with procurement high atop the list of discussion topics.

But the election of a billionaire businessman focused on keeping jobs at home, rather than creating them overseas, has brought a measure of uncertainty to the talks.


As Trump vows to stop flow of jobs overseas, U.S. plans to make fighter jets in India

OMG!!!! An American company agreed to make planes for India in INDIA!!!!

Who cares? Sounds like a good business deal to me.

We know libtarts don't give a fuck. Make the planes here and will sell them the fuel to fly home, now that's a better deal for AMERICA, we come first now...

Libtard??? Man, you really don't know what you're talking about or talking to.

India, if it had any smarts - and they do - would insist that the planes be built in India. If you're not willing to do it there, then you don't get the contract. Pretty simple formula.

In the meantime, your stock goes up and up.
Trump Challenges "One China" Appeasement
December 11, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The "One China" policy means that we insist on pretending that Taiwan is a country because it might offend the Communist butchers in Beijing. Trump is right to challenge it even though it makes much of the foreign policy establishment fume. Instead of retreating from the criticism after the phone call with Taiwan's president, Trump is questioning the conventional "wisdom".


This is an area where Republicans and Democrats alike have backed off from our traditional support for Taiwan's independence. Trump isn't outright ruling out endorsing One China, but he's saying that it won't be out of fear of China.

Trump Challenges "One China" Appeasement
Things that need to be fixed, repealed, or given the boot...

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
4 / 21

The Washington Post
Craig Whitlock, Bob Woodward 3 hrs ago

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

Pentagon leaders had requested the study to help make their enormous back-office bureaucracy more efficient and reinvest any savings in combat power. But after the project documented far more wasteful spending than expected, senior defense officials moved swiftly to kill it by discrediting and suppressing the results.

The report, issued in January 2015, identified “a clear path” for the Defense Department to save $125 billion over five years. The plan would not have required layoffs of civil servants or reductions in military personnel. Instead, it would have streamlined the bureaucracy through attrition and early retirements, curtailed high-priced contractors and made better use of information technology.



Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste


Trump must repeal the Pentagon!

I wonder if she got a white owl cigar?

Bill Clinton meeting causes headaches for Hillary

By Eli Watkins, CNN
Updated 9:26 PM ET, Thu June 30, 2016

(CNN)A meeting this week between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton is creating headaches for Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Lynch and Bill Clinton met privately in Phoenix Monday after the two realized they were on the same tarmac, an aide to the former president said. The encounter took place ahead of the public release Tuesday morning of the House Benghazi Committee's report on the 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya.

The meeting is raising questions about whether the independence of the Justice Department, which is conducting an investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server, might have been compromised.

Road to 270: The 2016 Electoral Map
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump said Thursday the meeting was "terrible."

"It was really a sneak," Trump told conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher. "You see a thing like this and, even in terms of judgment, how bad of judgment is it for him or for her to do this? Who would do this?"


Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch meet privately -
Things that need to be fixed, repealed, or given the boot...

Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
4 / 21

The Washington Post
Craig Whitlock, Bob Woodward 3 hrs ago

The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

Pentagon leaders had requested the study to help make their enormous back-office bureaucracy more efficient and reinvest any savings in combat power. But after the project documented far more wasteful spending than expected, senior defense officials moved swiftly to kill it by discrediting and suppressing the results.

The report, issued in January 2015, identified “a clear path” for the Defense Department to save $125 billion over five years. The plan would not have required layoffs of civil servants or reductions in military personnel. Instead, it would have streamlined the bureaucracy through attrition and early retirements, curtailed high-priced contractors and made better use of information technology.



Pentagon buries evidence of $125 billion in bureaucratic waste
Under Trump, the Pentagon will never reveal its tax returns :321:
Keep telling yourself that.
Trump Must Stop the Boeing Deal with Iran
Planes can be used for military purposes.
December 13, 2016
Joseph Klein

President-elect Trump threatened to cancel an order for Boeing to build a new Air Force One because the projected costs, he said, are “out of control.” While Mr. Trump’s efforts to protect American taxpayers’ money are laudable, there is a far more urgent matter involving Boeing that demands his attention. Immediately upon taking office, he should stop Boeing in its tracks from following through with the deal it just announced to sell Iran’s national carrier, Iran Air, 80 technologically advanced jets. As a commentator put it in an article appearing in The Hill, Boeing is preparing to accept “blood money.” President-elect Trump should stop the deal on his first day in office by rescinding the license granted by the Obama Treasury Department, which gave the green light for the sale to proceed in the first place.


In any case, the possibility of adding some jobs at the expense of national security would be a reckless trade-off. “America first” should mean American lives first, before anything else. Allowing Iran to purchase aircraft with U.S. advanced technology and components, which can be converted to military use and turned against our own forces and innocent civilians, is potentially suicidal. The author of The Hill article explained in cogent terms what is at stake:

“I’m all for American jobs, and I want to see the good people of Seattle enhance their economy. But the patriotic Americans who work at Boeing’s factories need to know that the planes they’re going to build will ferry murderous equipment for terrorists to kill men, women, and children.”

With the benefit of technology transfer and some reverse engineering, it would not be difficult for the Iranians to repurpose the aircraft for military use. By Boeing’s own admission, “The 737 serves as a platform for military derivatives.” Moreover, intelligence reports have concluded that Iran Air has been involved in the past in using its civilian aircraft to transport weapons to aid the Assad regime in Syria. The U.S. Treasury Department had blacklisted Iran Air for helping the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. There is no logical reason to think that with 80 new Boeing jets in its possession, the state-owned airline will not resume its support of the Iranian military and Islamic Revolutionary Guards.

President-elect Trump will start his term off on the right foot if he kills the Boeing deal immediately on national security grounds and rescinds the Airbus license as well.

Trump Must Stop the Boeing Deal with Iran
Things That Need To Be TRUMPED

His fucked up hair, he needs to get that shit squared away to look like a military man, he ain't be-bopping on the street no more....

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