They will use the AR-15 civilian rifle to ban concealed carry and open carry


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The CNN town hall exposed the truth for those who doubted the truth, that anti gunners want all the guns banned and confiscated....

Why do they focus on the AR-15 civilian 34 years, semi auto rifles were used to murder about 164 people in mass shootings......that's right.....164 in 34 years.......while criminals murdering each other with guns in 2016 killed 11,004 people, and knives are used to murder over 1,600 people every single year.

The reason they want the AR-15 civilian rifle banned is so they can come back and demand all semi auto rifles, pistols and shotguns be banned.....they will simply say, all of them function the same as the AR-15 so they all need to go....this will include revolvers since they too, technically, are semi auto weapons..

And once you ban pistols and ban concealed carry and open carry of guns...something the anti gunners have always hated with a passion.

How will they do this...the courts.....obama knew that passing legislation would just lose seats in he focused on stacking the courts...and now Oregon is going to use his courts to ban semi auto weapons.....

Notice...the Oregon petition goes after all semi auto pistols and shotguns too......if they pass this in that state, they will appeal it to the 9th circuit court of appeals where it will be upheld...and if Trump can't get two real justices to replace ginsburg and kennedy, it will be Constitutional.....since there won't be enough votes to strike it down at the Supreme Court...

Oregon Ballot Initiative: Any Pistol That Accepts More Than 10 Rounds = An "Assault Weapon" - The Truth About Guns

One of the places we see gun control being pushed is in Oregon. An interfaith group has submitted a ballot initiative petition that, according to them, would prevent mass shootings.

What Initiative Petition 43 would do is ban most semiautomatic rifles and nearly all pistols.

The initiative states any rifle capable of accepting a magazine and one of the other cosmetic features listed in the initiative would be banned and labeled an “assault weapon.” Also, if the rifle is less than 30 inches, it would be considered an “assault weapon.”

Any pistol that is capable of accepting a magazine that holds more than ten rounds would be an “assault weapon.” This initiative would ban virtually every semiautomatic pistol since all can take a magazine that holds more than ten rounds.

It will not matter if the owner has a magazine over ten rounds. Just the fact that the pistol is capable of using a larger magazine would be enough to ban them.

All magazines that hold over ten rounds would also be banned. The initiative refers to these magazines as “high capacity.” The group seems to have borrowed text from a similar bill (H.R.5087) that was introduced in US House of Representatives by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I). We have also seen similar measures with the word for word same language pop up in other states such as the bill introduced in Minnesota by Rep Linda Slocum.

The initiative would also ban most semiautomatic shotguns. The initiative would ban any semiautomatic shotgun that holds more than ten rounds or takes an external magazine. Any shotgun with a pistol grip or without a fixed stock would also be banned.

Residents would have 120 days to transfer their firearms out of the state, turn them over to police, or register their guns. Residents who don’t get rid of or register their guns would be committing a felony. There is no word on how police would enforce the law.

One of the leaders of the interfaith group is Alcena Boozer. Boozer is the Reverend at St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church in Portland. She has praised the Black Panthers and Malcolm X for the positive things that they did during the 1960s. St. Philip the Deacon is connected to the “Urban League of Portland“. The Urban League is a member of the “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.”

So...tell us again how they don't want to ban all guns......
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Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.
Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.

Too bad the failed cultural diversity experiment in America requires it

Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.

If you would get the democrats to stop letting violent gun criminals out of jail, we wouldn't have to carry as often......and the good thing? As 17 million Americans now carry guns for self defense, our gun crime rates have gone down...good for us...right....lowering the gun crime rate is what you guys want...right?

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Yep... As I have said over and over. Background checks lead to confiscation

. Background checks ??

Yes...because now that current, federally mandated background checks are shown to actually not stop criminals or mass shooters, the anti gunners are moving to the next step...demanding universal background checks...which will also not stop criminals or mass shooters, which they know......and that will give them the power to demand universal gun registration......the actual goal of background checks.
Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.
. You going to come in here talking like an adult or an idiot ? Your choice.
Yep... As I have said over and over. Background checks lead to confiscation

. Background checks ??

