There is NO EVIDENCE our elections have been tampered with.

Two months before the election OBAMA said this. Not Trump, not Russia. OBAMA

It’s difficult to tell which is more ridiculous – the moronic lies conservatives contrive and try to propagate, or that they think anyone would believe their moronic lies.

Only a liberal could blame conservatives for the words coming out of Obama's mouth.
BULLDOG, Mueller's job is to attack our democracy. Swamp rat Mueller leaks like a sieve so rest assured he has no info you do not have. If you do any objective research the DNC emails started this WITCH HUNT. The DNC emails showed the DNC, Crooked Hillary and the MSM colluded to attack our democracy. How Wikileaks got the emails is pretty obvious. A Sandisk.
BULLDOG, Mueller's job is to attack our democracy. Swamp rat Mueller leaks like a sieve so rest assured he has no info you do not have. If you do any objective research the DNC emails started this WITCH HUNT. The DNC emails showed the DNC, Crooked Hillary and the MSM colluded to attack our democracy. How Wikileaks got the emails is pretty obvious. A Sandisk.

Interesting post, but you forgot to mention the DEEP STATE------------just sayin.
Not true.


Fake News is not tampering with the election process. Just because Russian Trolls ran articles like " 20 million Amish would vote for Trump " and some believed it is still not tampering.

Now if you can find where the Russians actually changed votes that favored Trump in key Swing States like Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin then you might have something but Tabloid Fake News or Onion Fake News is not tampering and if someone believed the fake news then what does that tell you about society today and their inability to research and make sire what they are reading is true and not fake?

Clinton lost because:

1. She fail to carry key Swing States like those I listed because of Jill Stein.

2. Many years of inverstigations by Republicans going as far back as the 1990's.

3. The mistreatment of the DNC toward Sanders.

Also before you argue the Wikileaks content the fact remains what was leaked was never proven to be inaccurate and many heads rolled over it.

So in the end Russian Trolls did little to sway the public voter and remember Clinton won the National Popular vote ( with California help ) while losing the vote that counted ( electoral college ).

So if you want to blame someone, well blame Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders for Clinton failure to secure the Electoral College...

Brain. Newspapers. TV. Radio. Magazines. Brain.

Citing your own brain as evidence that you're correct about anything is comically ironic. Like an unintentional, self-contained quip. It's a shame you probably can't appreciate the joke.

Are you saying you don't trust your own mind? S'tragic. Really.

I don't trust it to the degree that I would cite my perception as proof of reality, no. That's a destructive level of self-assurance. That's the kind of faith in your own intellect that convinces people that it's okay to murder millions in the name of ideologies. No, I'm proud to say that I don't believe my intellect is infallible. Neither should you.
Russians penetrated our voting machines - according to cyber security reporter with The New York Times and other experts. But much more than that - Russians influenced voters' minds with their conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, and propaganda bots. They were almost as terrorizing as Fox News.
According to the Washington post article I just read, they said that there was some targeting of the voter registration systems but that there was no evidence of any tampering of voting machines.

Futhermore, all of the reports say that the hackers did not alter any votes. At worst, they may have changed or deleted some voter registration, and ran an influence campaign.

Here's the problem with an influence campaign, most people are biased toward one candidate or another, or, they are biased against the opposing candidate. In the grand scheme, there are probably very few "on the fence" voters. Likely the influence campaign had little effect.

The left wants to keep peddling this story to make people believe that the Russians hacked our system and changed votes to make Trump win, which, every report out there says that that is not what happened.

Beyond all of that, even if the worst were true and they did hack votes, there still has not been any evidence that trump was involved. The investigation is still ongoing.

Instead of running with this narrative, why don't we see if any credible evidence comes up, and if it does, then people can throw accusations around. Right now, it's just people chasing their tail, and nobody knows for sure exactly what happened.
Russians penetrated our voting machines - according to cyber security reporter with The New York Times

Fake News! Voting machines were not tampered with by hackers since they are not on the internet!

Russians influenced voters' minds with their conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, and propaganda bots. They were almost as terrorizing as Fox News.

Fake News! What is true however is the Fake News MSM and the democrats conspired to attack our democracy by giving Crooked Hillary questions for debates before the debates, rigging the democrat primary, presenting fake polls, etc., stuff you already know but are in denial about!

Don't you ever get embarrassed with such stupidity? Several sources, federal/state/private, have clearly stated that Russians did in fact penetrate various voting machines - but found no evidence that they changed votes. It was believed to be a trial run.
"Russians penetrated multiple states' voter registration rolls in the 2016 presidential election, the head of cybersecurity at the Department of Homeland Security told NBC News on Wednesday.

Of the 21 states targeted by Russians in the election, several were successfully penetrated, said Jeanette Manfra, in an exclusive interview with NBC.

U.S. officials have said there is no evidence that any states' voter registration rolls were tampered with or at all altered by the foreign intrusions"

This is a quote taken directly from the first article you posted, in which it states that nothing was tampered with. Also, nowhere does it say voting machines were hacked, only the online voter database. There are a couple articles that speculate saying "if the voting machines were hacked...", but none of them say the machines were actually hacked.
Word of random guy on right-wing forum board


Every single US Intelligence Agency

Hmm ... think I'll believe the second one.

Didn't listen to the Obama vid in the OP didya?? Was Obama CLUELESS or what?

This wasn't long before the voting occurred. If you partisan believe the election was compromised, you are on your own with a conspiracy theory. Because NO Intel agency or respected leader INCLUDING OBAMA was concerned or aware of threats to actually CHANGE the results of an election. MEDDLE?? Of course. But not to change the outcome...

