They're Coming to America.

In 1970, you have been living under the Democratic New Deal for 40 years, and life was good.

In 2023, you have been living under Reagan's Great Society for 40 years and the nation is on the verge of civil war.

Life is happier and better for everyone, when Democrats are in charge.
There will not be a Civil War in America dear. With the rise of social media too many young Americans are just way too distracted there on marijuana.

We have a bickering right now between some Americans. But look across the country most people don’t pay attention to politics at least like we do on this form. Most Americans are getting along with each other there is no racism in this country by whites or blacks affectively other than a few white and Black people who are racist. Most Americans watch the news and they say why are they trying to divide us. The vast vast majority of the division they’ll come from left wing news outlets who are hyping up race division. You can tell by the number of times the term white supremacy is used on CNN in any given hour.

ma’am this is no different than when right wing folks would constantly use the term Islamic supremacy to describe Muslims…. So it is the liberal part of me when I see this word white supremacy being constantly used by the media I know that there’s a problem with the media. This is when we see the true liberals of the world if you believe that you should stand for Islam then you got to take a stand against the far left media. If you believe in equal rights for all religious people no matter their religion you have got to take a stand against the far left media.

It is wrong to view Franklin Roosevelt as a far left liberal. This is because all of the World War II veterans who are 90 years or older and these are traditional Americans who believe in Christian values and family values. …well They all support Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a traditional Democrat and he was a hero for all people of the world to look up to.

For the longest Time Congress has had an very low approval rating. Let’s consider that. Now that’s different from presidents like you talk about Franklin Roosevelt who by the way was deeply admired by Ronald Reagan. By the way FDR was the greatest American to ever live in large part because he worked very closely with Republicans and he brought on the 1940 GOP front runner to work for him after he won the election. That’s unheard of that would be like say Joe Biden bringing on Donald Trump to work for him. That’s what we need in this country.

Well the American people are great and they’re ready to do the right thing. We need our leaders to come together like they did in the 1940s with Democrats and Republicans came together to save the free world and to make America the strongest country in world history. Our military is the strongest country in world history because of the leadership a Franklin Roosevelt. And look at all of the military and how physically fit they are. And that and look at the Marine Corps we’re unstoppable because of traditional Americans.
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I respect the empirical data, Sunshine.

America's declining immigration does not serve its needs, and major reform in its immigration policies is desperately needed.
Yeah, draconian reform that puts native-born Americans first is what is needed. Ever notice that the "huddled masses" being let in wholesale are in large part fighting age males?
Illegal immigration has been a concern for the U.S. for decades.

Migrants, in desperate need of work to feed their families, keep coming to America to be hired for the jobs Americans offer to them.

Obviously, Congress must to fulfill its responsibility to institute a coherent immigration policy to satisfy the requirements of the nation, funding Social Security just one of multiple economic and societal needs.

America’s birth rate has largely been below replacement level since the 1970s, and in steep decline for the past 15 years.
Once, the country was brimming with an up-and-coming workforce. In 1960, there were six working adults for every person over 65. In 2030, we’ll hit 2.8 working adults for every person over 65.
The number of working adults is slated to keep shrinking in proportion to older Americans.
[W]e’re actually facing an immigrant deficit. Trump-era policies excluded 1.5 million to 2 million people who would normally have immigrated to the US between 2017 and 2021...
Trump’s clampdown on refugees costs the economy more than $9 billion a year.

But good luck trying to convince Americans we need more immigrants. Nearly 70 percent feel that present immigration levels are sufficient or should be decreased...
“[L]etting immigrants into America is a long-term revenue generator. Immigrants are people. Immigrants are consumers. Immigrants are inventors. Immigrants are founders of businesses, and they are overrepresented as founders of businesses relative to natives.”
"Immigration can temporarily depress wages for those at the lowest end of the wage spectrum. “But in general,” he says, “it creates jobs for Americans.”
Strict limits on immigration, though, stifle immigrants’ economic contributions to the US.

