Climate change predictions from 20 years ago, How accurate were they?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Seems they were pretty much spot on

What the models correctly told us 20 years ago is that if we continued to add fossil fuels at an increasing rate to the atmosphere, we'd see an increasing range of consequences, including a decline in Arctic sea ice, a rise in sea levels and shifts in precipitation patterns,"

Climate change predictions 2020: Carbon dioxide, weather disasters
Carbon Dioxide

Since the early 1990s, the carbon dioxide level in the Earth's atmosphere has jumped from about 358 parts per million to nearly 412 ppm, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. That’s a 15% rise in 27 years.
Temperatures have been declining the past few years ... whereas carbon dioxide is still increasing ... strange ...

Sea ice loss is good for transportation ... sea level rise is trivial ... what precipitation patterns are changing? ... (the link in the OP is behind a pay-wall, you'll have to copy/paste the information here) ...
Seems they were pretty much spot on

What the models correctly told us 20 years ago is that if we continued to add fossil fuels at an increasing rate to the atmosphere, we'd see an increasing range of consequences, including a decline in Arctic sea ice, a rise in sea levels and shifts in precipitation patterns,"

Climate change predictions 2020: Carbon dioxide, weather disasters
How come the ever increasing hurricanes after Katrina and having to create a category 6 are not mentioned? Much of the coast is supposed to be underwater. Oops. Not mentioned. Famines? Oops, skipped.
Temperatures have been declining the past few years ... whereas carbon dioxide is still increasing ... strange ...

Sea ice loss is good for transportation ... sea level rise is trivial ... what precipitation patterns are changing? ... (the link in the OP is behind a pay-wall, you'll have to copy/paste the information here) ...
The retarded leftwingers believe weather is supposed to be the same every year.
The climate predictions were more or less on point. As a matter of fact they underestimated the speed at which anthropogenic climate change would take place.
The climate predictions were more or less on point. As a matter of fact they underestimated the speed at which anthropogenic climate change would take place.
They were all wrong.

Seems they were pretty much spot on

What the models correctly told us 20 years ago is that if we continued to add fossil fuels at an increasing rate to the atmosphere, we'd see an increasing range of consequences, including a decline in Arctic sea ice, a rise in sea levels and shifts in precipitation patterns,"

Climate change predictions 2020: Carbon dioxide, weather disasters
How come the ever increasing hurricanes after Katrina and having to create a category 6 are not mentioned? Much of the coast is supposed to be underwater. Oops. Not mentioned. Famines? Oops, skipped.
Hurricanes are getting more frequent and higher categories
Famine is rampant in Africa
Seems they were pretty much spot on
Yep. The models turned out to be more accurate than scientists expected.
Do you global warming Chicken Littles ever stop lying?
Yes, cry us a river, bripat. Why are you surprised that an uneducated slob like yourself knows less about this topic than scientists? You should expect that.
I just posted the irrefutable evidence that you're wrong, moron.
Seems they were pretty much spot on

What the models correctly told us 20 years ago is that if we continued to add fossil fuels at an increasing rate to the atmosphere, we'd see an increasing range of consequences, including a decline in Arctic sea ice, a rise in sea levels and shifts in precipitation patterns,"

Climate change predictions 2020: Carbon dioxide, weather disasters
How come the ever increasing hurricanes after Katrina and having to create a category 6 are not mentioned? Much of the coast is supposed to be underwater. Oops. Not mentioned. Famines? Oops, skipped.
Hurricanes are getting more frequent and higher categories
Famine is rampant in Africa
both claims are bullshit.
Run 1,000 models a 1,000 times each ... yeah, just random chance will give a few accurate results ... statistics at it's finest ...

The test is to input data from 100 years ago and see if the models accurately and reliably predict today's climate ... having failed that, why should we expect these same models to give accurate results 100 years from now? ... and don't forget, computers from 20 years ago were primitive by today's standards ...
Hurricanes are getting more frequent and higher categories
Famine is rampant in Africa

Wrong ... there's absolutely no data that shows increasing hurricane frequency or intensity ... mainly because we don't have enough data ...

Famine in Africa is usually attributed to the spread of rinderpest ... glad to know disease never causes human misery anymore ... thank you Alarmists ...
Run 1,000 models a 1,000 times each ... yeah, just random chance will give a few accurate results ... statistics at it's finest ...

The test is to input data from 100 years ago and see if the models accurately and reliably predict today's climate ... having failed that, why should we expect these same models to give accurate results 100 years from now? ... and don't forget, computers from 20 years ago were primitive by today's standards ...
What a reach

Anything to deny climate change

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