These folks give human beings a bad name.

Bullypulpit said:
Actually, to be associated in the same sentence with Sweet William is an insult I find quite offensive.

As for hatred of Dubbyuh, I sorry to disappoint you, but Dubbyuh is not worthy of hatred. I expend on him the same emotional capital I would expend on scraping something nasty off of my shoe, as in very little, with just a bit of disgust.

As for twisting logic to make it fit a pre-concieved conclusion...You have me confused with a Republican. :)

No, he doesnt have you confused for a Republican he has you nailed as the hate monger bigot you are.
Merlin1047 said:
Both are guilty of inverse logic. Instead of assessing facts to arrive at a conclusion, they pervert often out of context information and push and pull it in a dogged effort to force this information to support their flawed and pre-conceived conclusions. Conclusions that they are either unable or unwilling to modify or abandon no matter how many facts may dispute their opinion.

This is exactly what many have criticized the Bush Administration for vis-a-vis Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Instead of drawing conclusions based on facts, they appeared to have searched for intelligence in order to justify policy, not the other way around. From day one it was apparent to Bush's (er, Cheney's) staff that Iraq was going to be a number 1 priority. The day after 9/11 O'niell said that Bush told him, "Saddam, Iraq find the connection." This statement is most certainly emblematic of the type of policy-driven tunnel vision you called the paradigm by which Bully/William live their lives. It is symptomatic of unethical policy-making and dishonest rhetoric.

What's that phenomenon that you hate in others what you hate in yourself...
nakedemperor said:
I know...I thought the humor was self-evident enough for the quote to be a humorous response to Bully...too subtle I guess.

Considering the great number of other Bush quote posts you have made, no it is not self evident.
nakedemperor said:
I'm not trying to dodge! It was a legitimately failed attempt at humor! Ack! Become a liberal and there goes all your humoristic credibility. Then again..Jon Stewart's just about the funniest man alive...

I'll give you a goody then.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Considering the great number of other Bush quote posts you have made, no it is not self evident.

Not in the slightest. More like something thrown out in all seriousness (and meant to be taken as such) until you got busted on it. Then, it's, "Whatsa matter guys - can't you take a joke?"
nakedemperor said:
This is exactly what many have criticized the Bush Administration for vis-a-vis Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Instead of drawing conclusions based on facts, they appeared to have searched for intelligence in order to justify policy, not the other way around. From day one it was apparent to Bush's (er, Cheney's) staff that Iraq was going to be a number 1 priority. The day after 9/11 O'niell said that Bush told him, "Saddam, Iraq find the connection." This statement is most certainly emblematic of the type of policy-driven tunnel vision you called the paradigm by which Bully/William live their lives. It is symptomatic of unethical policy-making and dishonest rhetoric.

What's that phenomenon that you hate in others what you hate in yourself...

Guess you're applying for membership in the tunnel vision club yourself. Talk about reaching. I could go over (again) the number of UN resolutions Saddam violated, his constant attacks on our pilots patrolling the no-fly zones, his repeated violations of the cease-fire agreement, his repeated interference with weapons inspectors, but what would be the point? It is obvious that you are not interested in the facts. Like many leftists you cherry-pick your facts. You cite those few which suit your purpose and ignore the many which do not. You continue to cling to discredited and disreputable sources for support.

Take a look around you, in your desperation you have allied yourselves with the likes of Micheal Moore - a pathetic hack whose pitiful and dishonest efforts have been lauded by anti-American interests both at home and abroad. Look at the voter base to which the Democrats must pander to remain in power. Democrats must seek out the laziest and most ignorant element in our society and dupe these people into believing that Democrats and big government will better their condition. The Democratic party and their supporters have degenerated into petty, vicious little gnomes whose only vision for the country is to defeat George Bush. And you care nothing for the damage you do to the country in your lemming-like rush to achieve that goal.

It is puzzling how allegedly intelligent people will voraciously devour the propoganda spewed by the likes of McAuliffe, kerry, Kennedy, Dean and other icons of liberal stupidity, while resolutely ignoring any and all objective factual data presented. How can anyone listen to the effete and ignorant statements spewing from the mouth of Teresa Heinz-kerry without developing an overwhelming urge to vomit? Yet somehow you hold that woman up as a fount of wisdom. Unbelievable. I can only surmise that you remain intentionally ignorant in a desperate effort to continue to support the Democratic candidate. Because you know that if you ever opened your eyes, ears and most importantly, your mind, you would find that you've been pursuing an illusion.

