There were 300,000 Government Ghost Soldiers in Afghanistan

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

According to this piece from RT, the reason why Afghanistan was taken by the Taliban so quickly.
Makes perfect sense so read all about it.
Of course the "force" didn't exist. The same thing happened in Iraq. We pretended to have this force in place but in reality it didn't exist. We used the excuse that "they just went home". They were already at home.

It's hard to tell where all the billions spend in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc actually went.

According to this piece from RT, the reason why Afghanistan was taken by the Taliban so quickly.
Makes perfect sense so read all about it.

RT is a propaganda website put out by Putin and the Russian military. RT's goal is to harm America and America's allies.

Can you find the story on Fox News? Fox News has real reporters, real editors, etc.
pknopp Sadly, this is just the latest example of how our "foreign aid" money goes to fill the pockets of corrupt foreign leaders or fund terrorism efforts. This is not a DEM or GOP problem. It is the failure of our government to demand accountability for how every dollar of our donated tax money is spent and has been going on for decades.

RT is a propaganda website put out by Putin and the Russian military. RT's goal is to harm America and America's allies.
RT is very pro-Trump but it is a propaganda site, as are many US news outlets.
Can you find the story on Fox News? Fox News has real reporters, real editors, etc.
It would appear on Fox if it could be spun into damaging Biden. They might try but Trump would need to take responsibility for developments over the 4 years of his term.

Would the US government have been aware of the money going to the enemy? Or into the pockets of US military leaders?
I just thought it would be of interest to some on this forum.
RT is very pro-Trump but it is a propaganda site, as are many US news outlets.

It would appear on Fox if it could be spun into damaging Biden. They might try but Trump would need to take responsibility for developments over the 4 years of his term.

Would the US government have been aware of the money going to the enemy? Or into the pockets of US military leaders?
I just thought it would be of interest to some on this forum.

Ghost soldiers - Wikipedia

Ghost soldiers or ghost battalions are names appearing on military rolls, but who are not actually in military service, generally in order to divert part of the soldiers' salaries to an influential local entity such as army officers or others.

Soldiers may equally benefit from the corruptionscheme by returning to their civilian occupation and routine while gaining marginal income. The practice, however, weakens the military and makes it susceptible to military offensives and major defeats when leaders ignore availabl…
pknopp Sadly, this is just the latest example of how our "foreign aid" money goes to fill the pockets of corrupt foreign leaders or fund terrorism efforts. This is not a DEM or GOP problem. It is the failure of our government to demand accountability for how every dollar of our donated tax money is spent and has been going on for decades.
No....this is deliberate.
Gen Miley told Trump before he left office that it was cheaper to leave all of those weapons behind.
Trump said he wanted every bullet back in the US so our enemies can't use them against us.
Miley disagreed....and carried out his ridiculous plan....$85 billion worth of it left well had hundreds of American families left at the mercy of our enemies.
Ghost soldiers - Wikipedia

Ghost soldiers or ghost battalions are names appearing on military rolls, but who are not actually in military service, generally in order to divert part of the soldiers' salaries to an influential local entity such as army officers or others.

Soldiers may equally benefit from the corruptionscheme by returning to their civilian occupation and routine while gaining marginal income. The practice, however, weakens the military and makes it susceptible to military offensives and major defeats when leaders ignore availabl…
Interesting Surada, and helps explain what it's all about for the more challenged.
The question is, was most of the money going to Taliban and war lords' pockets or was it going to US military pockets?

And then the question on which president will take the heat? RTnews won't raise any questions or issues that could be damaging to Trump, but how could the issue not fell into Trump's 4 years?
No....this is deliberate.
Gen Miley told Trump before he left office that it was cheaper to leave all of those weapons behind.
Trump said he wanted every bullet back in the US so our enemies can't use them against us.
Miley disagreed....and carried out his ridiculous plan....$85 billion worth of it left well had hundreds of American families left at the mercy of our enemies.