Voting machines in 25 states were compromised by Russians. No one is sure if any votes were changed but your dementia is not unlike Trump’s.
Where is the story that says the voting machines were hacked? All the articles i have seen say voter database rolls were hacked, and that nothing was tampered with, but I've not seen one that says voting machines were hacked.
Word of random guy on right-wing forum board


Every single US Intelligence Agency

Hmm ... think I'll believe the second one.

Didn't listen to the Obama vid in the OP didya?? Was Obama CLUELESS or what?

This wasn't long before the voting occurred. If you partisan believe the election was compromised, you are on your own with a conspiracy theory. Because NO Intel agency or respected leader INCLUDING OBAMA was concerned or aware of threats to actually CHANGE the results of an election. MEDDLE?? Of course. But not to change the outcome...

Voting machines in 25 states were compromised by Russians. No one is sure if any votes were changed but your dementia is not unlike Trump’s.
Where is the story that says the voting machines were hacked? All the articles i have seen say voter database rolls were hacked, and that nothing was tampered with, but I've not seen one that says voting machines were hacked.

Then you have not been paying as close attention as you believe you have.

If Voting Machines Were Hacked, Would Anyone Know?

A recently leaked National Security Agency report on Russian hacking attempts has heightened concerns. According to the report, Russian intelligence services broke into an election software vendor's computer system and used the information it gained to send 122 election officials fake emails infected with malicious software. Bloomberg News reported Tuesday that Russia might have attempted to hack into election systems in up to 39 states.

While it's unclear if any of the recipients took the bait in the email attack, University of Michigan computer scientist Alex Halderman says it's just the kind of phishing campaign someone would launch if they wanted to manipulate votes.
Word of random guy on right-wing forum board


Every single US Intelligence Agency

Hmm ... think I'll believe the second one.

Didn't listen to the Obama vid in the OP didya?? Was Obama CLUELESS or what?

This wasn't long before the voting occurred. If you partisan believe the election was compromised, you are on your own with a conspiracy theory. Because NO Intel agency or respected leader INCLUDING OBAMA was concerned or aware of threats to actually CHANGE the results of an election. MEDDLE?? Of course. But not to change the outcome...


Changing the result and tampering in the election are not necessarily the same things.
Two months before the election OBAMA said this. Not Trump, not Russia. OBAMA
Depends on what we're using as a definition of "tampering".

If we're talking about the use of various media and media tactics in an attempt to influence opinion, I don't think there's any doubt about that. If we're talking about successfully tapping into our electoral/voting infrastructure and actually affecting votes and vote totals, that's a different story. That's the scary one.

Since there's so much noise and bullshit surrounding this story (as usual), I haven't seen proof that they got their hands on our infrastructure. Yet.
Russians penetrated our voting machines - according to cyber security reporter with The New York Times and other experts. But much more than that - Russians influenced voters' minds with their conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, and propaganda bots. They were almost as terrorizing as Fox News.
According to the Washington post article I just read, they said that there was some targeting of the voter registration systems but that there was no evidence of any tampering of voting machines.

Futhermore, all of the reports say that the hackers did not alter any votes. At worst, they may have changed or deleted some voter registration, and ran an influence campaign.

Here's the problem with an influence campaign, most people are biased toward one candidate or another, or, they are biased against the opposing candidate. In the grand scheme, there are probably very few "on the fence" voters. Likely the influence campaign had little effect.

The left wants to keep peddling this story to make people believe that the Russians hacked our system and changed votes to make Trump win, which, every report out there says that that is not what happened.

Beyond all of that, even if the worst were true and they did hack votes, there still has not been any evidence that trump was involved. The investigation is still ongoing.

Instead of running with this narrative, why don't we see if any credible evidence comes up, and if it does, then people can throw accusations around. Right now, it's just people chasing their tail, and nobody knows for sure exactly what happened.

I don’t believe that Russian meddling changed the results of the election.

But there is no doubt that the Russians were actively meddling in our election.

That anyone is arguing that they weren’t is pretty ridiculous, given what we now know.
Russians penetrated our voting machines - according to cyber security reporter with The New York Times

Fake News! Voting machines were not tampered with by hackers since they are not on the internet!

Russians influenced voters' minds with their conspiracy theories, fake news, lies, and propaganda bots. They were almost as terrorizing as Fox News.

Fake News! What is true however is the Fake News MSM and the democrats conspired to attack our democracy by giving Crooked Hillary questions for debates before the debates, rigging the democrat primary, presenting fake polls, etc., stuff you already know but are in denial about!

Don't you ever get embarrassed with such stupidity? Several sources, federal/state/private, have clearly stated that Russians did in fact penetrate various voting machines - but found no evidence that they changed votes. It was believed to be a trial run.
You don't read well, do you?

Note the enlarged parts.

The only successful hack was voter registration rolls. Do you understand that registration rolls are NOT voting machines?

When they say that Russia attempted to hack voter systems, what does that mean to you? Does it mean they hacked the system, or that they tried and failed?

Finally, the same intelligence resources that are conveniently not named, are the same ones that said that not a single vote was changed by Russia.

Dismissed you fucking nutjob.

Two months before the election OBAMA said this. Not Trump, not Russia. OBAMA

Bob Mueller says otherwise, which is why 13 Russians were recently indicted.

And I'm going to believe Mueller before I believe your dishonest, unsophisticated Repug goober ass.

/----/ Oh great, so when are these mystical 13 Russians going to be hauled in front of Muller and compelled to testify? (You realize of course if President Rump said there were 13 Russians who colluded with Hillary about uranium, you libtards would be rolling on the floor laughing your ass off. )

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