And I'm not sure WHAT they call that "phenomenon that you hate in others what you hate in yourself". Why don't you explain it to me? I bet if you look hard enough you'll find that it exists much closer to home than you're willing to admit.
gop_jeff said:
DK, I disagree. If this were "close to a theocracy":

  1. Abortion would be illegal, except in very rare cases.
  2. The Pledge of Allegiance case would not have seen the light of day.
  3. The Ten Commandments would not be removed from public property all over the US.
  4. States (not the federal government) would be allowed to declare official state religions - almost all of which would be Protestant denominations.

I could go on. But it is clear that we are not living in any type of theocratic-like society. What is happening, though, is that Christians are concerned about their religious rights being eroded in the name of political correctness and tolerance, and they are standing with one voice in the political arena to make their opinions heard.
With the exception of your last point, the others are coming closer to reality. Tell me that when/if the republican party gains unstoppable (meaning enough seats to stop or overrule the democrats) power in the house and senate that we'll have roe v wade overturned, an amendment to prohibit burning the flag, under god will most certainly remain in the pledge of allegiance as if it were always there, and that church, faith, and religion won't be pushed as a cornerstone of american influence and good old fashioned morals and values.
Avatar4321 said:
No, he doesnt have you confused for a Republican he has you nailed as the hate monger bigot you are.

Ooooh! Gosh...I bow before your infinite wisdom and omniscience. Not bloody likely.

If loathing Dubbyuh is bigotry, then so be it. I will not, however accept the mantle of "hate-monger".

Having examined his political and business history since it became obvious he was going to be the Republican nominee for the presidency, I came to my views about him based upon the available evidence, which was plentiful and independently verified from numerous sources. I took nothing on faith, unlike so many of his supporters. His record of failures in both the political and business arena are legion. His failures and miscalculations as POTUS will lead this country, and the world, down a path towards conflict and strife we need not tread. If you really beleive him to be the saviour of the free world...You're entitled to that belief. But when the shit intersects with the fan blade...I won't say "I told you so..."
Bullypulpit said:
Ooooh! Gosh...I bow before your infinite wisdom and omniscience. Not bloody likely.

If loathing Dubbyuh is bigotry, then so be it. I will not, however accept the mantle of "hate-monger".

Having examined his political and business history since it became obvious he was going to be the Republican nominee for the presidency, I came to my views about him based upon the available evidence, which was plentiful and independently verified from numerous sources. I took nothing on faith, unlike so many of his supporters. His record of failures in both the political and business arena are legion. His failures and miscalculations as POTUS will lead this country, and the world, down a path towards conflict and strife we need not tread. If you really beleive him to be the saviour of the free world...You're entitled to that belief. But when the shit intersects with the fan blade...I won't say "I told you so..."

I think you are alittle confused. Loathing Bush is hardly the extent of your bigotry. you are a religious bigot.

We were attacked, he had two choices. do nothing and hope we dont get attacked again or fight back. Im sorry you seem to have a problem with him fighting back against those who want us dead. but id rather have conflict and strife then do nothing and wait to be killed. You guys havent figured out that it isnt a choice between war and peace but between war and something worse.
Merlin1047 said:
Guess you're applying for membership in the tunnel vision club yourself. Talk about reaching. I could go over (again) the number of UN resolutions Saddam violated, his constant attacks on our pilots patrolling the no-fly zones, his repeated violations of the cease-fire agreement, his repeated interference with weapons inspectors, but what would be the point? It is obvious that you are not interested in the facts. Like many leftists you cherry-pick your facts. You cite those few which suit your purpose and ignore the many which do not. You continue to cling to discredited and disreputable sources for support.

Take a look around you, in your desperation you have allied yourselves with the likes of Micheal Moore - a pathetic hack whose pitiful and dishonest efforts have been lauded by anti-American interests both at home and abroad. Look at the voter base to which the Democrats must pander to remain in power. Democrats must seek out the laziest and most ignorant element in our society and dupe these people into believing that Democrats and big government will better their condition. The Democratic party and their supporters have degenerated into petty, vicious little gnomes whose only vision for the country is to defeat George Bush. And you care nothing for the damage you do to the country in your lemming-like rush to achieve that goal.

