These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.
Lookit who's accusing others of being brainwashed! :auiqs.jpg:

There's no "climate collapse" Chicken Little...

Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Ha ha, never mind that the Brazilian Rain forest was far, far smaller NATURALLY during the last Glaciation phase, yet "climate effects" (another made up phrase) was never "irreversible or devastating.
You forgot the forests in North American east of the Mississippi River ... much bigger and more important to climate change than Indonesia ... a squirrel can travel from New Orleans to Boston without ever touching the ground ... any clearing of that land is sure to destroy the environment ...

Ah ... yes ... we've already cleared all that land ... so instead of advocating we re-plant these forests in the United States, we're going to yell at poor impoverished third-world nations to re-plant theirs ... I think that's more correctly called hypocrisy rather than brainwashing ... and go visit Redwood Country in California, see what a real tree looks like ...
Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Ignorant: lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing.

So, berg, let's see where all that "climate" money is going. Let's listen to the ones that distribute that money. The U.N.:

Ottmar Edenhofer, “…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth...”

Former U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (Wirth now heads the U.N. Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to help underdeveloped countries fight climate change.)

Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

...former President Jacques Chirac of France explained why the IPCC’s climate initiative supported a key Western European Kyoto Protocol objective: “For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.”

They have been trying to push this down our throats for years. They have finally found a society that is ignorant enough to buy into it and allow us be sucked dry monetarily by this bullshit.

YOU are the ignorant. YOU are the brainwashed.
If you don't believe that, then reread until you have achieved understanding, and have freed yourself from the illusion that climate change has anything to do with climate. It is the UN stealing our money and handing it out to whoever wants some.

In Their Own Words: Climate Alarmists Debunk Their 'Science'
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Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Trees only temporarily sink carbon. They are not a solution on a climate scale.
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Trees only temporarily sink carbon. They are not a solution on a climate scale.

And the wait continues for some actual empirical evidence that supports the claim that CO2 has any measurable effect on the global climate....You are talking solutions to problems that don't exist....
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Go crowdfund some tree farms. No one is stopping you. YOu can feel good about it, and wear a t-shirt to signal your virtue.
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Trees only temporarily sink carbon. They are not a solution on a climate scale.

And the wait continues for some actual empirical evidence that supports the claim that CO2 has any measurable effect on the global climate....You are talking solutions to problems that don't exist....

Actually I am talking about something that would not be a solution thus the part that says "They are not a solution..."
Actually I am talking about something that would not be a solution thus the part that says "They are not a solution..."

That's the confusing part ... a forest planted today would take 1,000 years to sequester it's full CO2 amount ... two or three generations to build up the forest floor duff ...

I think you're mistaken that when a tree dies, all the carbon in it simply oxidizes back into carbon dioxide ... that's not true, many many forms of microbes rely on finding reduced carbon in the environment ... and a dead tree is an excellent source ... and something that's eaten remains in the biology, and not the atmosphere ... wood decays, it doesn't evaporate ... I wish this bogus myth would disappear, re-planting crop lands back into forests is great way to mitigate global warming ...

Alternately, trees are milled into building material ... so this carbon is carefully protected from decay and oxidation for hundreds more years ... and after we raze the building, the debris is buried in a landfill ... or it should be, burning buildings produce terrible toxins and should be avoided at all costs ...

We like to talk about the CO2 component of AGW Theory ... but there's more to the theory, including deforestation ...
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.
....I don't care about the climate--get an airconditioner--DUH
Climate change idiots threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.
Actually I am talking about something that would not be a solution thus the part that says "They are not a solution..."

That's the confusing part ... a forest planted today would take 1,000 years to sequester it's full CO2 amount ... two or three generations to build up the forest floor duff ...

I think you're mistaken that when a tree dies, all the carbon in it simply oxidizes back into carbon dioxide ... that's not true, many many forms of microbes rely on finding reduced carbon in the environment ... and a dead tree is an excellent source ... and something that's eaten remains in the biology, and not the atmosphere ... wood decays, it doesn't evaporate ... I wish this bogus myth would disappear, re-planting crop lands back into forests is great way to mitigate global warming ...

Alternately, trees are milled into building material ... so this carbon is carefully protected from decay and oxidation for hundreds more years ... and after we raze the building, the debris is buried in a landfill ... or it should be, burning buildings produce terrible toxins and should be avoided at all costs ...

We like to talk about the CO2 component of AGW Theory ... but there's more to the theory, including deforestation ...

And when whatever eats your carbon dies, it releases the carbon :bang3:
Actually I am talking about something that would not be a solution thus the part that says "They are not a solution..."

That's the confusing part ... a forest planted today would take 1,000 years to sequester it's full CO2 amount ... two or three generations to build up the forest floor duff ...

I think you're mistaken that when a tree dies, all the carbon in it simply oxidizes back into carbon dioxide ... that's not true, many many forms of microbes rely on finding reduced carbon in the environment ... and a dead tree is an excellent source ... and something that's eaten remains in the biology, and not the atmosphere ... wood decays, it doesn't evaporate ... I wish this bogus myth would disappear, re-planting crop lands back into forests is great way to mitigate global warming ...

Alternately, trees are milled into building material ... so this carbon is carefully protected from decay and oxidation for hundreds more years ... and after we raze the building, the debris is buried in a landfill ... or it should be, burning buildings produce terrible toxins and should be avoided at all costs ...

We like to talk about the CO2 component of AGW Theory ... but there's more to the theory, including deforestation ...

And when whatever eats your carbon dies, it releases the carbon :bang3:

It's call the food chain ... or ecological web ... this is high school biology ... flatlanders can go visit old forests as well ...
Reduced carbon is a precious resource in the environment, it's not wasted ...
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Trees only temporarily sink carbon. They are not a solution on a climate scale.

And the wait continues for some actual empirical evidence that supports the claim that CO2 has any measurable effect on the global climate....You are talking solutions to problems that don't exist....

Actually I am talking about something that would not be a solution thus the part that says "They are not a solution..."

The point is that there is no empirical evidence which suggests that CO2 has anything whatsoever to do with global climate beyond following temperature changes to some degree.
Dozens of countries have extraordinary tropical forests, but three stand out: Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These countries not only have the largest areas of tropical forest within their borders, they also have the highest rates of deforestation.

We traveled to protected areas deep inside these countries to learn the superpowers of three tree species that play an unusually important part in staving off environmental disaster, not just locally, but globally. These trees play many ecological roles, but most impressive is how they produce rainfall, remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and support hundreds of other species.

If these ecosystems collapse, the climate effects are likely to be irreversible. And so what happens to these forests truly affects all life on Earth.

These 3 supertrees can protect us from climate collapse

Climate change deniers threaten the future of mankind....................but they're too ignorant and brainwashed to know it.

Trees only temporarily sink carbon. They are not a solution on a climate scale.

We should bury all our paper waste instead of recycling it...…….
Turn paper waste under ... the toxic inks are being replaced so paper is safe in the soil ... it adds to the organic content, improves friability and holds water longer ... the best foods come from the best soils ...

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