We just need to clamp down on every illegal. No one should come here illegally, not even one. By the way, many of these people or their children wind up on government benefits while working under the table.
I dont think your idea of come one, come all is a rational immigration policy
You can disagree with Americans' demand for comprehensive immigration reform, and take solace in Trump's having built his "big, beautiful wall" that he made Mexico pay for:

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png
Remember, the wall, they said it could never be done.

I've also done THAT many, many more times than you have. You are NOT going to win this measuring contest, champ. Try a different direction.
how the hell do you know? sound more like bobo than already lost this measuring contest....maybe you should come up with a better story....if you need one go see bobo,he has enough to give you one...

Yes, comprehensive immigration reform is long overdue.

"In reality, the polar opposite is true. Federal government data shows that while roughly half of illegal immigrants file federal tax returns, the vast majority of them don’t pay any federal income taxes. Instead, they use these returns to claim refundable tax credits, which are a form of cash welfare. In other words, illegal immigrants mainly use the federal income tax code to collect money from U.S. citizens."

This also means that about half either don't work or work under the table.
I respect the empirical data, Sunshine.

America's declining immigration does not serve its needs, and major reform in its immigration policies is desperately needed.

Your link points to a MSNBC poll that only sampled 1,000 people, and I'd be willing to bet none from any border cities or states. But even then it goes on to say over 70% want to see stronger border security which this administration is the opposite of.
Bullshit asylum claims. Asylum from what? There is nothing to seek asylum from.

And even if they wanted asylum from this apparent nothing remotely valid as such, they should stop at the first safe place, not just keep passing through countries. Do they need asylum from fucking Mexico? No. No they fucking don’t.

Given that the border agents report those crossing into our country are from 110 other countries tells us these people are not from war torn nations or oppression. They are flying into Mexico because this dementia patient set it up so they can easily get in.
They don't actually, but, no, the answer is not illegal immigration.

Congress must assume its responsibility to legislate immigration reform to address America's need. An insufficient number of immigrants portends economic crisis.


If we want to address Americas needs, then we need to greatly reduce our social programs for those mentally and physically capable of working so they'll go out and work some of these jobs.

If we want to address Americas needs, then we need to greatly reduce our social programs for those mentally and physically capable of working so they'll go out and work some of these jobs.

But YOU will stay home and keep collecting YOUR checks from the government, right?

"In reality, the polar opposite is true. Federal government data shows that while roughly half of illegal immigrants file federal tax returns, the vast majority of them don’t pay any federal income taxes. Instead, they use these returns to claim refundable tax credits, which are a form of cash welfare. In other words, illegal immigrants mainly use the federal income tax code to collect money from U.S. citizens."

This also means that about half either don't work or work under the table.
The net fiscal contribution of a new immigrant and immigrant’s children over a 75-year period is positive. The average benefit to all levels of government is $259,000. An immigrant with a college degree contributes more during that same period, approximately $800,000. Refugees are also a positive net benefit to the U.S. economy.
Of course, as essential as immigration is to the nation's economy, comprehensive immigration reform is needed to regulate legal immigration.

This despite Trump's making Mexico pay for one of the largest infrastructure projects in U.S. history!

The net fiscal contribution of a new immigrant and immigrant’s children over a 75-year period is positive. The average benefit to all levels of government is $259,000. An immigrant with a college degree contributes more during that same period, approximately $800,000. Refugees are also a positive net benefit to the U.S. economy.
Of course, as essential as immigration is to the nation's economy, comprehensive immigration reform is needed to regulate legal immigration.

This despite Trump's making Mexico pay for one of the largest infrastructure projects in U.S. history!

I have nothing against legal immigrants and they are needed for the economy. Illegals should be shot on sight. By the way, my link actually talked about illegals. You are talking about immigrants. The two are different, wouldn't you agree?
I have been working and living with, for, and on behalf of immigrants of ALL sorts for almost 30 years. Not peeking out the window, actually working closely. You are full of crap on this, and "I know better!" really isn't going to work for you on this one.
Harry Dresden this piece of filthy dogshit is so caught up and prideful in his globalism and so delusional that he thinks it’s appropriate to brag about his role in aiding and abetting illegal aliens, in helping illegals fuck over real Americans and fuck up America….you can’t reason with unreasonble filth like him...the dude is lost….GONE!

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