These 2 Recent Stories Prove Biden Is A Racist


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"More than 6,000 Haitians and other migrants have been removed from an encampment at a Texas border town, U.S. officials said Monday as they defended a strong response that included immediately expelling migrants -- Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued a stark warning:
“If you come to the United States illegally, you will be returned. Your journey will not succeed, and you will be endangering your life and your family’s life.”

"You will be endangering you and your family's life"?? -- the Biden admin just literally threatened the life of these people at the border... It is bad enough that the Biden admin literally has government forces on horseback chasing down and whipping black folks like the Democrat slave catchers of old; but they turn around and have the nerve to defend it?? Can you imagine being proud of and defending these draconian border control measures?? What's next? Are they gonna put up electrified fences on the border with a moat full of alligators?? This is indisputable proof that the Democrats are the racist party.

And then when you consider how the Biden admin ordered the murder of innocent civilians in Afghanistan -- it is clear this is possibly the most racist and murderous administration in history with the exception of the Obama admin.....

"The Pentagon retreated from its defense of a drone strike that killed multiple civilians in Afghanistan last month, announcing Friday that an internal review revealed that only civilians were killed in the attack, not an Islamic State extremist as first believed."

When Obama started this whole drone strike program; the amount of innocent civilians he murdered (including Americans) numbered in the 10's of wasn't until he left office that we ended the drone program and started valuing the lives of civilians -- if drones were used, they were only used against terrorists....but as soon as Biden gets in office, he ramps up drone strikes and the murders of innocent civilians increases 7000% and the media and Dems say nothing because the people who are killed are not white...if this isn't racist, I don't know what is.....Conservatives have been the only voice consistently fighting against the Pentagon, the defense contractors, the whole military industrial complex.
Mmmm, you failed to prove Joe is a racist.

A non-racist could've done those things and a non-racist did.
His views on race are well documented. On segregation and busing, let's say he was not on the PC side of the issues. As a young teen I remember him being interviewed on those subjects on T.V. .

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