Yes...because now that current, federally mandated background checks are shown to actually not stop criminals or mass shooters, the anti gunners are moving to the next step...demanding universal background checks...which will also not stop criminals or mass shooters, which they know......and that will give them the power to demand universal gun registration......the actual goal of background checks.
. Hmm, not sure if correct in the assumption, but background checks are definitely needed to attempt to keep guns out of the hands of the bad guy's. Imagine if there were no background checks ? By the way, does anyone have the stats on how many background checks have been successful, and how many have failed ??? What's wrong with registering our gun's ?? Mine are registered.
Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.
. You going to come in here talking like an adult or an idiot ? Your choice.
I talk like an adult when I`m dealing with adults, not gun pussies who use words like Demon-cratic. Do you call that adult speak?
Yep... As I have said over and over. Background checks lead to confiscation

. Background checks ??

Yes...because now that current, federally mandated background checks are shown to actually not stop criminals or mass shooters, the anti gunners are moving to the next step...demanding universal background checks...which will also not stop criminals or mass shooters, which they know......and that will give them the power to demand universal gun registration......the actual goal of background checks.
. Hmm, not sure if correct in the assumption, but background checks are definitely needed to attempt to keep guns out of the hands of the bad guy's. Imagine if there were no background checks ? By the way, does anyone have the stats on how many background checks have been successful, and how many have failed ??? What's wrong with registering our gun's ?? Mine are registered.

Gun registration has always led to gun confiscation....always. Germany, Britain, Canada, Australia, the rest of Europe, New York, California, Chicago....they all registered guns, then years later they passed laws banning and confiscating guns......

Scott Morefield - Think They’ll Never ‘Come and Take’ Your Guns Without an Armed Revolt? Think Again

Consider: If rational minds on the Left know all this, to what end are they still pushing for such laws, especially when it’s obvious that they don’t care whether ANY gun control laws are actually enforced. Not yet anyway. (Remember, it’s always conservatives, not liberals, pushing for enforcement of existing law.)

And yet, they do want more and more laws on the books, and the more draconian, obscure, and hard to keep track of, the better. But why?

Here’s the answer, and it should scare every gun owner in the country:

They want to make de facto criminals out of the majority of the gun owning population.

That way, they can essentially pick us off, one by one.

Without necessarily meaning to, Mehta hits on this critical point in his piece: “A national gun buyback law would turn a significant portion of the American people into criminals,” he wrote. “Residents of New York and Connecticut snubbed their new laws … Compliance with the registration requirement has been modest at best, as hundreds of thousands of gun owners in both states refused to register their weapons. So far, then, the laws have been most successful in creating hundreds of thousands of lawbreakers who feel obligated to break the law.”

If liberals are able to pass any sort of “assault weapons” ban, buyback or no buyback, they know they will make criminals out of several million currently law-abiding gun owners. And even if the majority of those gun owners don’t follow the law now, that won’t make them any less a criminal. They just haven’t been caught yet.

But when the ‘right people’ control the levers of power and the ‘right laws’ are all in place, make no mistake - they will be caught.

Here’s the rub. It’s one thing to hold up your rifle and shout “come and take it,” à la Charleton Heston, before thousands of like-minded people. The Feds aren’t going to come to a National Rifle Association convention and start arresting people, at least not yet. And they aren’t going to conduct door-to-door house searches, arresting gun owners and confiscating their firearms, either. Not yet.

But believe me, under the right circumstances and with the right laws in place, the arrests will come. They’ll come when you’re going to work, or to the bank, or to the park with your kids, or a thousand other places. They’ll come after you’ve used your now-illegal AR-15 to defend yourself against a home invader, or if they spot it during a “routine” home search.

Never, ever underestimate these people and the depth of their evil. Remember, the Cheka managed to fill the Soviet gulags to the brim, and yet they did it quietly, with little fuss and even less armed revolt.

And they won’t need to arrest everyone to make the majority obey. No, they only need a few, and word will spread quickly.

So what will you do, dear AR-15 owner, when the ‘Cheka’ comes for your neighbor, and you know the laws are on the books to prosecute? Will a “buyback” and “amnesty” be enough to convince YOU to acquiesce? You’ve got a job, a wife, kids to raise. When they “come and take it,” is your family worth risking?

