They're Coming to America.

LOSER ^^^^^^ keeps mentioning "real Americans" when he/she/it couldn't be further from just that. Cowardly weakling LOSER understands and appreciates NOTHING about my great nation. He/she/it is unworthy to be here, and unwelcome to stay. "Real Americans" aren't ignorant, sniveling cowards like him/her/it.
The net fiscal contribution of a new immigrant and immigrant’s children over a 75-year period is positive. The average benefit to all levels of government is $259,000. An immigrant with a college degree contributes more during that same period, approximately $800,000. Refugees are also a positive net benefit to the U.S. economy.
Of course, as essential as immigration is to the nation's economy, comprehensive immigration reform is needed to regulate legal immigration.

This despite Trump's making Mexico pay for one of the largest infrastructure projects in U.S. history!

There is nothing wrong with our legal immigration system now. As I said we allow a million outsiders to become citizens every single year.

When leftists talk about "immigration reform" it's simply code word for letting more people into this country on top of what we already let in. But they are changing our culture. Already some places require you know Spanish and English to get a job, especially some government jobs. When I go to vote I have to tell them what language of ballot I want. We didn't have to do that years ago. In schools they are holding up our teachers in classrooms that WE pay for because their immigrant children don't know the language either.

When people from Europe came here, they didn't expect we change for them, they changed for us. They didn't have CDs, DVDs, the internet to learn our language. They found a way to assimilate with Americans to become an American themselves. They were thankful for being here, not making demands of what we owe them.
Why don't you enlighten us?
Just a guess, but I'd wager at least one far-left activist group is coaching them up and promising free legal representation; hoping you will react just as you are. When the next election rolls around, footage will be used by the democrats to cry "you hate immigrants!" You are playing right into their hands.
Just a guess, but I'd wager at least one far-left activist group is coaching them up and promising free legal representation; hoping you will react just as you are. When the next election rolls around, footage will be used by the democrats to cry "you hate immigrants!" You are playing right into their hands.
"Just a guess" being the operative phrase.
I did this the other day.....The general consensus was that we were a much better country with a 1970 level population.....1/3rd less than today.
We were also a much better country with 1970 values and attitudes: where….

1) people were rewarded for hard work, competence, smarts, and motivation rather than feeling entitled to support from taxpayers, 2) ability and talent were recognized as being more important factors in job hunters than the pursuit of “diversity,” 3) the president did not demonize the half of all voters who disagree with his policies, 4) we did not coddle criminals and vilify police, 5) children weren’t subjected to drag shows and taught that blacks are oppressed victims and whites are innately racist, and 6) we recognized the importance of securing our borders from an illegal invasion rather than force hard-working Americans to pay for their $500 a night hotel rooms.
And why not go to a port of entry? Why do they need coyotes? just run to a border guard and ask for asylum...
Because 90% of them know they don’t qualify for asylum, but hey….if they can just get in, they will soon be sleeping in a $500 a night hotel room, with meals delivered, and a swimming pool on the roof, that the people of the country they just invaded will be forced to pay for.
We were also a much better country with 1970 values and attitudes: where….

1) people were rewarded for hard work, competence, smarts, and motivation rather than feeling entitled to support from taxpayers, 2) ability and talent were recognized as being more important factors in job hunters than the pursuit of “diversity,” 3) the president did not demonize the half of all voters who disagree with his policies, 4) we did not coddle criminals and vilify police, 5) children weren’t subjected to drag shows and taught that blacks are oppressed victims and whites are innately racist, and 6) we recognized the importance of securing our borders from an illegal invasion rather than force hard-working Americans to pay for their $500 a night hotel rooms.
It's so obvious to anyone over 55 you didn't need to rattle it off.....The 1980s was our "high water mark" as a halfway decent country.

That said it serves as a sad lesson to the youngins' on the way things once were that due to poisonous leftist dems, gop/corporate greed, and the youngin's very own oblivious nature they will likely never see again.
It's so obvious to anyone over 55 you didn't need to rattle it off.....The 1980s was our "high water mark" as a halfway decent country.
The sad thing is….it is NOT obvious to anyone over 55. We still have around 35% who think Biden is doing well, that the illegals are fleeing persecution and are entitled to asylum at taxpayer expense, that there are white supremacists behind every corner causing all our problems, that there are major problems with police and they’re targeting blacks, and that choosing someone on the basis of skin color or gender rather than competence is a good thing. That is why we are in this mess.
That said it serves as a sad lesson to the youngins' on the way things once were that due to poisonous leftist dems, gop/corporate greed, and the youngin's very own oblivious nature they will likely never see again.
It’s natural to be nostalgic for one’s youth, but these days, I’m glad I’m as old as I am. I won’t live to see the final result of the Democrats’ actions (although based on how quickly they’re destroying the country, I might very well still be around).
Harry Dresden this piece of filthy dogshit is so caught up and prideful in his globalism and so delusional that he thinks it’s appropriate to brag about his role in aiding and abetting illegal aliens, in helping illegals fuck over real Americans and fuck up America….you can’t reason with unreasonble filth like him...the dude is lost….GONE!
he claims he lives with them....i lived in a heavily populated neighborhood with illegals for a good 50 years and actually sat around and drank beers with these guys....and according to him what these guys told me never happened....what can you say to a guy like that?...

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