Things All the Members of the USMB have in Common:



  • $you_are_now_aware_that_you_are_breathing_thumb.jpg
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That all the women will think this guy is hot, and all the men will call him "gay" because they are jealous of said hotness.

Where did you get my picture from 20 years ago???

And someone photoshopped in a tatoo too!

Actually it looks a lot like I did back when...
Too much time on our hands and are posting here?

You stole my thunder. I was going to say addicted to this board and the assortment of characters who post here. The first two days I was on my little working sabattical, I didn't dare go to a favorite personal site (like this one), and I actually think I was starting to feel withdrawal pains. Then I realized everyone can't look over my shoulder, nor I theirs, and started getting IMs and jokes. So what the hell...
umm actually I have never watched that show...

Did not get the channel it was on when I was a kid.
Or maybe it did not exist when I was a kid?
When was it created?

It was on CBS....

You didn't get CBS?

Nope got NBC and ABC.
And that required an antenna on the ridge and 1/2 mile of TV wire.

Ah memories. So nice especially at Christmas. We could only get NBC by a mechanical switch in the back of the TV.
We are all Carbon Based Life Forms on the third planet in the Sol system, currently traveling through the Local Interstellar Cloud in the Local Bubble zone, within the inner rim of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

And here was me thinking we were mammals living on planet Earth.

Nope. Bo is right (of course!). I have it on good authority that on this day in two years, we will all return to the Mother Ship following the great apocalypse.
The republican party had all leveors of power in their control while this mess developed.

They did nothing to avert it.

Many warned of the oncoming mess and were demeaned by the republican party for it.

Give it a rest for a few days, would ya? Geeze, if I can do it, you can too. The "mess" will still be here on January 2nd.
We are all Carbon Based Life Forms on the third planet in the Sol system, currently traveling through the Local Interstellar Cloud in the Local Bubble zone, within the inner rim of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy.

Wow! I thought I was the only one visting Orion. Why haven't I seen you there?

Because people in the third dimension can change the way they appear. Who do you think invented avatars?
We all have hearts? At least the one that beats physically

Oh and brains..oh.... wait :doubt:
The republican party had all leveors of power in their control while this mess developed.

They did nothing to avert it.

Many warned of the oncoming mess and were demeaned by the republican party for it.

Give it a rest for a few days, would ya? Geeze, if I can do it, you can too. The "mess" will still be here on January 2nd.

It will not compute with her and unfortunately, she has no off switch.

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