No, when they take your guns there will be no civil war. There will be no large-scale revolution, because liberals are experts at pushing that Overton Window enough not to shock the system. Like frogs in water that’s about to boil, people won’t jump until it’s too late.
Yep... As I have said over and over. Background checks lead to confiscation

. Background checks ??

Yes...because now that current, federally mandated background checks are shown to actually not stop criminals or mass shooters, the anti gunners are moving to the next step...demanding universal background checks...which will also not stop criminals or mass shooters, which they know......and that will give them the power to demand universal gun registration......the actual goal of background checks.
. Hmm, not sure if correct in the assumption, but background checks are definitely needed to attempt to keep guns out of the hands of the bad guy's. Imagine if there were no background checks ? By the way, does anyone have the stats on how many background checks have been successful, and how many have failed ??? What's wrong with registering our gun's ?? Mine are registered.

Background checks are Security Theater. Criminals use straw buyers to buy guns...which means even universal background checks will by bypassed by using straw buyers....and mass shooters all pass background checks, and the few who didn't...stole their guns or used straw buyers.

Again, the only reason for universal background checks is to get registration....and they want registration because they expect one day to have the power to ban and confiscate guns, by type or all at once as they did in Britain and Australia.
Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.
. You going to come in here talking like an adult or an idiot ? Your choice.
I talk like an adult when I`m dealing with adults, not gun pussies who use words like Demon-cratic. Do you call that adult speak?
I talk like an adult when I`m dealing with adults, not gun pussies who use words like Demon-cratic. Do you call that adult speak?


Hell Yeah ... Adults Talk About
Gun Pussy
(Brought To You By)

Colt AR-15


Yep... As I have said over and over. Background checks lead to confiscation

. Background checks ??

Yes...because now that current, federally mandated background checks are shown to actually not stop criminals or mass shooters, the anti gunners are moving to the next step...demanding universal background checks...which will also not stop criminals or mass shooters, which they know......and that will give them the power to demand universal gun registration......the actual goal of background checks.
. Hmm, not sure if correct in the assumption, but background checks are definitely needed to attempt to keep guns out of the hands of the bad guy's. Imagine if there were no background checks ? By the way, does anyone have the stats on how many background checks have been successful, and how many have failed ??? What's wrong with registering our gun's ?? Mine are registered.

Background checks are Security Theater. Criminals use straw buyers to buy guns...which means even universal background checks will by bypassed by using straw buyers....and mass shooters all pass background checks, and the few who didn't...stole their guns or used straw buyers.

Again, the only reason for universal background checks is to get registration....and they want registration because they expect one day to have the power to ban and confiscate guns, by type or all at once as they did in Britain and Australia.
. The only answer is to end this politically correct ideology, and to not be stopped in the punishing of criminals according to their henious acts, become pro-active at committing the mentally disturbed to institutions for either short term or long term treatment, and to start to rebuild this society with law abiding citizens who have a constructive fear in the proper athority once again, but not an oppressive athority. They need to be able to recognize the difference again. This nation must bring back Gods love to guide us through our times of confusion and angst. We must return to order.
Instead of preserving our rights to defend ourselves until the cops or troops arrive, these idiot's want to use a few mentally unstable killers to over turn the Constitution in this nation. That is totally the Demon-cratic way. Been observing this for years now, and the citizens have lost so much of their freedoms that its pathetic really. The allowance of turning the public schools into leftist indoctrination centers while conservatives retreated to using a private school system has finally come back to bite them in their aces big time.

The retreat the left has since caused the conservatives to engage in, has pushed the conservatives into a small corner like a bunch of scared out of their wits little rats awaiting to be slaughtered.

Pathetic situation.
What`s pathetic is the fact that we have so many grown men who are afraid to leave their homes without a gun stuffed inside their bras.

So.....what you are essentially saying is this.

Women are never raped.

Robbery is just a figment of our imagination.

Murder is also something made up for fantasy purposes....


Crime does not exist, criminals do not prey on innocent people, and innocent men, women and children are never in danger of violent attack by criminals...

Whew....good to know....

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