There Is No Such Thing as Nuclear Waste

We're NEVER going to get nuclear power under this current administration. Obama has been opposed to it for decades--the only time he is for it is in front of the media camera's--to keep his sheep herd in the flock.

There was not one single penny in any of these enormous spending bills that would have promoted nuclear energy.

Instead Obama chooses to bankrupt the coal & gas industry--"without a plan" for alternative types of energy. It's all a bunch of BULL. Every single time someone proposes solar or wind generation there is a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT--& A WACCO ENVIORMENTALIST standing there to block every single effort to get it done.
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We're NEVER going to get nuclear power under this current administration. Obama has been opposed to it for decades--the only time he is for it is in front of the media camera's--to keep his sheep herd in the flock.

There was not one single penny in any of these enormous spending bills that would have promoted nuclear energy.

Instead Obama chooses to bankrupt the coal & gas industry--"without a plan" for alternative types of energy. It's all a bunch of BULL. Every single time someone proposes solar or wind generation there is a LIBERAL DEMOCRAT--& A WACCO ENVIORMENTALIST standing there to block every single effort to get it done.

Obviously Obama's not going to propose more funding for nuclear power. Another question is if Congress sent a bill to Obama that contains funding for nuclear power, would he veto it?
Actually, I am not sure The Prophet is experienced enough to have opposed anything for decades, but I agree the point.

He seems to tightly adhere to whatever the Left tenants/expressed theologies are at any given time. The Congress and the feel-good energy solution crowd is where this needs to addressed which is why I find Feinstein's opposition to solar panels in the desert to be a good thing.
There Is No Such Thing as Nuclear Waste

Oh goodie, there isn't?

Then why don't YOU keep the stuff in your house?

I keep nuclear material in my house, so do you, if your smart, I even take some camping.

Someone said the grid will be powered by solar, wind, and geothermal, the producers of green admit in thier reports that the more green they go the less value there is in green. They dont speak of profit, its percieved value, and according to the EPRI report green is only good in "a niche market" where people percieve "value". Value being unrelated to the expensive. The report also states other forms of power will have to be taxed higher so that even more value in Green can be created. With the tax on other forms of energy the EPRI report also states that above a certain size the value diminishes. That is because "value" is what we percieve, solar panels from Los Angeles to Phoeniex will not have a percieved "value". It will take 26 solar farms (that is 26 of the worlds largest solar farms) to equal one nuclear site, 13 solar farms cover an area of 80 square miles. Solar is to replace coal and fossil energy, not nuke. Coal and fossil are 80% of our power, imagine a solar farm as big as the USA, as you look to the see, windmills as far and everywhere you look.

Bill Clinton shut down our last breeder reactor, breeders recycle nuclear fuel, they create more fuel than they use at the same time providing the same electricity as 40 of the worlds largest solar farms

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