Trump didn't take any weapons when he reduced troops from 13,000 to 2500.
pknopp Sadly, this is just the latest example of how our "foreign aid" money goes to fill the pockets of corrupt foreign leaders or fund terrorism efforts. This is not a DEM or GOP problem. It is the failure of our government to demand accountability for how every dollar of our donated tax money is spent and has been going on for decades.

Absolutely. This is not a partisan issue. Other than partisans will only vote to re-elect those who do this.
No....this is deliberate.
Gen Miley told Trump before he left office that it was cheaper to leave all of those weapons behind.
Trump said he wanted every bullet back in the US so our enemies can't use them against us.
Miley disagreed....and carried out his ridiculous plan....$85 billion worth of it left well had hundreds of American families left at the mercy of our enemies.

Always some one else's fault.
Well.....motherfucker.....Trump isn't president and hasn't been since you folks conducted your coup on Jan 6th....and Miley oversaw the pullout in Afghanistan in August.
So who's God Damned fault is it?

Fault? Pulling out of Afghanistan is the best thing this country has done in years.
No....this is deliberate.
Gen Miley told Trump before he left office that it was cheaper to leave all of those weapons behind.
Trump said he wanted every bullet back in the US so our enemies can't use them against us.
Miley disagreed....and carried out his ridiculous plan....$85 billion worth of it left well had hundreds of American families left at the mercy of our enemies.
Damn that Trump..
Well.....motherfucker.....Trump isn't president and hasn't been since you folks conducted your coup on Jan 6th....and Miley oversaw the pullout in Afghanistan in August.
So who's God Damned fault is it?
Trump was president when he signed away the country and he was president when they withdrew 90% of the troops but you keep on telling yerself he had not a damn thing to do with it.
Trump was president when he signed away the country and he was president when they withdrew 90% of the troops but you keep on telling yerself he had not a damn thing to do with it.

I might have voted for him if he would have pulled 100%.
Fault? Pulling out of Afghanistan is the best thing this country has done in years.
Yeah.....sure......the problem is how you pull out.
Just leaving everything and everyone behind in a mad rush to get out of the country is just one more example why Democrats cannot be trusted to run this country.
They are totally incompetent......which means they cannot plan anything other than a criminal conspiracy to commit a crime.
When I was in the Army you had two options....either you do it the easy way or you do it the right way.
DemocratS figure they don't have to bother to do it the right way.
They figure they can count on their media friends to bail them out every time they screw up.
They spend so much time trying to mislead us and lie to us they don't know how to do what is best for the country anymore.
They do what looks good on surface whether the results are disastrous or not.
That's why everyone is saying FUCK JOE BIDEN....LET'S GO BRANDON!!!!
Trump didn't take any weapons when he reduced troops from 13,000 to 2500.
Every soldier had to take his own weapons with him on the plane. How do I know this?
I've redeployed to CONUS too many times to count.
I know how it works.
The only thing we left behind was our bullets and the vehicles that units that were re-leaving us needed.
But since there weren't going to be any follow-up units....they were supposed to pack everything up and ship it back stateside.
That traitor Gen Miley chose not to do it according to SOP. Now the Chinese and the Iranians are reverse engineering all of our equipment.....thanks to that fat fuck.
Every soldier had to take his own weapons with him on the plane. How do I know this?
I've redeployed to CONUS too many times to count.
I know how it works.
The only thing we left behind was our bullets and the vehicles that units that were re-leaving us needed.
But since there weren't going to be any follow-up units....they were supposed to pack everything up and ship it back stateside.

Are there any OTHER kinds of weapons the soldiers didn't take home on the plane?
Are there any OTHER kinds of weapons the soldiers didn't take home on the plane?
Every bit of sensitive equipment had to go with them back stateside and put back in the armory.
Anything that had a serial number on it...including radios, crypto, and night-vision goggles.
The only reason they left anything behind is because their chain of command was ordered to leave it behind.

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