They want to be in the minority

I am a big fan of making the government live within its fucking means. How simple is that concept? Oh, I forgot. You're a far Left Communist loon who thinks big daddy government is the end all be all to society's ills.
And what about the Trumptards who had no problem with Trump doubling the deficit BEFORE Covid, and adding $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama?

They're communist loons, too, right?


Why, yes. Yes they are.
It's easier, there are few if any responsibilities, it's far more suited to the republican mentality of "no" on everything. It requires less thought and effort, it's good for fundraising, they really don't want to govern anyway.

Republican Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska says:

Isn’t Bacon a Republican? Sort of undermines your theory then doesn’t it?
Got it - you're an economic imbecile.

In the USA, 80% of the wealth is going to the top 10%, which is why your economy is in the toilet and the waters are swirling. In Norway, that figure is 50%, and in Canada, it's 40%. You're starving the working and middle class by giving all kinds of money to people who don't need it.

A healthy and thriving middle class is a requirement for a successful capitalist economy. The USA has been covering for their declining middle class by expanding markets, instead of growing the middle class. Instead of reducing poverty and growing the middle class, Republicans think starving the workers, will keep them in line.

The auto workers union is advocating for equal raises. If management received 40% wage increases because of the company's record profits, then workers should also get 40% wage increases as well, since their labour made those profits possible. For the past 40 years, executive compensation has gone up by 2000% while worker wages have stagnated.

You're nation is the meth lab living downstairs. If you're going to have a collective nervous breakdown and abandon democracy in favour of Donald Fucking Trump, he'll destroy your country completely if you give him a second chance.
Keep your socialism north of the border, I do not believe in punishing successful people. I you don't like the drugs you must hate democrats who allow them to come in through our porous border. Democrats do not believe in anything but tyranny so spare me
Keep your socialism north of the border, I do not believe in punishing successful people. I you don't like the drugs you must hate democrats who allow them to come in through our porous border. Democrats do not believe in anything but tyranny so spare me
The vast majority of drugs that come into the country do not come through the “ porous border”. They come in trucks and cars through standard border crossings
So nothing then. Got it. :thup:
Yes, he is, and I posted his theory. Seems pretty disenchanted with his colleagues, don't you think?
No you didn' said:

"It's easier, there are few if any responsibilities, it's far more suited to the republican mentality of "no" on everything. It requires less thought and effort, it's good for fundraising, they really don't want to govern anyway."

So, since he is a Republican, and saying yes, that undermines your demafacsit fantasy and false narrative.

It's far easier, and there are few if any responsibilities, when you can be a dembot and lie
Should we fix the crippling structural finance problems the federal government faces?
Should we patch holes in a shoddy barely functional medical system?
Should we reform government agencies who violate civil rights?
As if either party addresses those issues when in control. No wonder you are called "Moroner".
GAHAHAH! Do you practice this same kind of spending in your own finances? No? You'd rather have a balanced checkbook? OK, Then let's force the US to live within its means. That means:
No more social welfare programs
Putting the Dollar back on the Gold Standard, where it belongs
Ditching the Federal Reserve
And that's just for starters.

In other words, you want to destroy the world's economy.

Your suggestions border on Idiotic.

First, people's personal finances have NOTHING in common with the finances of the U.S. Government, and suggesting that the U.S. government finances be run like a household's finances is moronic.

Second, all government assistance programs exist to compensate for the inherent unfairness of the capitalist system. If they were shut down, there would be an economic and humanitarian disaster. When the private sector can guarantee everyone a job, at a living wage and reasonable benefits, then those programs can be shut down.

Third, there is absolutely no real precious value to gold that makes it such a special commodity. It's good for jewelry, pressing coin, decorations and electrical contacts. It's only valued because historically Kings and emperors had gold as a left over from mining operations. People assumed that it was the gold that made kings powerful, but it was the other metals - used for making tools, weapons and armor - that were what really made the Kings powerful.

The Romans used to say: "A thing is worth what it will get". Having the dollar not backed by one commodity, means that the total value of all dollars is equal to the total value of all productive work done in the U.S.

The Federal reserve is the fourth (or fifth) central bank since the U.S. was created. All the others were shut down which resulted in massive economic depressions. Only the creations of new central banks restored the economy. What we need is more control over the Federal Reserve by the three branches of government, and more control of all banks by the Federal reserve.
No you didn' said:

"It's easier, there are few if any responsibilities, it's far more suited to the republican mentality of "no" on everything. It requires less thought and effort, it's good for fundraising, they really don't want to govern anyway."

So, since he is a Republican, and saying yes, that undermines your demafacsit fantasy and false narrative.

It's far easier, and there are few if any responsibilities, when you can be a dembot and lie
Dude, read the god damned OP for once in your miserable fucking life.

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