They've Always Been 'Racists'

And not just in the ol' plantation days.....just....always.

The only contemporary difference is that now it's anti-white racism.

1. It has always been my contention and belief that the glory of America is the first amendment, which gifts freedom of speech, and, by extension of thought, to all of our people.
That means you are free to hate any individual, or group, for any reason. You may call it 'racism' but it is no problem as long as it does not become actions.

That alone proves the title of the thread....after all, didn't Republicans have to pry their slaves away from the Democrats....and they certainly have been testy since.


FACT CHECK: Did a State Democratic Party Logo Once Feature the Slogan 'White Supremacy'?

2. One of the more....juvenile....attempts to hide the facts is a claim we have all seen the least intelligent apologists for the Democrat Party attempt....
Defenders of the Dems love to offer the lie that in the 60s and 70s the Republicans suddenly became the racists.

"You so conveniently forgot the ideology of Republicans and Democrats changed in the 60's."
It's Nothing Personal....Just Business

The pretense is eminently simple to disprove.

Ask a Leftist, Democrat supporter what the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as he does, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for his news.....

.....what he thinks the chances would be that he woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting Republican.

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But it is still about melanin.
The only 'flip' in evidence is the anti-white racism that is the hallmark of Democrats today....

"It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics"
It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White
… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”
Democrats' trend of bashing white men is dangerous and could backfire

Democrat voters need to vote against your own party to cleanse it.
Hilariously broken history also known as gobbledygook propaganda. The blacks know which party is full of racists. And yes the Republicans own the South now like the Democrats did before Reagan. They also own
Is the anti-white racism any better than their anti-black racist history?????

4. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech


More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city."
NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

Democrats… against this party in November, before they start wearing the brown shirts and armbands.
No matter what your garbage propaganda machine says, Nazis are still right wing racist assholes. White supremacists ring a bell? And no Nazis are not socialists. Talk about your big lie believe all right wing garbage propaganda, including the Nazis'...
White supremacists the KKK and Nazis since Trump.

I know I got under your scales again, blanko.....but, vulgarity.
Act like an adult.

Now..."The blacks know which party is full of racists."

Let's check.....and see if you find anything you can dispute in the Democrat Hall of Shame...

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

Did I get another 100%, blanko?????
The Democrats have always been more the party for the workers and good regulations. They also used to be the party of the South because Republicans beat them in the civil war. Not since LBJ and civil rights, finished off by Reagan. All you have is more spam garbage propaganda. Take some history courses or read a history book. Both parties had liberal and conservative wings. Now each party has divided along ideological lines. Or more like whether they watch Fox news or not LOL aaarrrggghhh. it is funny how they say 26% of Americans are mentally ill and that is about the same number as loyal Fox watchers. We have no mental health system and now the populace is highly armed. It's a great idea

Did you miss this?

Let's check.....and see if you find anything you can dispute in the Democrat Hall of Shame...

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens
I'm really pleased that you have such fear of me, that you feel it necessary to make up lies, rather than simply quote what I said right there in the OP.

The good news?

Your reputation couldn't fall any lower.
It looks like you forgot to answer my question.

Does racism still exist on the Right?

It appears you didn't answer mine.....why do you feel it necessary to make up lies, rather than simply quote what I said right there in the OP?
But I'm not lying. You have told me, more than once, that racism doesn't exist on the Right.

theHawk wanted some proof, and I'm trying to give him some, in real time.

So, does racism still exist on the Right?
Then why didn't you provide such a quote?

Now....why didn't you quote what I said in the OP?
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

Oh, nooooozzzzzzz......Looks like I skeered FenceSitter away!
It appears you didn't answer mine.....why do you feel it necessary to make up lies, rather than simply quote what I said right there in the OP?
But I'm not lying. You have told me, more than once, that racism doesn't exist on the Right.

theHawk wanted some proof, and I'm trying to give him some, in real time.

So, does racism still exist on the Right?
Then why didn't you provide such a quote?

Now....why didn't you quote what I said in the OP?
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.
And not just in the ol' plantation days.....just....always.

The only contemporary difference is that now it's anti-white racism.

1. It has always been my contention and belief that the glory of America is the first amendment, which gifts freedom of speech, and, by extension of thought, to all of our people.
That means you are free to hate any individual, or group, for any reason. You may call it 'racism' but it is no problem as long as it does not become actions.

That alone proves the title of the thread....after all, didn't Republicans have to pry their slaves away from the Democrats....and they certainly have been testy since.


FACT CHECK: Did a State Democratic Party Logo Once Feature the Slogan 'White Supremacy'?