It is puzzling how allegedly intelligent people will voraciously devour the propoganda spewed by the likes of McAuliffe, kerry, Kennedy, Dean and other icons of liberal stupidity, while resolutely ignoring any and all objective factual data presented. How can anyone listen to the effete and ignorant statements spewing from the mouth of Teresa Heinz-kerry without developing an overwhelming urge to vomit? Yet somehow you hold that woman up as a fount of wisdom. Unbelievable. I can only surmise that you remain intentionally ignorant in a desperate effort to continue to support the Democratic candidate. Because you know that if you ever opened your eyes, ears and most importantly, your mind, you would find that you've been pursuing an illusion.

And I'm not sure WHAT they call that "phenomenon that you hate in others what you hate in yourself". Why don't you explain it to me? I bet if you look hard enough you'll find that it exists much closer to home than you're willing to admit.

I agree with a lot of what you said, however, I don't count myself among those who ally themselves with Michael Moore-- he is an activist, a ranter, and an artist, and as such, his views are one-sided, subjective, and subject to creative license. I am a liberal, but not a radical liberal, and I think as you get to know me better you'll know that I don't support the views of Moore.

And as to Iraq-- all the reasons you listed for going to war are all the reasons that I would have gone to war gladly to support. The U.N. is a wonderful NOTION, but if it renders itself impotent and irrelevant it is just that. A good idea. I would have been fully in support of a war to stop and to punish genocide in the North of Iraq as following through on U.N. resolutions such as crimes against humanity. Same goes to the impeded efforts of U.N. weapon inspectors-- open the doors and lift the blinds or the door's going to be kicked in. Then again, I never said these weren't perfectly legitimate reasons to invade Iraq, I've said all along I was in support of the war in Iraq, but not happy about the embellishments of the administration concerning WMDs and al Qaeda. They really didn't need to go that far to make their case, I would have been sold merely in lieu of the U.N. violations.

As to Theresa Heinz Kerry-- not a very eloquent or subtle woman. An extraordinairally generous philanthropist, but definitely not one cut out for public speaking. Then again, I don't support her or her frequent inane statements, and I'm not sure why you chose to accuse me of it.

As to hating in others what you hate in yourself, I was poking fun at Bully for the analogous tunnel vision.

I don't think I was justly lumped in with MM supporters, Theresa Kerry fans, and strict anti-war leftists. But that happens a lot on this board-- if you're overly critical of Bush and think the country could do better, people immediatley make assumptions about you. I've been guilty of the same kind of assumptions about liberals and conservatives alike, and I'm trying to get to know everyone well enough to be able to put their comments in a personal idealogical context. Work in progrss :bye1:
Avatar4321 said:
I think you are alittle confused. Loathing Bush is hardly the extent of your bigotry. you are a religious bigot.

We were attacked, he had two choices. do nothing and hope we dont get attacked again or fight back. Im sorry you seem to have a problem with him fighting back against those who want us dead. but id rather have conflict and strife then do nothing and wait to be killed. You guys havent figured out that it isnt a choice between war and peace but between war and something worse.

No problem with fighting back...<B>AS LONG AS IT'S THE RIGHT TARGET!</B> Or are you really so ignorant as to continue to believe the discredited allegations of a President of dubious cognitive faculties?

Now, where do you get the idea that I'm a religous bigot?
Sir Evil said:
Bully, you are still here? :laugh: OK, I will be dumb enough to bit so enlighten us with the right target!

Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Afghanistan...Not to mention the conditions that breed terrorists. As it stands now, Al Qaeda has reconstituted in even more amorphous and harder to track cells. The Taliban are making a resurgence in southern Afghanistan, and terrorist attacks around the world have nearly doubled in the two years since Dubbyuh lauched his dirty little war. All of this, thanks to the short-attention-span president.
Bullypulpit said:
Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Afghanistan...Not to mention the conditions that breed terrorists. As it stands now, Al Qaeda has reconstituted in even more amorphous and harder to track cells. The Taliban are making a resurgence in southern Afghanistan, and terrorist attacks around the world have nearly doubled in the two years since Dubbyuh lauched his dirty little war. All of this, thanks to the short-attention-span president.

Bully, I've been listening to you for nearly a year. If I've heard you correctly, most of your vehemence is directed to Bush's drinking problems and you supposition of loss of brain cells? Now earlier today, I saw you say that you didn't make up your mind on president in 2000 until you heard something that 'decided it for you' more or less-not a direct quote by any means.

