There is a moral responsibility to provide for the unfortunate

Helping the sick, old, lame, is inherent in Christianity.
Should this tenet of Christianity be forced upon others?

I never said it should! Charity freely given is a virtue. Charity taken by force is theft.

I mentioned this before. At the on ramp to the freeway is a young man begging. He is holding a sign. The sign says "Beg or steal. It's your choice". This is the morality and virtue of the left.
"Using the force of government to either enforce your morality or to punish the perceived immorality of others is disingenuous and dangerous and is an immoral act itself."

So, what is ignoring the needlessly suffering? Not immoral? Not dangerous?

It is certainly not the perview of government to steal from some in order to provide for others. When government takes from some, they remove the means that the individual may have intended to used to voluntarily alleviate the suffering of others. Additionally, government has proven that it is a deficient arbiter when choosing the beneficiaries and administering programs.
Think so?

-How so?
-According to whom?
-Who are you to force everyone to act according to your version of morality?

Why is it that some people have to use a negative conotation to try for a positive result.?
If you are stating a position one does not need to lure the reader by a false premise.
"Using the force of government to either enforce your morality or to punish the perceived immorality of others is disingenuous and dangerous and is an immoral act itself."

So, what is ignoring the needlessly suffering? Not immoral? Not dangerous?

It is certainly not the perview of government to steal from some in order to provide for others. When government takes from some, they remove the means that the individual may have intended to used to voluntarily alleviate the suffering of others. Additionally, government has proven that it is a deficient arbiter when choosing the beneficiaries and administering programs.

So you think they steal by taxing you? What country can you live in, that is modern, that you will pay no tax?
"Need has been wholly replaced by want."

This is even more true of the consumer society in general.

Today, it is almost impossible to re-set priorities because desire trumps realistic proportions.

The advertising agencies have done their job well then.
Think so?

-How so?
-According to whom?
-Who are you to force everyone to act according to your version of morality?

Why is it that some people have to use a negative conotation to try for a positive result.?
If you are stating a position one does not need to lure the reader by a false premise.
You may answer the questions at yuour leisure, or ignore them.
Either way, they are legitimate regardless of the fact that you do not like the fact they were asked.
Think so?

-How so?
-According to whom?
-Who are you to force everyone to act according to your version of morality?

It is what Jesus would do.

Jesus approves of this message.
As christians we are called to a duty of works in love, hope, peace and forgiveness.
The government is acting in a christian fashion. They can reach out to more in need than charities and churches. yes there those that abuse the sytem, but you must get past the greed to help the need. Sure the sytem can be better, believe it or not Obama has made cutbacks on welfare entitlements to all but SNAP, even Obama has stated that his culture has a responsibility to be more responsible and to get the education provided to provide for oneself and their families.But it is a problem which exist in all cultures and all races. Many blacks have the attitude that the white man owes them for enslavement, but that era is over and those people must change their attitude.
Think so?

-How so?
-According to whom?
-Who are you to force everyone to act according to your version of morality?

Why is it that some people have to use a negative conotation to try for a positive result.?
If you are stating a position one does not need to lure the reader by a false premise.
You may answer the questions at yuour leisure, or ignore them.
Either way, they are legitimate regardless of the fact that you do not like the fact they were asked.

All I did was ask a question, in the spirit of the clean zone you should answer it with something more than a disgruntled omph.
Why is it that some people have to use a negative conotation to try for a positive result.?
If you are stating a position one does not need to lure the reader by a false premise.
You may answer the questions at yuour leisure, or ignore them.
Either way, they are legitimate regardless of the fact that you do not like the fact they were asked.
All I did was ask a question...
As did I. Your answers...?
"Helping the sick, old, lame, is inherent in Christianity."

"Should this tenet of Christianity be forced upon others?"

No, it should not be forced. It should be and is natural, to any compassionate person.

This was and is the answer.

Identify with it as you will.
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