"They're gonna put y'all back in chains".


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Vice President of the United States actually said those words in front of an audience of democrats including Black people in Virginia. How big a joke is the Obama administration willing to become before they put a muzzle on the V.P.? Is there anything more insulting than a lilly white rich politician pandering to Blacks with a fake Black dialect in such a tasteless way as if he is addressing ignorant fools? When are Black people going to wake up and realize that they are being played for suckers by the democrat party?
I'm glad I am not a black Democrat.
Being demeaned by Joe Biden, and taking it, must personally be the epitome of self-loathing.
Not seeing the problem here. Romney talks about unshackling Wall Street all the time.

What's funnier is watching Romney's faux outrage.. The guy is clearly losing it out there.

Faking a Black dialect and pandering to the audience in such a tasteless way is "not the problem" ....as long as you are a democrat. When are Black people going to realize that white libs are playing them for suckers?
Not seeing the problem here. Romney talks about unshackling Wall Street all the time.

What's funnier is watching Romney's faux outrage.. The guy is clearly losing it out there.

Faking a Black dialect and pandering to the audience in such a tasteless way is "not the problem" ....as long as you are a democrat. When are Black people going to realize that white libs are playing them for suckers?

Not seeing the problem here. Romney talks about unshackling Wall Street all the time.

What's funnier is watching Romney's faux outrage.. The guy is clearly losing it out there.

Faking a Black dialect and pandering to the audience in such a tasteless way is "not the problem" ....as long as you are a democrat. When are Black people going to realize that white libs are playing them for suckers?

Where was he faking a black accent?

"you all" is a black accent?
I'm glad I am not a black Democrat.
Being demeaned by Joe Biden, and taking it, must personally be the epitome of self-loathing.

Yep. Can't honestly blame them, though. Imagine being told from birth that you're screwed, that you have no chance, that you need someone else to make life "fair" for you. Imagine most of your "leaders", people who have a vested interest in keeping you angry, refusing to publicly hold you accountable for anything. Imagine being singled out by these people purely on the color of your skin, while almost everyone else is being held to an entirely different set of standards.

Holy crap, it's amazing to me that so many of them can ignore all this input and rise above it. That's a modern-day miracle right there.

Even the Democratic black governor for the state of Viginia thought it was a demeaning thoughtless remark.

But other Dems rush to his side, proving once again the Dems real views.
Biden has Ludacris on his Ipod. Definitely not racist.

No, just shows he has poor taste in music, I guess.

you guys are grasping.

Probably because a week out from your convention, you're trailing, and your convention is usually the best it gets.

History has shown otherwise in terms of poll accuracy and final votes.

Ask Carter he will be at your convention.
Biden has Ludacris on his Ipod. Definitely not racist.

No, just shows he has poor taste in music, I guess.

you guys are grasping.

Probably because a week out from your convention, you're trailing, and your convention is usually the best it gets.

History has shown otherwise in terms of poll accuracy and final votes.

Ask Carter he will be at your convention.

The fact you have to go back 32 years to find an example of someone who was trailing who came back from behind is sort of telling.

Fact is, the polls usually get it right, and Romney hasn't been leading Obama in the RCP average at any point.

Even Dukakis and Mondale enjoyed convention bounces.

Romney... meh, not so much, he's shot his load. And any convention bounce he gets is nullified by the fact the Dems have their convention the next week.
I'm glad I am not a black Democrat.
Being demeaned by Joe Biden, and taking it, must personally be the epitome of self-loathing.

Yep. Can't honestly blame them, though. Imagine being told from birth that you're screwed, that you have no chance, that you need someone else to make life "fair" for you. Imagine most of your "leaders", people who have a vested interest in keeping you angry, refusing to publicly hold you accountable for anything. Imagine being singled out by these people purely on the color of your skin, while almost everyone else is being held to an entirely different set of standards.

Holy crap, it's amazing to me that so many of them can ignore all this input and rise above it. That's a modern-day miracle right there.


Yes it is. And God forbid a black person becomes a successful Republican...
The fact you have to go back 32 years to find an example of someone who was trailing who came back from behind is sort of telling.

The same set of cicumstances and lack of leadership between Obama and Carter.

Therein lies the tale.

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