The DUI came out at the very last minute of the campaign, by LAT same as the 'accusations against Arnold and women abuse' by the same paper. So you changed your mind in 2000? You were a GOP guy til you heard that?
Bullypulpit said:
...As it stands now, Al Qaeda has reconstituted in even more amorphous and harder to track cells. The Taliban are making a resurgence in southern Afghanistan, and terrorist attacks around the world have nearly doubled in the two years since Dubbyuh lauched his dirty little war...
Hey Bully...Every beat a wasp nest?
Same thing happening here..they come from everywhere. Nothing new.
Cept now their in one place where ya can kill em all.
Mr. P said:
Hey Bully...Every beat a wasp nest?
Same thing happening here..they come from everywhere. Nothing new.
Cept now their in one place where ya can kill em all.

I'm copy-pasting this from a thread of Kathianne's that never got any attention, but I think it bears repeating in this situation..

Anyone ever seen the HBO documentary Death in Gaza? Its pretty frightening-- it shows the martyr culture of Palestine and how quickly hatred and willingness to devote oneself to Jihad. As soon as one martyr is killed, his 15 cousins seem to join the cause and pick up the banner. I seriously hope this isn't the case in Iraq, or else we're in for a major mess.

Is anyone aware of the similarities/differences between Palestinian hatred of Israel and the Iraqi militants' hatred of the U.S. and its 'puppet government'? On the news recently I heard that Iraqi civilians blame U.S. troops who respond to a suicide bombing or mortar attack, etc, rather than the actual perpetrators. This seems more or less akin to the general stance in Palestine. I really really hope levelheadedness prevails and the general population doesn't sink into this perception of their liberators, but I really have no sense of how its playing out-- anyone know if Ms. Ammanpour (sp?) has done any human life stories in Baghdad recently? =P

P.S. this is genuine curiosity, not feigned pessimism. See the avatar
Bullypulpit said:
No problem with fighting back...<B>AS LONG AS IT'S THE RIGHT TARGET!</B> Or are you really so ignorant as to continue to believe the discredited allegations of a President of dubious cognitive faculties?

Now, where do you get the idea that I'm a religous bigot?

Ive read you have written.

Anyone who supports terror is the right target. when we invade Great Britian or Austrailia maybe youd have a reason to complain.
nakedemperor said:
I'm copy-pasting this from a thread of Kathianne's that never got any attention, but I think it bears repeating in this situation..

Anyone ever seen the HBO documentary Death in Gaza? Its pretty frightening-- it shows the martyr culture of Palestine and how quickly hatred and willingness to devote oneself to Jihad. As soon as one martyr is killed, his 15 cousins seem to join the cause and pick up the banner. I seriously hope this isn't the case in Iraq, or else we're in for a major mess.

I watched Death in Gaza a few weeks ago. I found the fact that adult Jihadi's were so willing to use children in their fight to be most disturbing of all. I understand the need to start them young in order to keep the movement going, but to put the life of a child in danger instead of doing their own dirty work is the worst sin I can think of.

Did you notice the two cousins carrying around gun powder (I think that's what it was) in a bag and making bombs?? Cute or what.
nakedemperor said:
I'm copy-pasting this from a thread of Kathianne's that never got any attention, but I think it bears repeating in this situation..

Anyone ever seen the HBO documentary Death in Gaza? Its pretty frightening-- it shows the martyr culture of Palestine and how quickly hatred and willingness to devote oneself to Jihad. As soon as one martyr is killed, his 15 cousins seem to join the cause and pick up the banner. I seriously hope this isn't the case in Iraq, or else we're in for a major mess.

Is anyone aware of the similarities/differences between Palestinian hatred of Israel and the Iraqi militants' hatred of the U.S. and its 'puppet government'? On the news recently I heard that Iraqi civilians blame U.S. troops who respond to a suicide bombing or mortar attack, etc, rather than the actual perpetrators. This seems more or less akin to the general stance in Palestine. I really really hope levelheadedness prevails and the general population doesn't sink into this perception of their liberators, but I really have no sense of how its playing out-- anyone know if Ms. Ammanpour (sp?) has done any human life stories in Baghdad recently? =P

P.S. this is genuine curiosity, not feigned pessimism. See the avatar

Not that I'm not honored, that you claim to be using something I've forgotten, but do you have a link? Maybe I missed it, but I've run back and no luck.

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