2. One of the more....juvenile....attempts to hide the facts is a claim we have all seen the least intelligent apologists for the Democrat Party attempt....
Defenders of the Dems love to offer the lie that in the 60s and 70s the Republicans suddenly became the racists.

"You so conveniently forgot the ideology of Republicans and Democrats changed in the 60's."
It's Nothing Personal....Just Business

The pretense is eminently simple to disprove.

Ask a Leftist, Democrat supporter what the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as he does, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for his news.....

.....what he thinks the chances would be that he woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting Republican.

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But it is still about melanin.
The only 'flip' in evidence is the anti-white racism that is the hallmark of Democrats today....

"It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics"
It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White
… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”
Democrats' trend of bashing white men is dangerous and could backfire

Democrat voters need to vote against your own party to cleanse it.
Hilariously broken history also known as gobbledygook propaganda. The blacks know which party is full of racists. And yes the Republicans own the South now like the Democrats did before Reagan. They also own
Is the anti-white racism any better than their anti-black racist history?????

4. NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech


More and more, it seems Democrats are proving to be exactly who many conservatives always thought they were.

Offering a disturbingly divisive message Monday to mark the Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams let newcomers know that they are not welcome in New York City, according to the New York Post.

White newcomers from the nation’s heartland, of course — as those coming illegally from south of the border continue to receive a warm embrace in the sanctuary city."
NYC official promotes division on MLK Day, tells white people ‘go back to Iowa’ in fear-mongering speech

Democrats… against this party in November, before they start wearing the brown shirts and armbands.
No matter what your garbage propaganda machine says, Nazis are still right wing racist assholes. White supremacists ring a bell? And no Nazis are not socialists. Talk about your big lie believe all right wing garbage propaganda, including the Nazis'...
White supremacists the KKK and Nazis since Trump.

I know I got under your scales again, blanko.....but, vulgarity.
Act like an adult.

Now..."The blacks know which party is full of racists."

Let's check.....and see if you find anything you can dispute in the Democrat Hall of Shame...

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

Did I get another 100%, blanko?????
The Democrats have always been more the party for the workers and good regulations. They also used to be the party of the South because Republicans beat them in the civil war. Not since LBJ and civil rights, finished off by Reagan. All you have is more spam garbage propaganda. Take some history courses or read a history book. Both parties had liberal and conservative wings. Now each party has divided along ideological lines. Or more like whether they watch Fox news or not LOL aaarrrggghhh. it is funny how they say 26% of Americans are mentally ill and that is about the same number as loyal Fox watchers. We have no mental health system and now the populace is highly armed. It's a great idea

Which one doesn’t belong:

Kim Philby;

Barack Obama;

Judas Iscariot;

Benedict Arnold?

Just kiddin’- all four belong...all four are traitors....they all sold out to the enemy.
It looks like you forgot to answer my question.

Does racism still exist on the Right?

It appears you didn't answer mine.....why do you feel it necessary to make up lies, rather than simply quote what I said right there in the OP?
But I'm not lying. You have told me, more than once, that racism doesn't exist on the Right.

theHawk wanted some proof, and I'm trying to give him some, in real time.

So, does racism still exist on the Right?
Then why didn't you provide such a quote?

Now....why didn't you quote what I said in the OP?
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

Oh, nooooozzzzzzz......Looks like I skeered FenceSitter away!
Did you?

But I'm not lying. You have told me, more than once, that racism doesn't exist on the Right.

theHawk wanted some proof, and I'm trying to give him some, in real time.

So, does racism still exist on the Right?
Then why didn't you provide such a quote?

Now....why didn't you quote what I said in the OP?
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
And not just in the ol' plantation days.....just....always.

The only contemporary difference is that now it's anti-white racism.

1. It has always been my contention and belief that the glory of America is the first amendment, which gifts freedom of speech, and, by extension of thought, to all of our people.
That means you are free to hate any individual, or group, for any reason. You may call it 'racism' but it is no problem as long as it does not become actions.

That alone proves the title of the thread....after all, didn't Republicans have to pry their slaves away from the Democrats....and they certainly have been testy since.


FACT CHECK: Did a State Democratic Party Logo Once Feature the Slogan 'White Supremacy'?

2. One of the more....juvenile....attempts to hide the facts is a claim we have all seen the least intelligent apologists for the Democrat Party attempt....
Defenders of the Dems love to offer the lie that in the 60s and 70s the Republicans suddenly became the racists.

"You so conveniently forgot the ideology of Republicans and Democrats changed in the 60's."
It's Nothing Personal....Just Business

The pretense is eminently simple to disprove.

Ask a Leftist, Democrat supporter what the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as he does, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for his news.....

