“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him, Enrique Tells All

You sound paranoid or something, bro. How did the Proud Boys "attack" the US government? You have Chinese and Russian hackers out there every day trying to shut down your entire country, and you're worried about a small group of militia wannabes "attacking" your precious little democracy?

You have millions of illegal aliens crossing the border, some of which are known terrorists who would love nothing less that to blow you and your entire family into a million pieces, and you're more worried about some dudes who like to dress up an military gear and play army?

You have a fucking idiot in the White House whose moronic policies have unleashed a war in Eastern Europe, which any minute now could result in a Russian nuclear missile landing right in your back yard and incinerating everything within a mile of where you once existed.

Get a fucking grip, dude. You really have some pathetic, chickenshit priorities. :auiqs.jpg:

"your precious little democracy?"

You speak the truth. The only reason it hasn't gone hot by now is that most radical leftists only have enough ammunition for a very brief firefight. A couple hundred rounds wouldn't last much longer than a few minutes during any kind of a skirmish, and most of us are sitting on far bigger stashes of ammo. Most of us had the sense to stock up on it back when it was cheap.
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
Suborning perjury is a crime. There is no reason not to believe this man. I mean what else can they do to him? We have never seen a political purge like this. This man was framed.
He told us that the prosecutors in the Department of Justice attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate President Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

If democrats or you cared about the facts, this wouldn't be an issue, would it? 2 unnecessary impeachments and 4 indictments over naught, NOTHING. Its clear that this is election tampering, what Dems have done to Trump is unprecedented. With NO proof or evidence just this trash like post #1. Biden abandoned Afghanistan like an moron, hires more idiots over nonsense that harms us all. Biden has gotten money from foreign powers for god knows what. No explanation. Biden gave Ukraine millions of OUR money and ignores Us. BIDEN DID this. Americans are suffering, taxpayers, and Dems give countless $ to foreigners instead. I am done with democrats.
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I've deleted almost 30 posts from this thread and thread banned two people. Stick to the thread topic and stop talking about each other
They had evidence and had to show it in court. A jury agreed. It's the exact opposite of a "Stalinist" government.

Railing against our judicial system, calling it fraudulent based solely on the word of One Man, THAT'S a Stalinist government.
Not when the jury is told to agree.

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