.....what he thinks the chances would be that he woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting Republican.

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But it is still about melanin.
The only 'flip' in evidence is the anti-white racism that is the hallmark of Democrats today....

"It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics"
It’s Not ‘Identity Politics,’ It’s Anti-White Politics

"With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White
… Mr. Perez is a dedicated Social Justice Warrior, a key enforcer of the Obama administration’s anti-white programswhen serving in key positions in the Justice Department and the Department of Labor across almost all of the eight Obama years."
With Thomas Perez As DNC Chairthing, Democrats Go Full Anti-White

“White men are now the Democratic Party's punching bag. That's a dangerous bet to make.”
Democrats' trend of bashing white men is dangerous and could backfire

Democrat voters need to vote against your own party to cleanse it.
Yet another uneducated stupid Trumpette who thinks only Democrats held slaves in the South.

It was regional. Democrats & Republicans in the South were against the Civil Rights St and Democrats & Republicans outside the South were for it.

I guess you are also too stupid to know where the Red States are.

Racism has always been concentrated in the South & now the South is Red States.
Then why didn't you provide such a quote?

Now....why didn't you quote what I said in the OP?
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
So when I say it's not a crime, you perceive it as my saying that it's a crime.

Are you this dishonest, or did you really believe what you wrote?

Racism is a belief. You try to change its definition because you want to enable it.

You're ugly inside. I want you and those like you to be free to express yourselves at every opportunity. You're a cautionary tale.
Our pal, FenceSitter, is a perfect example of the sort of sap that government school turns out.

They don't know history, they don't understand the Constitution, and they buy the propaganda of the Left.

The fear ideas, words, and especially thoughts that don't conform to the orthodoxy.
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
So when I say it's not a crime, you perceive it as my saying that it's a crime.

Are you this dishonest, or did you really believe what you wrote?

Racism is a belief. You try to change its definition because you want to enable it.

You're ugly inside. I want you and those like you to be free to express yourselves at every opportunity. You're a cautionary tale.

You use it as a cudgel against others.

Stop lying: you do behave as though it is a crime.....a thought crime.

The bogus list of quotes is of words and thoughts.....not one is a physical act, and you have no indication that those folks have committed any such act.

You're just one more boilerplate Liberal simpleton.
Our pal, FenceSitter, is a perfect example of the sort of sap that government school turns out.

They don't know history, they don't understand the Constitution, and they buy the propaganda of the Left.

The fear ideas, words, and especially thoughts that don't conform to the orthodoxy.
Does racism exist on the Right?

I thought I'd try for the fifth time, just for fun.
You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
So when I say it's not a crime, you perceive it as my saying that it's a crime.

Are you this dishonest, or did you really believe what you wrote?

Racism is a belief. You try to change its definition because you want to enable it.

You're ugly inside. I want you and those like you to be free to express yourselves at every opportunity. You're a cautionary tale.

You use it as a cudgel against others.

Stop lying: you do behave as though it is a crime.....a thought crime.

The bogus list of quotes is of words and thoughts.....not one is a physical act, and you have no indication that those folks have committed any such act.

You're just one more boilerplate Liberal simpleton.
Racism is not an act. It's a belief system.

That's the third time I've said that. What's wrong with you?

I wonder if you have any idea how dishonest you are.
Well, there ya go, theHawk. I asked her the same question four (4) times, and she just avoids.

I realize she's in your tribe, so you can't say anything. But now you know. You asked, I answered.

Yer welcome!

She is a classic enabler of racism, and this is her method.

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
So when I say it's not a crime, you perceive it as my saying that it's a crime.

Are you this dishonest, or did you really believe what you wrote?

Racism is a belief. You try to change its definition because you want to enable it.

You're ugly inside. I want you and those like you to be free to express yourselves at every opportunity. You're a cautionary tale.


be·lief | \ bə-ˈlēf \
Definition of belief

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

Definition of BELIEF

So you do believe in penalizing thoughts.

You've just been hoisted by your own petard.
Our pal, FenceSitter, is a perfect example of the sort of sap that government school turns out.

They don't know history, they don't understand the Constitution, and they buy the propaganda of the Left.

The fear ideas, words, and especially thoughts that don't conform to the orthodoxy.
Does racism exist on the Right?

I thought I'd try for the fifth time, just for fun.

Admit that this is the correct definition.

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?
On one end we have the Trumpsters, who pretend (against all evidence) that there is no racism coming from the Right.

On the other end we have the Regressives, who pretend (against all evidence) that there is no such thing as PC or Identity Politics.

These people enable the very worst behaviors of their tribes, and feed the hatred of the other.

This is perverted, and it's sad to watch. Zealots are a pox on this country.

I'm not sure who is saying there are no racists who are republican. Keep in mind that that is much different than saying the Republican Party is racist. I hope you are not saying that.
You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
So when I say it's not a crime, you perceive it as my saying that it's a crime.

Are you this dishonest, or did you really believe what you wrote?

Racism is a belief. You try to change its definition because you want to enable it.

You're ugly inside. I want you and those like you to be free to express yourselves at every opportunity. You're a cautionary tale.


be·lief | \ bə-ˈlēf \
Definition of belief

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

Definition of BELIEF

You've just been hoisted by your own petard.
I have?

I don't see "act" or "action" there anywhere.

I see "... of mind", just as my point suggests.

Just stop. What is wrong with you?
On one end we have the Trumpsters, who pretend (against all evidence) that there is no racism coming from the Right.

On the other end we have the Regressives, who pretend (against all evidence) that there is no such thing as PC or Identity Politics.

These people enable the very worst behaviors of their tribes, and feed the hatred of the other.

This is perverted, and it's sad to watch. Zealots are a pox on this country.

I'm not sure who is saying there are no racists who are republican. Keep in mind that that is much different than saying the Republican Party is racist. I hope you are not saying that.
Maybe you should read this thread. I've asked the OP FIVE TIMES NOW if racism still exists on the Right. She refuses to answer.

If you were intellectually honest, and if you believe it does, you would challenge her on this.

Let's see if you do.
You provided no proof of your claim....there isn't any.
Nor did you state why you left out what I wrote.

Let's cut to the chase:
To the point: is racism a thought crime?

I challenge you to answer the question.

Careful now, FenceSitter....the wrong answer will reveal you to be a Fascist.
No, racism is not a thought crime. It is a belief system. Sorry to disappoint.

Notice how happy I am to give direct answers to direct questions. Too bad you don't have the nerve or honor to do the same.

Now that I've shoved that down your throat, I'd like to expand on your enabling tactics.

Just as the PC/Identity Politics zealots enable the worst behaviors of minorities by constantly spinning for them, deflecting for them, making excuses for them and attacking for them, you do the same for the paranoid, hateful right wing racists that still exist.

You're opposite sides of the same coin. You're ugly inside, and you're among the worst of this country.

A 'belief' is a thought, you dunce. do believe that thoughts are a 'crime,' just every communist, nazis, etc. regime did.

Here's what I have always written:

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?

The difference is I am an American, you're not.
So when I say it's not a crime, you perceive it as my saying that it's a crime.

Are you this dishonest, or did you really believe what you wrote?

Racism is a belief. You try to change its definition because you want to enable it.

You're ugly inside. I want you and those like you to be free to express yourselves at every opportunity. You're a cautionary tale.


be·lief | \ bə-ˈlēf \
Definition of belief

1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing

Definition of BELIEF

You've just been hoisted by your own petard.
I have?

I don't see "act" or "action" there anywhere.

I see "... of mind", just as my point suggests.

Just stop. What is wrong with you?

The mind deals in thoughts.

So you imagine that thoughts demand punishment.

All totalitarians do.
On one end we have the Trumpsters, who pretend (against all evidence) that there is no racism coming from the Right.

On the other end we have the Regressives, who pretend (against all evidence) that there is no such thing as PC or Identity Politics.

These people enable the very worst behaviors of their tribes, and feed the hatred of the other.

This is perverted, and it's sad to watch. Zealots are a pox on this country.

I'm not sure who is saying there are no racists who are republican. Keep in mind that that is much different than saying the Republican Party is racist. I hope you are not saying that.
Maybe you should read this thread. I've asked the OP FIVE TIMES NOW if racism still exists on the Right. She refuses to answer.

If you were intellectually honest, and if you believe it does, you would challenge her on this.

Let's see if you do.

Until you admit that racism is actual physical of financial injury, you are dodging the meaning of the term.

Admit you believe, contrary to the Constitution, that there are thought crimes.
Our pal, FenceSitter, is a perfect example of the sort of sap that government school turns out.

They don't know history, they don't understand the Constitution, and they buy the propaganda of the Left.

The fear ideas, words, and especially thoughts that don't conform to the orthodoxy.
Does racism exist on the Right?

I thought I'd try for the fifth time, just for fun.

Admit that this is the correct definition.

What is 'racism'?
Unless you can document an act physically or financially injurious to one of another race, why is his opinion, or statements any concern of yours?
Have you ever heard of the first amendment?
You have created your own little definition. That's not mine, and I have never seen it anywhere else.

Yes, I have heard of the First Amendment, and being a freedom of expression advocate, I will support your right to show what you are, no matter what.

Anything else?

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